Self improvementPsychology

Answers to the difficult question: "How do you cope with loneliness?"

The more technical opportunities of communication appear, the more people feel isolated from a society of their own at the level of emotions. Surface communication only deepens the feeling of anguish, rastravlivaemoe successful photos in social networks. Photos of other people. If you suddenly ask such a sufferer a question: "How do you cope with loneliness?" - you can suddenly see tears or another very emotional reaction. Is it possible to find a way out of a difficult situation?

The Curse of Unbelief

The most terrible thing in not being able to communicate is the person's belief that he is unable to build deep and serious relationships. The belief that all are worthy of love, except him. Roots, of course, come from childhood, but while a suffering person can not forgive his parents, he can not change the situation for the better. Do not try to change what has already been done, you can and should continue to live. And then to the tactless question: "How do you cope with loneliness?" - it will be possible to give an honest answer: "I'm not alone anymore."

Sympathy is natural

The first thing to remember: a warm and trusting relationship is not a high ideal, but a norm of human interaction. Perhaps you are just looking for the wrong people in a relationship, that is, the first step is to change the circle of communication. How to get rid of loneliness? Psychology advises to look for meetings with people of other types, not those that you are used to seeing around you. You will need new communication techniques, and they are well practiced in special training.

And what can I give?

The second step is to analyze your possible usefulness for other people. At the same time, not only professional knowledge is valued, but also the ability to listen, analyze, and forecast. Of course, you have to spend your time and think not only about yourself. But until you learn to invest something in communication, you will not succeed in becoming successful in communication. The feeling of loneliness and uselessness, often associated with loneliness, is not even associated with a lack of interaction, but with a lack of information of a certain kind (for your type of psyche). Therefore, you just need to remember what used to stimulate and stimulate your interest in life. And do not try to get compensation for the lack of information directly from people.

Perfect option

How do you cope with loneliness? The correct answer to this question: "I constantly look for new impressions, I analyze what is already available, try to guess common interests and expand my range of hobbies, so that I can talk on different topics." After all, friendship without need does not happen, no matter how we are tried to convince in the opposite adherents of unconditional love. Just such a friendly love does not eat material, but emotions. What is also a form of communication.

To the question: "How do you cope with loneliness?" - did not bring to tears, you need to work out your difficulties at the training or with a psychologist, look for kindred souls and learn to take care of your information needs yourself. Communication becomes more fruitful if two independent communicants participate in it. Do not despair, just believe that there are people better than those to which you are accustomed. And increase the likelihood of friendship with nice people through new acquaintances.

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