Food and drinkCooking tips

How to melt honey? We learn!

There is an opinion that in no case can you heat honey, because this process leads to the loss of all its vitamins and beneficial qualities. Experienced beekeepers and specialists dealing with this natural product are sure that this is unnecessary fear. Let's find out how to properly melt honey. That all the useful properties of this sweetness remained intact and safe, you must observe certain conditions.


To begin with, the crystallization of natural bee honey is a natural process. Only in honeycombs it can be in the liquid state for many days and months, because the bees seal their honeycombs quite tightly. Therefore, when it crystallizes, it does not lose its vitamins and beneficial properties. But if you suddenly needed this product in liquid form, and you do not know how to melt the honey, then for starters you will need:

  • Mesh for cleaning dishes;
  • Glass or enameled mug;
  • Large and roomy pan.

A prepared mug is filled with honey just over half. Then fill the pan with clean water, put it on the gas and light the fire. When in the pan the water starts to boil and form a lot of steam, on its bottom you need to lower the net to clean the pots and put a mug filled with honey. You ask: "Why should the grid be lowered to the bottom?" So that the water between the bottom of the pan and the mug could move freely.

Melt honey

And now we will learn how to melt candied honey. Accessories for this process will need the same, only the water should be slightly smaller than the edge of the glass or enameled mug (about one and a half to two centimeters). Then we need to make the fire quieter, and somewhere in one minute we begin to stir the contents with a spoon.

We do this with an interval of about one minute two times. It will be better if the mug with honey is removed from the pan, so that it would be more convenient to interfere and at the same time to give it stability. After these manipulations it is necessary to stir it all the time, it is very important that the heating temperature is not more than 50-60 ° C.

If honey is not more than a year, then you will need only about ten minutes to melt it. After that, the liquid product is preferably cooled and placed in a glass jar, tightly closing the lid. Put it in a cool place. It is not recommended to melt the natural candied honey again. It is necessary to use it as soon as possible, otherwise it will not be as useful as before.

Melt honey in a microwave oven

Many gourmets and amateurs of natural bee labor exclusively in liquid form, but do not want to waste their precious time preparing water baths, they often ask how to melt honey in a microwave oven. In fact, it's a pretty simple way out.

Microwave, and in the people - microwave, very quickly, with the help of powerful waves can warm up any food or liquid in a matter of minutes. It's enough just to press the necessary buttons - and the process will start. But you must remember that honey loses all its properties at a heating temperature of over sixty degrees. Therefore, if it is possible in your microwave oven to reduce the power to an average value, then do it, otherwise you will end up with an absolutely useless product that will only be called "sweet amber".

And yet, how to melt the honey? After the power is reduced, take a container (preferably specifically designed for use in microwave ovens), put honey in it, put it on a special glass plate that is inside your oven, and put the necessary time on the buttons "+30" lightly. In order for it to become completely liquid, it takes only 30 seconds. But if the natural product is strongly candied, then one minute is enough.

Another variant

How to melt honey? There is still a good method. But this is suitable for those cases when "sweet amber" is not required urgently. And yet, put a jar or other container full of honey near the stove. After all, prepare a variety of dishes every day, several times. Therefore, the heat emanating from the gas stove will melt the contents of the can for several hours, days, weeks. It's up to you when and for what purposes it will be needed.


And now you have learned how to melt honey by various methods. Most importantly, do not forget about the temperature of heating and microwave power. You do not want to use it without nutrients?

To store the melted honey for a long time is impossible, so use it as soon as possible, for example, bake a cake or make an alcohol tincture. There are a lot of recipes using this natural product. But it is best to use it in the form in which it is intended to be, that is, firm. In this condition, he can stand in your banks for a very long time and at the same time save all his useful qualities.

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