Food and drink, Salads
How to make a salad of baked beets?
Beets are a valuable product that contains just a huge amount of vitamins and other nutrients. This ingredient takes an honorable place in the cooking, because from this vegetable you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. Borsch, beetroot, salads and cold snacks - and that's not all. Separate attention deserves a salad of baked beet, recipes for the preparation of which there is a great variety.
The simplest and simple recipe for salad
Beetroot is a unique product, whose useful properties were known even in Ancient Greece. This vegetable preserves a lot of useful qualities even after conservation. It is for this reason that the housewives are trying to prepare beets for future use, in order to spoil their households with delicious dishes in the winter. To prepare the most simple salad from baked beet, the following ingredients will be needed:
- Directly itself beets in an amount of 5 pieces.
- One tablespoon of honey.
- The same amount of soy sauce.
- Basil - about 100 grams.
- 100 grams of pine nuts.
- 2 small cloves of garlic.
- 200 grams of Parmesan cheese.
- Fresh parsley greens.
- Pepper black and salt to taste.
- Olive oil for refueling.
Looking at the ingredients needed to make a salad from a baked beet, you can understand that this dish is a real storehouse of useful vitamins and substances.
Cooking method
Prepare a mixture of soy sauce, honey and basil. It will pickle beetroot cut into medium cubes. After a few minutes, the vegetable should be put in a foil shape, pour the remainder of the marinade and send it to the oven heated to 180 degrees for only 20 minutes. After that, the beetroot must be cooled and put into a deep bowl for further cooking salad.
Add to the baked vegetable cedar nuts, fresh parsley, olive oil and spices. Stir gently, using a special spoon for salad.
It remains only to prepare a piquant sauce "Pesto", which will improve the taste of the dish. For this purpose, you need basil, olive oil for dressing, garlic, pine nuts and parmesan cheese thoroughly crushed with a blender until a homogeneous mass of sour cream consistency. The delicious dish is ready. Such a salad will be useful at any time of the year, as it includes natural ingredients rich in nutrients and vitamins.
Salad of baked beet with goat cheese
This recipe will certainly be appreciated by those who love spicy cheese notes in any dish. Beets are perfectly combined with any kind of cheese, which makes this vegetable a virtually universal ingredient. So, for the preparation of the next salad from the baked beet with cheese, the following ingredients (calculated for 4 servings) will be needed:
- 600 grams of fresh beets.
- 200 grams of cheese from goat's milk (can be replaced with ordinary cheese).
- Rucola - 50 grams.
- One tablespoon of olive oil.
- One handful of pine nuts.
- 1 tablespoon of Pesto sauce.
Sauce for salad can be bought in a supermarket. And for those who want to cook it yourself, such a simple recipe is suitable: mix a small bunch of basil in a blender (use only leaves), the same amount of parsley, 2 tablespoons of pine nuts, about 100 grams of olive oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic , About 70 grams of grated Parmesan and a pinch of salt.
Method of preparation of salad
Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and tidy. After that, each beet is rubbed with olive oil, wrapped in foil and pierced with a fork in several places (for better baking). Then the roots are laid out in a baking dish and sent to the oven, which is already heated to 200 degrees. There the beet should be about two hours.
After the beets should be cooled, unfolded and cut into cubes of medium size (the length of one side is 1 cm). The same pieces must be cut into cheese from goat's milk. Rukkolu can simply be torn into pieces of identical size.
Nuts, cheese, greens and directly the beets themselves are sent to a deep container. Mix all the ingredients you need as carefully as possible, so as not to turn the cheese in porridge. It is advisable to use a special salad spoon.
Salad ready. It remains only to put it on the plates and season with a pre-cooked sauce.
Vegetable salad with beets with feta cheese
There is another fairly common recipe for salad from baked beets. It is prepared very simply. This dish will certainly decorate a gala dinner or a festive dinner. Salad with baked beets and feta cheese can be prepared from ingredients that are available in almost every refrigerator. So, for this dish you will need the following ingredients:
- A juicy mixture of salad leaves is enough 150 grams.
- Directly feta cheese itself - about 200 grams.
- Olive oil for refueling - literally 40 ml.
- Mustard with seeds - 50 grams.
- Balsamic vinegar - 50 ml.
- Fresh green mint - a small bundle.
- Fresh beets - 6 pieces of medium size are enough.
- Salt and spices - to taste.
This amount is calculated on 4 portions.
Cooking method
Root vegetables should be rinsed under running water and cleaned of tails. Peel off to remove not necessarily at this stage. After this, each vegetable should be wrapped in foil and sent to a preheated oven for baking. Some mistresses recommend making several punctures with a fork so that the beetroot is baked as best as possible. Readiness to check with a skewer.
