
How to make a tire from an old tire? Restoring tires in a cold way

Tires are one of the most expensive car consumables. If we talk about cars, their cost is not too high, which can not be said about trucks. Therefore, the question of how to make tires from old tires becomes urgent? In other words, how to repair tires to reuse them? Especially it concerns owners of firms engaged in cargo transportation, because the more cars, the more spending on each of them. How can you not only save your own money, but also be able to earn them?

How to start

Equipment for cold tire repair is quite expensive to purchase it only for personal use, so it is necessary to think through the right business plan right from the start. Each of its phases is very important, but the success of the whole enterprise, as a rule, determines a good start. Business on how to make tires from old tires, will work even in times of crisis, because it's saving money, so the idea itself is quite tempting and promising.

Business plan

First, the entrepreneur needs to understand if his location is suitable for such a business. As a rule, such proposals are in demand in cities with a population of fifty thousand people. Important and the abundance of freight transport, for example, the presence of any logistics companies. Also it is worth making sure that there are no similar offers in this area.

Even in the most severe crisis, people do not stop using cars. And they require constant costs, even simply to replace the summer tires.

Elements of tires

In order to better understand the specifics of the process, it is necessary to know the structural elements of the tires. The main power base, on which depends the strength of the tire, is the frame. It consists of several layers of cord - these are textile threads fixed on the side rings. The latter are presented in the form of several layers of wire or metal cables and impart a rigidity and shape to the board of the tire. The board is the landing part. It is made of rigid rubber and fixes the tire on the rim of the wheel.

Cord of the frame is wrapped around a solid filler cord made of rubber and a bead ring. A sidewall is an elastic layer of rubber, it has a thickness of one and a half to three millimeters and protects the frame, or rather its side walls, from penetration of water and from mechanical damage.

Protector - this is the outer part of the tire, where the relief pattern is located. It consists of a treadmill in contact with the road, and a shoulder zone - a thick layer of rubber, resistant to wear. It is the treadmill that ensures the grip of the tire with the road surface, and also protects the power frame from damage.

Between the tread and the carcass there is a belt - several layers of cord in the form of a ring, it can be made of both metal and textiles.

Tire wear

Speaking of sidewalls, cord threads are autonomous carriers of stiffness and shape of the tire, since along their entire length there is no intersection with other threads.
In the radial tire, all the cord threads are parallel, and this is one of the main problems of such a tire, because in the presence of damages in the cord on the side surface, the rigidity in this place can not be completely restored. Therefore, even high-quality repair of lateral cuts on the tire can not return the tire to full performance. It is worth remembering that in all other places the characteristics will be different from those shown by the repaired puncture site. Radial tires have lower rolling resistance and higher wear resistance.

Of course, when driving on a good cover on a car, the difference may be invisible, and the recovered tire, even with lateral cuts, will show itself well on the road. However, it is worth getting into any extreme conditions, whether it is turning at high speed or sudden braking, it can present an unpleasant surprise. This should be taken into account if the entrepreneur decides to start a tire recovery business.

With diagonal tires in this regard is much easier. Here, the cord filaments in different layers of the frame are lapped at an angle, so even damage to some threads in one place practically does not affect the shape preservation and load distribution. Diagonal tires can be repaired after side cuts.

Two technologies

Old car tires are restored in two ways: cold and hot. Cold recovery is cost-effective and simple, but it is worth knowing the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies.

Recovery of rubber (summer and winter) by hot method requires the presence of molds and vulcanizer. This is expensive at first, but the material for tire repair - old tires - costs a penny.

Cold way

The cold repair technology shows the opposite results. No expensive mechanisms will be required, and this immediately makes the option attractive to small businesses, since the investments are really minimal. However, consumables, namely protectors in the form of tape or rings, mounted on the tire, at a price much more expensive than raw rubber.

Nevertheless, if the question arises: "How to make a tire from an old tire? Cold or hot?" - then you can immediately say that the cold is really more profitable, even despite the relatively high cost of consumables.

