Food and drinkDessert

Jam from a quince

Ave - the fruit is rather unattractive and not the most delicious. The taste of quince is a bit tart. But it contains many useful substances - pectins, salts of different metals, glucose and fructose. Sour quince is not liked by many. There is even an opinion that raw quince can harm the stomach. However, it is able to turn into excellent dishes, which also have good healing properties - jams, jams, compotes, jellies, candied fruits, various decoctions. This is explained by the fact that the sour, tart and firm flesh of this product, when it is brewed, changes its properties, becomes soft, sweet, pleasant to the taste.

Before you can make jam from quince, it is better to leave the fruits for a while, so that they become slightly ripe, softer and more fragrant. Another subtlety - you can not long cook quince, so it does not become "rubber". Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of trying quince jam . Recipes suggested below will help to prepare a tasty product, which can be an excellent dessert.

It is necessary to adhere to certain proportions to make a good quince preserves. The recipe for this product, in addition to the quince itself, may include other fruits. As, for example, in the preparation of jam from quince with lemon and nuts. This product is very delicious, almost dry - after all, all the liquid is absorbed into the fruits of quince. A kilogram of quince will have 500-800 grams of sugar, a glass of water, a lemon, a hundred grams of any nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, and a bag of vanillin. Before you can make jam from quince, each of the fruits must be washed, cut into four parts and remove the bones along with the seed boxes, then cut into slices. In the boiling sugar syrup pour out the quince, five minutes to cook. Then leave for 12 hours. The second time boil for 5 minutes and leave for 12 hours. Walnuts can be roughly broken up, but hard nuts (hazelnuts or almonds) should be crushed with a wooden hammer. Lemon can be simply cut into pieces or rub the zest and squeeze the juice of the lemon juice. Then chop the ground nuts and lemon into the boiled quince, then the last time to boil. Ready jam, rolled in cans, it is recommended to wrap in a blanket and hold it for two or three days. A special flavor is this jam quince. The recipe given above is suitable for creating a stock for the winter. But you can cook jam from quince in order to eat it in a few minutes.

Since you can cook quince jam quickly enough, you can always please your guests with the freshest product. Take two large fruits of quince, remove the skin, cut into 4 parts and take out the seed boxes. Do not throw away the core or peel. After boiling water, put the quince in a colander, five minutes, try to quince the quince, lifting and lowering the colander into the boiling water. Then dip the skin and the core of the fruit into this water, add the sugar, cook it for another five minutes. From the resulting syrup, remove all unnecessary so that only the liquid remains. In this syrup pour the pieces of quince and cook again for 10 minutes. Everything, the dish is ready. It remains to wait until it cools down, and serve the quince with quince. The recipe is simple, but the dessert is good.

Jam from quince is known for its delicate and exquisite taste. Especially if you add a little ginger to it. Take two large fruits of quince, peel them, cut into small pieces. Pour them into the pan, pour water. Cook for 10-15 minutes. While the pieces of quince are cooked, grate 8 g of ginger root and lemon zest. If you want to get a jam, wipe the cooked quince through a sieve. In the resulting mass, add grated zest, ginger and a pound of sugar. Next, the mixture boil on low heat for about half an hour. Jam from quince (or jam from it) with the addition of ginger has an exquisite, unrepeatable taste and long retains a pleasant aroma in the mouth.

Now that you know how to make jam from quince, you can safely experiment by adding unusual ingredients to it.

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