While the beet is in the oven, you can prepare a marinade. For this purpose, mix balsamic vinegar, olive oil and mustard, add salt and black ground pepper to taste. A mixture of emulsion consistency must be formed.
Once the beets are baked, it must be peeled, cut into small cubes or slices and dropped into the marinade until completely cooled.
After that, you can take a mix of fresh salad leaves and mint. Green enough to tear into small pieces, then put it in a deep bowl. There you can send the pickled beetroot. Salad sprinkle with olive oil and a few drops of the remaining marinade. Add the diced feta cheese, gently mix with a special spoon and serve to the table.
A refined version of a traditional dish
A classic salad with baked beets and cheese is a delicious and satisfying dish. For those who love this vegetable and wants to use it as often as possible, you can offer a more refined version of the classic dish. Salad can be served as a stand alone dish or serve as a complement to meat. The following ingredients will be needed:
- Fresh beets - 6 small roots are enough.
- Large sea salt.
- Red onion - 1 piece.
- Cherry tomatoes - 8 things will be enough.
- Green bean string beans .
- Nuts of pine.
- Olive oil and balsamic vinegar for refueling.
- Spice.
Before you prepare a salad, you must correctly bake the beetroot. Some housewives wrap each root with foil, and then send them to the oven. But there is another way that allows you to bake quality vegetables and cook an unusual warm salad with beetroot.
Method of cooking
This method of baking is based on the use of sea salt, which pours out the bottom of the baking dish (2 cm layer). Carefully washed and dried beets with a paper towel should be wrapped in foil and pierced several times with a knife or fork. Sea salt creates the optimal temperature regime, and specially made holes in the root crops allow them to bake as best as possible.
Beet is sent to a preheated to 200 degrees oven for about two hours. Salads from baked beets with photos are often updated for the New Year - a holiday that can not be imagined without the classic "Herring under the fur coat." So why not replace the traditional recipe with a new dish using the same beet?
Salt, which was used for roasting roots, may be suitable in the future. In this case it is a reusable tool that promotes better baking of meat and vegetables.
While the beets are languishing in the oven, you can cut the onion slices and fry it in olive oil. There, too, sliced cherry tomatoes and string beans. By the way, if you add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and a spoonful of honey to a frying pan, you will get a delicious caramel.
Pine nuts (can be replaced with cedar) also need to be fried in a pan without adding oil - so they will become even more delicious.
After that, you can do the beets. Baked vegetables should be cooled, peeled and cut into small cubes. Beets in this case can not be marinated - a mixture of balsamic vinegar and olive oil will be quite enough.
All the ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl and served to the table. This garnish will certainly be appreciated by gourmets - a refined mixture of vegetables, generously flavored with spicy nuts, will be the best antidepressant in the cold season.
Beetroot salad with pear
Thinking about what kind of salad to cook from baked beets, it is worth paying attention to this version of the classic dish. To prepare two servings you will need the following ingredients:
- Balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon.
- Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
- Sea salt is a pinch.
- Black ground pepper - to taste.
- Fresh beets - enough 2 pieces.
- Pear is the same number.
- Handful of hazelnut or pine nuts.
- Blue cheese - 50 grams (can be replaced feta or parmesan).
- Butter - 50 grams.
- Sugar is a pinch.
- Fresh lettuce leaves - a handful.
To prepare this dish, you need to bake the beetroot, and you can simply boil the root vegetables.
Step-by-step recipe for cooking
While the beets are baked in the oven, you can wash the pears, remove the core from them and cut them into long slices. In the heated frying pan, melt 50 grams of butter, add a little olive, add sugar, put the pears and keep on the fire until the fruit is seasoned.
After the beets are baked, the roots are peeled and cut into small slices. Now you can start preparing the dressing for a salad. Balsamic vinegar and olive oil are mixed with sea salt and black pepper.
Leaves of fresh lettuce should be picked in pieces of medium size and put on a plate, sprinkled with olive oil. After that, sliced beet and blue cheese are laid out. Top with pears and cheese. The whole dish is sprinkled with cedar nuts or chopped hazelnuts. Such a salad will become an exquisite decoration of the festive table.
Summing up
Salad of baked beet with cheese or goat cheese has become a classic dish in some European countries. After all, this mixture can act as an independent dish or garnish, which complements the taste of tender meat. Radical housewives use a variety of tricks to transform the classic version of the dish. So, for example, variations with cheese became an occasion to transform the recipe and make the taste of the usual beet salad more saturated.
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