Food and drinkBeverages

Kvasnoe wort - what is it?

Many housewives are able to cook homemade kvass, with great pleasure and enthusiasm - especially in the hot season - they are treated with this drink, perfectly satisfying thirst, home and guests. But not everyone knows, for example, how to prepare leavened wort. What is this product, what is its use, how to make it yourself? This will be discussed in our article.

Wort: what is it?

In fact, it is customary to call this term any aqueous solution from extracts or fermented substances of vegetable, fruit, berry, grain (malt) origin, used in brewing, winemaking, bakery. Thus, grape must is a raw material obtained by crushing and pressing mashes and grapes. Accordingly, a completely natural product, which is mainly made for the production of kvass (well, and some types of baking), is a leavened wort. What is this type of raw material? It is a viscous, gummy liquid in which the solids content reaches 70 percent. It has a brownish color and sweet and sour taste and contains a lot of usefulness: amino acids, vitamins, microelements.

How to make wort at home?

At the enterprises for the preparation of the corresponding product, malt rye fermented, malt barley not fermented and baking flour rye are used. The malts are mixed with purified water and subjected to thermal effects. During this time, the starch in the mixture is divided into sugar: fermentable and unfertilized. And then the concentrate is evaporated to 70% solids.

At home, of course, such equipment is not available. But you can quite make a good must for your future kvass. To do this, you need a tandem vat with a false bottom (in the form of a grid raised above the main bottom) and a crane for expressing the wort.

Must from the kvasniki

In order to prepare the leavened mash from malt loaf-kvassniki, pre-baked, rye and barley bread products (2-3 kg) are mixed with warm water in a thick mass. The dough is held for several hours. Then bake into malt loaves (can be in the oven or bread maker) - loaves or kvassniki. They are very fragrant, they have a sweet-sour taste and a blackish crust, which then gives kvas a distinctive color range. The kvassniki are cooled (they can also be dried and stored), broken into pieces, put into hot water and insisted in a vat to get thick kvasnoe wort (what is it, we have already found out). It turns out not only a dense and tasty, but also a useful product.

Homemade kvass from leavened wort is now easy to prepare. The resulting thick mixture is clarified by settling, adding yeast or old ferment, fermented according to standard technology and bottled.

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