Food and drinkRecipes

How to prepare compote from strawberries and other berries and fruits

Summer time pleases us with a lot of berries and fruits. Huge consumption of drinks all year round: compotes, fruit drinks, juices, for which fresh or frozen fruits are taken. They are not only tasty, but also useful. Separately it is worth noting compote of strawberries, which is obtained though not as bright in color as, for example, cherry, but has a very fragrant and rich taste.

To prepare it, you need very little time and products, and as a result you get a delicious chilled drink that quenches thirst well. The number of ingredients depends on how many berries are available. So, for a handful of strawberries, only half a liter of water is enough. The main thing is that the liquid is not too much, since the drink can get tasteless. The same applies to sugar, it is put to taste, about two tablespoons per liter, but this amount can vary in any direction.

Before you prepare a compote of strawberries, the berries are washed and cleaned from the tails. They fall asleep in boiling water and boil for about 2 minutes. This time will be enough to get the drink the right flavor and taste. After that, sugar is put here. You can also add a pinch of citric acid to the drink , which will give it an easy sourness. The strawberry compote is cooled, filtered and served on the table.

You can diversify the taste of the drink by putting here various berries: black currant, gooseberry, raspberry, etc. It is best to take them in approximately equal proportions. Cherry gives the drink a bright, rich color and a little acid. It perfectly matches with strawberries, apples, pears. This berry is indispensable if the remaining ingredients that are taken into the drink are very sweet, so that the drink does not turn out to be too cloying.

You can prepare compote from strawberries for the winter. To do this, washed berries are put in prepared glass jars. They fill about a third. Separately, a syrup is prepared, for which a glass of sugar is taken per liter of water. Banks with strawberries are poured with boiling liquid and left for 5-7 minutes. After that, the syrup is drained, once again put on fire. The boiled liquid is poured over the jars, after which they are clogged and left to cool. If the billet is stored at room temperature, put a spoonful of citric acid on a liter of the drink.

There is the following recipe, how to prepare compote from strawberry, without using water. For this, the berries are added to enameled dishes and filled with sugar. It is taken in the proportion of 1 kg per 4 kg of fruit. The mass is left for 8 hours. After that, strawberries are laid out on cans, poured with juice, which stood out, and is sterilized for 10 minutes.

Quite an interesting and original taste has a compote of courgettes. In addition to this vegetable (about 300 grams), you need 2 apples, a handful of different dried fruits to taste (prunes, raisins and others), 5 glasses of water, 100 grams of sugar, cinnamon. In the hot water is put sugar, syrup is being prepared. It is filled with dried fruits, then sliced apples and zucchini. This dish is cooked until all ingredients are ready. Cinnamon is put to taste.

You can prepare compote from strawberries and apples, using the following recipe. The berries are washed, they are added to the dishes, where they will be prepared. Apples are also added here. The mixture is brought to a boil, it puts sugar to taste, lemon zest. It should be noted that the more berries and fruits, the more rich the taste. It is usually recommended to fill the container in which the dish will be prepared, a third of the fruits, then water is poured in. However, you can vary the proportions in any direction, depending on your preferences. This compote is made not only from fresh, but also from frozen fruits and berries.

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