
Eggplant Bibo F1: reviews, features of planting and care. White Eggplant

A selection variety that is in great demand is the eggplant "Bibo" F1. Reviews left by truck farmers, and notes on eggplants on the forums speak of the effeminacy and intolerance of plants. But the useful qualities that the aubergines have, make them in demand in cooking and dietology. It is a unique vegetable, helping to get rid of many diseases.

Many know about blue eggplants, but the specific variety of these vegetables includes white, and pink, and purple, and lilac, and even striped fruits.

Today, let's talk about a variety of plants from which you can get a real white eggplant - "Bibo" F1. Reviews of these plants confirm the laboriousness of the work to be done in order to grow a kilogram "miracle" in their beds. But the result is worth it.

How to choose aubergines?

When choosing a variety of aubergines, stop for those that have the highest yields and resistance to negative factors. Eggplant "Bibo" F1 (reviews this confirm) refers to a group of plants that are resistant to stress and disease.

Eggplant "Bibo": brief description

Eggplant "Bibo" is characterized by early ripeness, high yield and resistance to diseases. This is an open plant. Interstitium is short, which contributes to the formation of more ovaries. One bush can form up to 15 (sometimes more) fruits, equal in size, an oval-conical shape with a mass of 400-450 grams. Outside, the eggplant fruit is covered with a smooth and shiny white skin, inside is a snow-white flesh. This product is ideal for home cooking.

There are several dozen varieties of these vegetables. Blue and white - the best varieties of eggplant for open ground. Plants feel good in a warm dry climate, in an undeveloped terrain. The access of light and heat is the main condition for the normal development and fruiting of eggplant.

How to grow eggplant?

The main condition for successful growing is heat, not only during the first stages of development, but also during the entire growing season. "Bibo" is white eggplant. This variety actively grows and develops at a temperature of +22 / + 24 degrees Celsius, which is considered optimal.

Interesting! With increased air temperature (already at +28 o C), a massive drop in ovaries and flowers is observed.

Eggplants must be planted at a time when the air temperature exceeds +20, and the light day lasts at least 12 hours. Remember that the plant does not tolerate shading - planting it in a shady corner or under the shadow of high-growth crops, do not expect a good harvest.

In the case of planting eggplants in a shaded place during flowering, there is a fall of flowers, sometimes the ovaries fall. Dense soil is also not suitable for growing such a crop: the ground must be loose and rich in oxygen, so that the root system gets enough air and minerals.

If you pick the wrong place to plant seedlings, the normal process of feeding vegetable crops is disrupted, and their growth stops. Eggplant "Bibo" F1, watering which is necessary to carry out systematically, demanding to the level of soil moisture. Even short-term drying leads to the loss of flowers, ovaries, buds, and lower leaves.

On the open ground and in greenhouse conditions, you can plant the eggplant "Bibo" F1. Cultivation and care is carried out depending on the type of planting. Recommend planting the plant in a seedling way. Ogorodniki note that this approach allows significantly accelerate the development and fruiting, increase the level of yield.

When is it best to plant eggplant seeds?

In the first decade of February, seeds are sown. Eggplant "Bibo" F1 negatively reacts to any damage or careless attitude with the seedlings. Therefore, transplanting it from the cups to the open ground, you must be extremely cautious, otherwise the plant will die.

When to plant seedlings?

When the soil warms up well, the eggplant "Bibo" F1 is planted. The landing time is the 2nd-4th week of May (weather conditions permit).

Important! If, after landing on the bed, the air temperature drops sharply below 15 ° C, then there is a risk of falling flowers and buds.

Seedlings planted in rows. The distance between neighboring plants should be up to 60 cm, between rows - 55-75 cm. Each plant is placed in a dug and well-humidified hole. Taking out the seedlings from the glass, it is placed in the hole, not shaking off the roots of the ground - this can damage them, and seedlings will not take.

