LawRegulatory Compliance

Kinds of plans

The activity of each business entity includes the cumulative work of a number of intermediate links (departments, shops, people, etc.). In order for the production process to be most effective, and the functioning of all departments to be consistent, it is necessary to set a clear objective. This becomes possible when using a plan reflecting the organization's main goals. The compilation of forecast indicators is the basis of management policy. The most significant components of it are the elements of development, as well as the implementation of means that affect the production function.

There are different types of plans. According to the period of forecasting, there are:

1. Perspective or strategic plans. Their development reveals the future need for new types of a product, and also determines the strategy for selling goods in various consumer markets in the long-term (ten to fifteen years).

2. Current plans. These forecasts are developed in the context of the reporting year.

3. Plans of operational-production type. These projected values are used for more detailed refinement of current indicators. The time intervals that cover these types of plans are extremely short. This can be an hour and a shift, a decade and a month. For the management process, such a plan is the basis for the smooth functioning of the enterprise and the production of products. With the help of this forecast document, tasks are brought to their direct executors, which are workers. Operational and production planning includes components that reflect inter-shop, intra-shop, and shift-daily tasks.

Classification of forecasting can be carried out and on other characteristics. Types of plans vary by:

- content (socio-labor and technical-economic, investment-financial and technological-organizational, etc.);

- management level (factory and corporate, as well as firm);

- substantiating their methodology (directive and administrative, indicative and market);

- sector of application (individual and brigade, intra- and interdepartmental);

- development stages (final and preliminary);

- degrees of accuracy (refined and enlarged).

There are types of plans and the nature of compilation. They can be targeted or search engines. The first type of forecast development in the first order presupposes setting goals. Then determines the amount of resources needed to solve the problem. Planning using the predictive type of indicators is the complete opposite of the target method. Based on the existing number of factors of production, certain tasks are set for the functioning of the business entity.

Different types of business plans, compiled by firms, are developed according to specific rules. First of all, they take into account the goal set before the company. Classification of business plans is carried out according to the following types:

1. To attract investors. Such developments contain detailed characteristics of the company's activities and research in the field of marketing.

2. To obtain a loan. In such predictive developments, the enterprise's need for monetary resources should be justified, and significant benefits from their use should be indicated.

Modern economic conditions dictate the need for financial planning . Without solving this problem, it is impossible for an enterprise to produce effective actions in the market. Types of financial plans, the indicators of which are based on the volume of output of finished goods, the assortment list, as well as the cost of the product, are divided into:

- strategic;

- current;

- Operational.

The projected values indicated in these documents are an important basis for making managerial decisions at the enterprise.

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