
Japanese quail: description of the breed, photo, breeding and content

Quails can be kept for eggs or meat. Both of these products have excellent taste qualities and are also very useful for health. But most often farmers breed this bird yet to receive eggs. There are many good breeds of this direction of productivity. японский перепел. However, the most popular among Russian farmers is the Japanese quail.

Description of the breed

These quails were withdrawn a long time ago, as already can be judged by their name, in Japan. Once they were bred in this country only as a decorative bird. However, later they were also started to contain eggs and meat. Both these products were considered delicacies in ancient Japan. этой птицы жители страны восходящего солнца все же делали на повышение их яйценоскости. But the main emphasis in the selection of this bird the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun still did to improve their egg production.

японский перепел (фото п ороды, представленные на странице, это подтверждают) очень напоминает своих диких сородичей. In appearance, the Japanese quail (photo and video presented on the page, this is confirmed) is very similar to its wild relatives. The color of the pen is patchy gray-black. In males, the breast is brown. In females, it is light gray. To the pedigree signs of Japanese quail also include:

  • An elongated trunk;
  • Short wings and tail.

The beak of the males of this breed is darker than that of the females.

The sex of these quails can be distinguished already from the age of 20 days. Oviposition starts at 1.5-2 months. In mature males, pink cloacal gland is clearly visible. Nesushki does not have it.

Performance Indicators

а япо нский перепел набирает очень небольшой. The body weight of the Japanese quail is very small. эту птицу на мясо абсолютно невыгодно. It is believed that keeping this bird for meat is absolutely unprofitable. The average weight of adult males is 110-120 g. Females of this breed weigh only about 135-150 g. The peculiarity of Japanese quails is that they gain weight very quickly in the first weeks of life. Then the development of birds in this respect is significantly slowed down.

Yaytsenoskost in Japanese quails is very high. For a year, one female can bring from 230 to 300 pieces. The size of the egg quails of this breed are not too large. Their weight is usually 6-9 grams. Some disadvantage of this breed is that the females are well ridden only in the first year of life. Later, the productivity indicators of the Japanese quail begin to decline in this respect. The bird of this breed rushes directly on the floor and usually at the same time of day. Therefore, the owners of quail should carefully monitor the cells. If the eggs are not cleaned in time, the bird can simply trample them.

Character of a bird

которых было дано выше, отличаются тем, что у них в стае ярко выражена иерархическая структура. The Japanese quail, the description of which was given above, differ in that they have a clearly defined hierarchical structure in the pack . Mainly in the poultry house is usually the largest and most prolific female. In some cases, it can show aggression to the relatives - drive away from the trough or drinkers. This should be taken into account when keeping the aviary method.

однако, очень пугливы. By nature, Japanese quail, however, is very timid. одержат представителей этой породы обычно только в клетках. Therefore, with the representatives of this breed will usually only in cells. At the same time, they try not to let outsiders or any domestic animals (including cats and dogs) into the poultry house.

Contents of Japanese quail: poultry room

In the dark, Japanese quail can not be kept. The room in which the cells will be installed should be sufficiently light. That is, in the poultry house necessarily provide for several windows. а японский перепел , к ак изначально лесн ая птиц а , не перенос и т. Устанавливать клетки рядом с окнами нельзя. However, too bright light and a Japanese quail , to ak originally a forest bird, but not a transfer , etc. You can not install cells near the windows. In addition, as already mentioned, Japanese quail is very timid. And therefore birds flying past the window can cause them great stress. As a result, the quail simply stops sweeping.

A light day for birds should be provided in 17-19 hours. Under this regime, some layers will lay even two eggs a day. At a longer daylight, the birds may develop aggression. Of course, the room for quail should be warm. Be sure to equip the house and ventilation.

What should cells be like?

Thus, these quails do not contain a floor method. Cages for this bird usually acquire multi-tiered. Quite suitable for Japanese quail as iron, and wooden "dwellings." The height of each cell should be about 20-25 cm. This will allow the bird to feel relatively free and exclude its trauma. If the cages for quails are purchased higher, their ceiling must necessarily be covered with something soft. The matter is that this bird at fright likes to sharply fly upwards "a candle" (can strongly damage a head).

The floor of each cell should be covered with straw. In the future, it must necessarily be changed at least once a day. Instead of straw, you can use hay or large sawdust. Feeders and drinkers are usually fixed to the door of the cage from the outside so that birds can easily reach them, sticking their heads between the rods. Inside these accessories are never installed. японский перепел просто обожа е т забираться в кормушки и поилки, разбрасывая еду и разливая воду. The fact is that the Japanese quail simply adores to get into feeders and drinkers, scattering food and pouring water.

Feeding regime

Food quail should be given correctly. Usually, farmers use one of two feeding regimes:

  1. "Full feeder." In this case, there is always food for quails. Farmers simply lay in the troughs the entire daily rate of feed at once.

  2. Twice a day. In this case, the quails are fed 2 times a day - at 9 am and at 4 o'clock in the evening.

The first method is usually used only when the farmer does not have a lot of time to feed the bird. малая трудозатратность. The plus of the "full feeder" technique is only a small amount of labor. But this method has a huge minus. With this method of feeding, the bird can easily heal. Perhaps, the meat will become more delicious. However, Japanese quails are bred, as already mentioned, mostly still for eggs. In this regard, the livened up bird productivity is usually very much reduced.

What to feed

предполагает, помимо всего прочего, разработку для них подходящего рациона. The breeding of Japanese quail involves, among other things, the development of a suitable diet for them. Very often this bird is fed in the same way as chickens. содержания добиться высоких показателей яйценоскости птицы будет невозможно. However, with such a method of content, it will be impossible to achieve high egg production rates. For quails it is necessary to develop a special diet.

It is best to use special industrial feed for them. In this case, you should only buy those that are designed specifically for feeding birds. Pork mixed fodder, for example, for quail is absolutely not suitable. The fact is that it contains a lot of salts. The accumulation of the latter in the body of a quail can easily lead to its death.

Best for quail are suitable mixed fodder PK-4 and PK-5 with corn. Before feeding the bird, the granules are soaked in the reverse, and then the grated vegetables and chopped greens are added to the swollen mixture.

Breeding and care of chickens

и перепела японской породы п олностью утратили. Maternal instinct in the process of selection and quail of the Japanese breed completely lost. They never sit on eggs. Therefore, chickens are hatched only in incubators. At the same time, the temperature regime is 37-38 ° C. The Japanese quail is hatching on the 18th day of incubation.

At first, the chicks are fed chopped quail eggs and cottage cheese (from the second day). You can also use the "Start" mixture for layers. When you feed home foods, the amount of cottage cheese within a week after hatching chicks in their diet is gradually increased, and chopped eggs - reduce. From the second week the chicks begin to give boiled fish, millet, grated carrots. After 3-4 weeks. The bird is transferred to an adult diet.

Instead of concluding

Thus, a good egg production and quite a beautiful appearance is what distinguishes the named birds. The breed of Japanese quail (a description of its species was presented in the article) looks like a wild fellow. Yes, and their character is almost the same. Therefore, with the content of Japanese quails, in the first place, we should pay maximum attention to excluding the possibility of traumatizing birds. And, of course, it is necessary to develop the most suitable full-fledged diet for pets.

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