Another nuance about the difference between the two methods: cold - slower. In fact, if the same tires go through the flow, then it is much easier to restore them using a hot method. It is the hot way most often put in order tires for cars.

Since installing equipment for a hot method requires considerable investment, in the case of small businesses, it is usually easier to start with a faster and more profitable cold method. Equipment for hot recovery can be purchased over time and combine the types of work in one tire.

Lorries and cars

Plus the cold method is also in the fact that the entrepreneur does not need molds, which means that he can serve different types of transport: both trucks and cars. Instantly expanding the circle of customers. Why is it more profitable to service freight transport? The fact is that owners of logistics companies also earn money. Cars for them - a source of income, so for them in a crisis is particularly relevant question: how to make a tire from an old tire?


The very fact of restoring the tire can be called its major overhaul. The protector undergoes complete restoration, the side part is also being repaired. This is not dangerous, since initially the manufacturer is oriented to reuse old tires when manufacturing. Such products, brought back to life by modern methods, practically do not differ from new ones. Here you can voice one more advantage of the cold method: when hot recovery is no longer possible, the tire will have to be disposed of, and if there are such cold repairs, there may still be many.


Cold tire welding should begin with a complete check. For this, an ultrasonic scanner is used, which makes it possible to find out whether the breakdown of the rubber from the belt has occurred. You can also use sherographic machines that, with the help of laser technology, perform the same work more modern and accurate. However, their main disadvantage is the high price. Small business can not afford it.

At the next stage, the tire is inspected. This is helped by a special stand with illuminated lamps. On it the master pushes the sidewalls of the tire and rotates it. Old car tires should be carefully checked for the presence of areas that are unsuitable for restoration. If any, the master marks them on the tire and handles them manually with a pneumatic tool. Such damages can be, for example, cracks on the sidewall of the tire.


After the test is completed, the time of the most important process comes, which is called roughening. The master installs the tire on a roughing machine, with which the remains of the old "frame" are removed, and the tire is given the correct shape. After the completion of this stage, you can start vulcanizing. Damage is removed by using a tire repair glue suitable for cold vulcanization.


What about money? The cost of recovery does not exceed twenty percent of the cost of a new tire. Sale of the restored tire to the market is made at a price reduced by a relatively new product by about thirty percent. Retailers say that with a good approach and the right choice of space, the equipment pays for itself in a few months. In Russia, about twenty such enterprises, and they are physically unable to provide the entire country's market, even a tenth of the possible volume.

In our country as a whole, the question of economy is acute, and motorists are also accustomed to choosing the most compromise options. Therefore, they often ask themselves: how to make a tire from an old tire? In Europe, for example, this is one of the most popular types of business, not only because it is profitable, but also through the reuse of resources. In an advertising campaign, you can also lean on this aspect.

A few calculations

Calculate the possible profit is easy on the example of autofury. Suppose that from one company there is an order to "re-shuffle" a park of ten wagons. One autofura has twenty-two wheels, and once a year it needs to change them all.

The process of rebuilding tires will earn from each of two and a half to five thousand rubles, which means that in just one year from ten autofuras, the income will be from 550,000 to 1100,000 rubles.

Reasons for popularity

Why is the cold method at the moment the most popular method of tire recovery? There are a number of reasons. Cargo tires are much more profitable for recovery, and the cold method allows them to be repaired without additional equipment. Also, compared to the initial costs of production, the cold method is cheap, simple and environmentally friendly.

Cold repair shop for its organization requires a small amount of space, and equipment for this method is universal. Do not need a vulcanizer and expensive forms for each size and pattern of the tread. Only a few tread bands are sufficient here.


Paper red tape is not much more than with any other type of business. The documents are limited to the license, as well as the availability of permits for disposal. You also need to have your own enterprise, in addition to individual entrepreneurship, it can be a company, an LLC or an open joint stock company. Limited liability company in this case is most often chosen, since it is necessary to collect the smallest package of documents, and the process of registration takes much less time.

You can do it yourself, but you can contact specialists to get a license at the right time. After all, if the documents are submitted incorrectly, the process can take months.

We also need documents permitting the production of these products, they can also be obtained independently in their city.

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