Planting features

Try to plant the plants, placing their roots to the south. So they will be well warmed by the sun, and the heat accumulated for the whole day will suffice to warm up the root system at night. After disembarking the seedlings, the hole is again watered and mulched with dry soil.

Features of aubergine care

"Bibo" - the best varieties of eggplant for open ground. The rules for caring for plants during the growing season are as follows:

  • You need to regularly loosen the soil in the inter-row: after each watering or rain ("dry watering");
  • It is recommended to constantly weed out weeds in rows with eggplant;
  • Plants need fertilizing;
  • It is necessary to protect the culture from pests and diseases.

"Dry watering" helps to keep the soil on the bed loose (enriched with oxygen) and moist.

Important! Make sure that the roots remain untouched during loosening. The slightest damage - and the plant will die. Therefore, the soil in the inter-row is recommended to loosen shallow, only 7-9 cm, and with the onset of the period of fruit formation - a little deeper, up to 15 cm. Loosening must necessarily be accompanied by boring bushes.

Eggplant - a plant that always suffers from a lack of moisture. The period of flowering and fruit formation is the time when the culture most needs watering. One should not allow even a short-term drought. But everything should be in moderation. Excessive moisture for eggplant is also harmful. Both dry and too moist soil can lead to the loss of flowers and ovaries.

You do not need to patronize, but sometimes you need to tie the bushes. Feed the plants every 2 weeks. Do not forget to remove the yellowed leaves.

Fruiting and productivity

Such a vegetable culture, as an eggplant, truck farmers are called long-livers. The technical ripeness of the fruits comes in the 20-23th week after the shoots.

It is important to clean the ripened eggplant fruit on time. This contributes to the faster development of new ovaries.

Protection of eggplant from pests

Young and fragile seedlings at first are supersensitive not only to the influence of natural factors, but also to the negative impact of pests. Colorado beetles, which show an active interest in this culture, can destroy the fragile plants. These insects, finding in their habitat solanaceous plants, willingly devour all that is above the soil level.

Ogorodniki in their reviews introduce readers to another enemy of eggplants - a bug that does not disdain leaves of the plant, although not so voracious as the Colorado beetle. Therefore, like other garden crops, eggplants require special protection against pests and diseases common among the plants of the Solanaceae family.

Eggplant processing

For plants with maturing fruits, the use of chemical protective equipment is highly discouraged. Processing is carried out even before landing on a permanent place of growth. It is recommended to sprinkle seedlings with Prestige solution, applying the same dosage as for potatoes. Processed in this way, plants lose their attractiveness to pests.

Reviews about eggplants of "Bibo"

Ogorodniki confess that their search for that variety that is ideal for growing in temperate climates did not stop until they tried to grow the eggplant "Bibo" f1 on their bed. Reviews of this vegetable culture suggest that the choice of this particular variety is successful, despite the finickyness in the care.

Summer residents confirm that neither the stable "Epic", nor the modest "Rotonda", nor the luxurious "Helios" will be compared with the hybrid variety "Bibo". Thanks to him, many have learned to prepare healthy and tasty food. Each summer resident who planted eggplants on the garden once, now always buys seeds of this variety and with pleasure grows eggplant "Bibo" F1, the productivity of which is surprising.

From the eggplant "Bibo", real culinary masterpieces are obtained, which taste like mushroom dishes. Aubergine crochet , saute, eggplant caviar is something that can not be abandoned by cultivating such a crop on a bed.

"Bibo" - an interesting hybrid variety of aubergines. This representative of the Solanaceae family is very popular among connoisseurs of healthy food. People who have tried to grow white eggplant (a hybrid variety) in their own garden one day, and later still cook them, will no longer be able to give up the fruit of this plant. That is why, despite all his finicky and exacting care, eggplant for many summer residents is a favorite culture in the garden.

We hope that our excursion on the topic and your knowledge of gardening and gardening will help you become a real expert on the cultivation of eggplant.

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