Food and drink, Salads
How to Make a Salad of Courgettes Recipe is very simple
August is rich in gifts from our household plots and dachas. Right now the prudent housewives begin to make preparations for the winter and indulge their household members with different delicacies from the properly cultivated beds. Among these delicacies can be attributed and zucchini, while not everyone knows that zucchini can not only fry and make from it zucchini caviar and other winter billets. There are lots of ways to prepare this dish, including a zucchini salad, which I would like to present to you. In this article, you will also find not only the recipe for salad, but also other interesting dishes that can be prepared from courgettes.
So, I want to present to your attention one quite interesting variant of cooking zucchini. This is a salad of courgettes whose recipe is very simple, but the taste is very interesting.
You'll need:
Zucchini, boiled eggs, carrots, onions, mayonnaise and salt.
We begin, of course, with a vegetable marrow. We rub it on a grater (medium size), beforehand the tavern should be washed and cleaned of skin and bones. Next, grate the carrots on the same grater, so that the number was no more than half a vegetable marrow. In the event that the vegetables gave a lot of juice, just merge it. It is desirable that the vegetables are dry. Onion finely chopped (take the amount to taste, but not too much). And boiled eggs also chop less. All mixed, greased with mayonnaise and salt to taste.
Try to prepare this salad from courgettes recipes, keep it a secret, see if your relatives can guess what your salad is made of.
As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, a salad of courgettes is not the only recipe and I would like to recommend a couple more ways of cooking this vegetable. For example, it can be put out and make a delicious vegetable stew or simply fry.
If you decide to cook fried zucchini, then try to clean the zucchini, cut into circles (that recipe is suitable only for young zucchini, pitted). Each circle dipped in a beaten egg and fry in vegetable oil. Then brush each piece with mayonnaise and garlic. This is a simplified version of the preparation, so to speak, the basis, and then everything depends on your imagination. Based on this recipe, I can suggest a recipe for zucchini with tomatoes.
To do this, in addition to the products used, you will also need tomatoes, greens and lettuce leaves. Fry zucchini, as described above. Next, put on a small portion of small plates on one large sheet of lettuce. On the salad, with a turret (one on top of the other), we put fried zucchini, each with mayonnaise and garlic. The number depends on your preferences. At the end, we put tomatoes on the top of the turret (we cut it into large circles and, as it were, cover the tower). All other decoration is only your imagination. Sprigs of greens, olives, olives, pieces of cheese ... In general, everything that you love or consider it necessary to add. It turns out very tasty!
And here's another interesting recipe for zucchini with cheese. This dish is cooked in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees. To prepare such zucchini you will need:
700gr zucchini, 1 clove of garlic, 1 fennel, 1 tbsp. Herbs of sage, half a glass of cream, 400 grams of canned tomato, half a cup of flour, pepper and salt to taste, 2 tbsp. Nuts, 2 tablespoons butter and 1 tbsp. Grated cheese.
Sliced zucchini put in a roasting dish. Fennel, cut into thin rings, spread out a second layer, then we put garlic and sage (finely chopped). Mix the tomatoes with cream and fill this mixture with vegetables. Pepper, salt.
In a separate bowl, the butter is chopped and mixed with flour, then add the nuts and cheese and pound it all together. Prepared mixture zasypa zucchini, tightly cover the form with foil and put bake in the oven. Cooking time 40 minutes, after the specified time has passed, it is necessary to remove the foil and bake for another 20 minutes. It turns out a delicious casserole.
Bon Appetit!
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