Food and drinkSalads

How to prepare a salad of seaweed

People who are worried about their health prefer to eat only those foods that are rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. To such with full confidence can be attributed sea kale. It is the best source of nutrients. In addition, its use cleanses the body of harmful toxins. The easiest way to prepare it is a salad of sea kale. And since, this product can be called dietary, it is successfully used for weight loss. So, I'll tell you how to prepare salads with sea kale.

For starters, a dish that will appeal to fans of Korean cuisine. Take the dried sea kale (100-150 grams) and cut it into long strips. It's easy to do with scissors or a knife. Then it is necessary to rinse it very carefully under running water to wash away unnecessary debris. After that, put the cabbage in a container and pour cold water for about three minutes. This will be enough to make it slightly swollen. Next, drain the liquid and add seasonings. You can use the prepared seasoning for Korean carrots. Also add cedar oil, soy sauce and onions. Then grind a few cloves of garlic and pour it into the salad. If you want to give the salad a slight acidity, then at will you can pour in a little apple cider vinegar. We mix everything well and serve it to the table. Such a salad of sea kale is done quickly and simply.

Another recipe for a simple meal. If you use dried cabbage, then do not forget to pre-soak it in water. You can take canned cabbage, this will shorten the cooking time. Take a can of cabbage (200 grams) and put it in a salad bowl. Then we add half a can of sweet corn (100-150 grams). Then you need to finely chop the crab sticks (150 grams) and also add them to the salad. Pre-boil two chicken eggs and cut them into small cubes. We pour the eggs into the salad bowl. It only remains to add pepper and salt to taste. Then we fill the seaweed salad with the egg with any mayonnaise. It's very simple, especially if you take canned cabbage for cooking.

In order to cook a more delicious dish, you can use squid. They should be boiled in advance or taken canned, about 200 grams. We cut them with straws and put them into a salad bowl. Sea kale (150 grams) should also be cut into smaller pieces and added to squid. There we cut a fresh cucumber and boiled eggs. To make a salad of sea kale turned out beautiful, it's better if everything is cut into strips. Spices and salt can be added if desired. All together with mayonnaise or vegetable oil. The choice depends on your preferences. A quick but very tasty salad is ready.

To sea kale you can add any ingredients and prepare your own original dishes. Take the sea cabbage (200 grams) and connect it with the egg, cucumber and radish. Everything must be cut with any pieces. Then we tear a few leaves of lettuce and cut the greens. Add them to the rest of the ingredients. After this, you need to add a salad of sea kale with green onions, cut very finely, and passed through the garlic press. As a dressing, we use mayonnaise.

To make the salad more nutritious, you need to add boiled meat to it. Take for this beef (200 grams) and cut it into strips. We connect with sea kale (150 grams). There you also need to add a little sauerkraut, pickled cucumber, boiled egg and a little pickled cowberry. We put greens at will. All the salt and sprinkle with any pepper. Season the salad with mayonnaise.

As you can see, it's not difficult to make salad from sea kale. Ingredients used in such salads are always at hand. But simultaneously with the simplicity of cooking, this salad is distinguished by a large set of vitamins and nutrients.

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