Food and drink, Home brewery
How to make moonshine from apple juice at home
An excellent way of apple processing - especially for those who have an orchard, a plot or a private home is an orchard - is homemade brewing. Moonshine from apple juice is quite common, and even, you can say, a democratic drink. After all, fruits of different varieties are found everywhere, and when forcing out of them comes out an excellent fruit drink, or "home calvados."
By the way, some any moonshine from apple juice or apples unites together under the given name that is not absolutely correct, as the present calvados assumes special technology of aging in oak barrels, which saturate it with original and unique aroma and apple taste with shades of wood.
General Provisions
Recipes for the preparation of this drink are not particularly difficult, and most importantly - they practically do not require additional courtesy after qualitatively performed distillation: ennobling, removing odor. And all this is because of the pleasant and piquant aroma of fruit that moonshine has from apple juice or apples. And to get a mash can recommend and apples, and cake from processing, and unlighted juice.
Yes, by the way, it is best if the fruits are from different varieties, in this case in the final product there will be a special mixed bouquet and flavor from each of the varieties.
Moonshine from apple juice. Recipe
Make a home brew from the already ready-made juice is much easier than directly from whole fruits. Perhaps, therefore, those who have an abundance of apples in the garden, prefer to activate these methods. Juices can be used any: both natural, freshly squeezed, and past thermal preservation and cooking. It is noticed that from the natural juices (especially the so-called blend) the final product obtained will be the most fragrant and with a fully saturated taste. The choice of juice as raw material is actual, if you have a good juicer, and the volume of the harvest allows you to do the juicer.
What can I do at home?
Of this raw material, you just need to try to make a home-made calvados. And by the way, you can also procure the volume of natural products on the juice for future use as raw materials, then to make from it tinctures, experimenting with taste palette.
The basic method is rather simple: the juice with the pulp is diluted with sugar, yeast is introduced, then - the aging of the brew followed by its distillation. Possible and popular recipe for moonshine from apple juice, reminiscent of how the Georgian chacha ripens, but in this case, apples should be the sweetest, ripe, juicy. Fruits also need to be cleaned from seeds and take the most soft, but not rotten.
If you want to make home calvados in a kitchen environment, you should buy a barrel from oak, where the subsequent aging of the drink will take place. A normal and effective replacement of the keg is the use of oak chips that are frayed and loaded into a prepared container with the alcohol removed from the juice. The very process of insisting should be more than six months (and better - and a year). Of course, not every moonshiner will stand the time, and will definitely want to try. But for these purposes there is a way of making a faster, but less flavorful drink that only reminds Calvados. For this purpose, spices plus vanilla are taken in a certain amount.
Braga from apple juice for moonshine. Recipe
Braga, of course, the main and indispensable ingredient for cooking a good drink. The most simple and popular in the set of ingredients: for every five liters of juice, take a kilo of sugar and 20 grams of yeast pressed. Then you definitely wont ferment very quickly and it will be all right. But in this case, the taste of mating will be a bit "yeast". If you are not accustomed to hurry anywhere, if you do not like the taste of store yeast, then advice: instead of them we use lightly fermented raisins of ordinary grapes. On them live the culture of natural wine yeast, which is used for the preparation of wine. Just before the "leaven" you need to try not to wash raisins, in particular - do not pour boiling water, as some mistresses like to do, so that the microbes that are harmful are destroyed. From this procedure, all yeast can die, in braga - does not at all ferment.
Another recommendation
Sugar sand is best dissolved in a small amount of heated juice, and after mixing with the majority of the wort in a bowl for fermentation. The processes of making bergs in such a (bezdrozhzhevom) case will take longer than in the yeast recipe, and can reach even a month in duration. But the taste will become much thinner.
General Provisions
Braga from apple juice for moonshine is, of course, a product of fermentation. So, if there is at least a slight gas separation, the use of hydraulic locks is required. This is an indispensable condition to make moonshine from apple juice. In the process of fermentation, the mass does not require constant mixing, and the final alcoholic drink will not need filtration, clarification, additional efforts to improve taste. It will be enough just to separate the fermented juice from the yeast precipitated. And forcing home calvados is made according to the traditional scheme: separation of heads, tails. It is possible to overtake a second time, for additional purification of the product, but then some taste qualities may be lost.
So, first of all, to prepare the correct moonshine from apple juice at home, it is necessary to put a water seal on the container. It is done according to the traditional scheme.
It is necessary to stop the access of oxygen from the surrounding space, as this leads to the fact that the raw material does not wander, but it is sour. The water shutter is designed for the release of carbon dioxide, which is formed during fermentation, and prevents the contact of mash with open air. Of course, the necessary device can be bought in the store or ordered on the Internet. But not the fact that it will fit the size chosen for brewing. Therefore, many people prefer to make a water seal with their own hands.
The most popular among the people can safely be called a device, converted from a dropper, bought in a pharmacy. In order to make such a device, you need to cut off the plastic tube from the dropper, and the container with a future mug in it is sealed tightly. In the center of the lid, make a hole corresponding to the diameter of the tube and, inserting one end there, it is tightly insulated. And the second end of the tube to withdraw, for example, in a glass of water (to restrict air access). During the fermentation, the system will produce characteristic "bullets", indicating that the process is on schedule. As soon as these signals cease, it tells us that the brew is ready, and it's time to drive out and moonshine!
From home apple wine
Preparation of moonshine from apple juice - the process is not too time consuming. But you can simplify it even more by using a ready-made "bunch" - a young wine made from apples. The drink is converted into a brew itself, usually in those cases when it "did not turn out," that is, it does not satisfy certain taste qualities, but it's still a pity to pour out such kindness. Usually such wine, due to improper application of the technology, is already in the first stage of the acetic transformation or has various fungal ailments that make its taste not very pleasant, to put it mildly (well, if this is a completely blatant swill, the best option is to pour out and not use For distillation). Fruit wine in this case should be treated as a well-cleaned and clarified mash. In addition, there are no special requirements for this natural product, as it is of a rather high quality.
In this case, the wine is poured into the hardware capacity for further actions, and you can add nothing there. By these actions, as already mentioned, production can be greatly simplified. In the future, distillation into brewing is carried out by the traditional method of heating and subsequent distillation. It should be noted that when a moonshiner has a dry cell or a distillation column, then there will be enough one distillation, separating the heads and tails. Next, cleaning with a coal filter. Otherwise, in order to bring out a quality final product, we need a double distillation. Some use additional insistence on dried fruits or cut fresh apples to enhance apple flavoring.
Home calvados with oak notes
How to make moonshine from apple juice, so that it resembles this world-famous drink that gained popularity in certain years, thanks to the works of Remarque? The whole secret is that apple moonshine (the recipes for making brew from juice look above) should be insisted in oak barrels for a fairly long time (minimum - six months), such as cognac. Apple brandy then acquires a characteristic flavor, which so much liked many connoisseurs. Of course, for these purposes, it will be best to buy a small oak barrel, made by a master. But if you do not have it at hand, do not get discouraged. Specific capacity can be completely replaced with oak chips. It should be taken from 20 to 60 grams per liter, supposed to be infused. Here, the dosage is made by experiment, according to personal tastes and preferences, but still try not to overdo it, otherwise tannins can beat the main tone - apple!
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