Health, Women Health
How useful is the mineral of selenium for a woman's body?
With the rapid flow of modern life, it is increasingly difficult for people to maintain the right balance of vitamins, minerals and minerals in the body. As a result, you need to be able to make the right daily diet and eat differently without giving preference to any specific products, otherwise you can get big health problems. Selenium for the body of a woman is an essential mineral, allowing to maintain health and beauty.
Characteristics of the microelement
Selenium is considered a microelement of longevity, which is due to its unusual properties. In the periodic table, Mendeleev is under the serial number 34, in the sixth column. It is a black non-metal, which under ordinary conditions does not react with oxygen, water or acids. In laboratories during the chemical reactions it dissolves in nitric acid (concentrated), as well as in alkaline solutions (when oxidized with them).
The mineral has the property of actively migrating in the biosphere. In the human body, it accumulates from thermal water, volcanic smoke and limestone rocks. That is why in places of ancient or modern volcanism the soil is most enriched with this mineral. Products grown on such soil will contain in their composition the selenium necessary for man, the benefit to the organism of which has been proved not by one study.
Why selenium is considered a mineral of longevity
Antioxidant properties of the mineral on the effects on the body are similar to vitamin E, it is due to this that these substances can replace each other in various physiological processes taking place in the body.
Antioxidant effects are manifested by neutralizing free radicals that disrupt the regenerative processes. Selenium is able to oxidize free radicals, supporting the health of the skin and the normal production of collagen for its elasticity. As a consequence, selenium for a woman's body is an essential trace element.
In addition, it affects the integrity of nucleic acids, ensuring the absence of gene mutations, storage and transmission of hereditary information. In no case can selenium starvation be performed for the body, as this can lead to a rapid biological aging of the organism, as well as a reduction in life expectancy.
Selenium: what is this micronutrient for the body?
In the human body, selenium concentrates in certain places (pancreas, bone marrow, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, legs and hair). The peculiarities of its location presuppose the principles of the action of the microelement on the organism:
- Provides increased immunity;
- Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases;
- Is a part of hormones, proteins and enzymes;
- Has a normalizing effect on metabolic processes, allowing the body to cope faster and easier with digestion of food and the breakdown of microelements;
- Helps prevent the development of malignant tumors in the body;
- Normalizes the work of the nervous system, increasing stress resistance;
- Reduces the content of toxic substances in the body (such as mercury, silver, lead and others);
- Normalizes the endocrine system;
- Regulates reproductive function in men due to the fact that it is part of the chemical composition of sperm ;
- Affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails, making them durable, elastic and healthy.
Selenium for the body of a woman is necessary for the normal course of all physiological and biological processes in the body.
Than Selenium Fasting Is Dangerous
In the case when selenium does not enter the body for a long time, metabolic processes slow down, overweight and the probability of obesity develop. In addition, with long selenium fasting can occur:
- Myocardial infarction;
- cardiac ischemia;
- Cancerous tumors;
- Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis;
- multiple sclerosis;
- bronchial asthma.
For an adult it is necessary to get a daily norm of selenium equal to 1 μg / 1 kg of weight. Pregnant and lactating women, athletes, smokers and people engaged in heavy physical labor, it is necessary to use more selenium. Benefits for the organism of this trace element is irreplaceable.
Symptoms of lack of selenium and overdose
With a lack of selenium, chronic fatigue develops in the body, a person quickly becomes fatigued, feels weak, visual acuity is lost, irritations, dermatitis, eczema appear on the skin, muscle soreness is sensed, and high cholesterol levels are found in the blood. This is only a small part of the symptoms, the rest can be identified only when carrying out laboratory tests.
When the body receives an excessive dose of a microelement, there is a garlic taste in the mouth, there may be attacks of nausea, psychoemotional disorders. This condition occurs when the daily intake is exceeded (approximately more than 5 mg).
Selenium for the body of a woman: contraindications and benefits
A powerful antioxidant selenium allows you to maintain the elasticity of the skin longer, especially this action is manifested in conjunction with the intake of vitamin E, which helps to quickly assimilate the microelement of longevity. Mineral selenium for the body is necessary to maintain the health of the hair, speeding up their natural growth. In the presence of dandruff, the microelement included in the composition will effectively neutralize this problem.
The use of selenium for the body of women is invaluable in the processes of losing weight. Its property to accelerate the metabolism positively affects the rate of cleavage of deferred fats, resulting in a complete diet in combination with physical exercises will give a faster result. The only contraindication to taking is an excessive dose of a microelement.
