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How to salt tomatoes in cans for winter at home?

Why and how to salt tomatoes in cans? Perhaps, there is not a person in the world who does not like homemade pickles and marinades. There is nothing more tasty and appetizing than a salty red tomato with fried potatoes. There is such, though not quite an exquisite dish, - a great pleasure. In any winter holiday it is impossible to imagine a festive table without such yummy. Pickles serve as a decoration of the table in winter, and a wonderful addition to the menu. A pickle from such tomatoes in the morning after the celebration falls at the right time.

Everyone loves them very much, but not everyone knows how to salt tomatoes in cans at home. In this there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to follow some tips of fine housewives and stick to the cooking technology. It depends not only on the taste of the pickles, but also on the shelf life of the pickles. If you do everything right, then the quality of harvested salted tomatoes can please and the next year.

How to salt tomatoes in cans: preparation

The most important factor in this case is the sterility of the cans. In its absence, even if everything else is done correctly, you can after a while notice how the brine becomes cloudy. Moreover, a bank with conservation can wander, and all the work will go wrong. In order for this to happen, the jars and lids should be thoroughly washed, sterilized and put upside down (until completely dry) on a clean towel.

Meanwhile, you can prepare the ingredients that will be used for conservation. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly salt tomatoes. The most important thing is, of course, actually tomatoes. They should be red and moderately ripe, not very large. Large ones are more suitable for tomato juice. In order that in future the tomato is not cracked in the jar and well soaked with brine, it is necessary to pierce it in the area of the stalk with a needle. It will take some time, but the tomatoes will be even tastier. You will also need dill, horseradish, currant leaves, onions, garlic. This is all too carefully to wash and pour boiling water.

How to salt tomatoes for the winter: a recipe

In the already dry jar you need to put a dill umbrella, a piece of horseradish leaves, five currant leaves, a couple of cloves of garlic and a four-piece bulb onion. After that, tomatoes are packed in dense rows. Are you ready? Now all this is poured with boiling water and covered for 15 minutes. After the boiling water is poured into a saucepan, put on fire.

In the meantime, 5-6 peas of black pepper are thrown into the jar. In boiling water, which is drained from the jar, salt, sugar, bay leaves are added. Bring it all to a boil, turn it off and add vinegar there. For marinade well one three-liter jar will be needed:

- 3 tbsp. L. Salts;

- 8 tbsp. L. Sahara;

- 150 g of vinegar;

- 5 pieces. Bay leaves.

A pot with tomatoes is poured into the ready marinade. All this is rolled up with a special key and sent to the basement. Now the question of how to salt tomatoes in cans at home has been resolved. You can safely experiment. To stop on the most interesting recipe and to please the members of the household in the winter.

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