Effect of selenium on physiological processes
Selenium for the body of a woman is a fundamental mineral, ensuring the maintenance of natural attractiveness and beauty. During pregnancy, when a woman has a very unstable emotional background, selenium will allow to normalize the condition and provide the developing baby with all the necessary microelements and minerals.
Due to its beneficial effect selenium reduces the possibility of developing pathologies in the fetus, spontaneous miscarriage or fading of the fetus.
Women who consume enough of this micronutrient are less prone to viral and infectious diseases, since selenium increases the body's defenses, which is very important in the period of childbearing and lactation.
Why the balance of selenium in the body is important
To maintain good health and well-being, it is necessary to strictly observe the balance of this trace element in the body. Selenium, harm to the organism of which can manifest itself both from an overabundance, and from lack of a mineral, it is important to use in limited quantities, which will not exceed the permissible daily dose. But in this case, the trace element must be sufficient for the passage of important physiological and metabolic processes.
It should also be taken into account that the intake of alcohol and contraceptive pills, as well as smoking, significantly depletes selenium in the body. Therefore, you need to include in your diet as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, without subjecting them to processing. Only in this case the body will receive the necessary amount of mineral and properly function.
Which products contain selenium
Having dealt with the question of why selenium is needed in the body of a woman, it should be determined from which food products it can be obtained in the required quantity. Selenium is contained in:
- Seafood;
- Fish;
- Meat by-products;
- Liver;
- Cereals;
- Eggs;
- Mushrooms;
- Garlic;
- Sunflower seeds;
- Almonds;
- Vegetables and fruits.
Regularly eating these foods, it is easy to maintain the ideal balance of trace elements and minerals required for normal life. It is important to note that after heat treatment, the amount of trace elements in the product is reduced by half. Therefore, it is better to use most of the products in a fresh form, which will maximize the use of selenium for the woman's body. Reviews of synthetic trace element additives suggest that these drugs do not have the proper benefit for a person, and in some cases may even worsen the condition.
Effects of selenium on cardiovascular disease
Lack of selenium in the body is one of the main reasons why a person develops susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases. Scientists have found that people who eat enough of this micronutrient are 70% less likely to suffer from heart disease. In particular, selenium provides elimination of toxic substances (mercury, lead), the accumulation of which leads to the blockage of coronary vessels.
Thanks to maintaining the right balance of selenium in the body, you can be confident in your health. Knowing how useful selenium for the body, you can skillfully regulate your condition, using the right dose of mineral and consuming it from natural raw foods.
Effects of selenium on the thyroid gland
Selenium has the ability to produce glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that stimulates the production of thyroid hormone, which normalizes the endocrine system, supporting metabolism at the desired level and preventing the development of obesity.
In addition, glutathione peroxidase also has an anti-inflammatory effect. For this reason, in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, colitis, asthma and psoriasis, the diet should contain enough selenium. Properties for the organism of this microelement have a strong effect and in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
The effect of selenium on cancer tumors
This question is very controversial and is still being actively studied by all the luminaries of modern medicine. In the clinic of Dr. Atkins, taking selenium drugs is a priority in the prevention or therapy of cancer. However, his opinion that selenium-based supplements can reduce the incidence of cancer by 40% is not supported by most physicians and scientists, since selenium for the human body can be toxic.
In German laboratories, physicians concluded that selenium is highly toxic, whose additives, on the contrary, negatively affect human health. To renew the immune system and prevent mutation processes in cells that are capable of causing the development of cancerous tumors, it is necessary to consume foods containing natural selenium. The benefits and harm to the body of this mineral will in any case for a long time be studied by leading experts.
To maintain your health, you need to get a trace element with water and food, but you must definitely stop taking supplements and vitamins based on selenium, since its overabundance can lead to negative consequences.
How it interacts with selenium vitamins
For what the organism needs this mineral, it is easy to understand, but vitamins, in particular E and C, play an important role in the assimilation of the microelement by the organism. When interacting with them, the antioxidant action of selenium is most fully manifested, and, accordingly, the fight against aging and other problems is effective.
The correct balance of microelements and vitamins makes it possible to resist age-related changes in vision (in particular, it hinders the development of cataracts), improves the cardiovascular system (protects against stroke and heart attack, arthritis and various vascular injuries). That is why it is important to maintain selenium at a certain level.
Useful properties for the body, updating and supporting the immune system, allow you to resist dangerous diseases (AIDS, cancer, heart disease), so you need to carefully monitor your diet, in order to be able to correct it in time and fill the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins.
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