Food and drink, Salads
How to make a beautiful salad with fish and cheese
Original salad can be presented as an exquisite decoration for a festive table. Salad with fish and cheese, prepared as a buffet meal in a transparent glass, will surely impress guests with an elegant look, a combination of colors and taste.
Ingredients for salad
To prepare a salad with fish and cheese, it takes 40 minutes. Make a beautiful dish, amazing taste and simplicity, is not difficult. The main condition for the successful preparation of a salad is a uniform and accurate laying out of all components.
For the salad you will need the ingredients:
- 1 can of tuna in oil.
- 2 tomatoes (washed and dried).
- 150 g of hard cheese (preferably use cheese of sharp varieties).
- 2-3 eggs (they need to be cooked, and then divided into yolks and squirrels).
- Several feathers of green onions (washed and dried).
- 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
- Salt and black pepper to taste.
To prepare the dish, use only a completely dry green onion. This is done because it will need to be poured in a neat layer, and with a wet bow this will not work.
Preliminary preparation of components for salad
It is necessary to pour out the oil from the jar, extract the tuna to a separate bowl and turn the fish pieces into a homogeneous mass with the help of a fork. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to the mixture. After that, the contents of the bowl should be thoroughly mixed until uniform.
Then, with thin rings, cut the onions of the green onion. Clear the tomatoes from the juice and seeds, leaving only the flesh. And cut the resulting pieces so that their size coincides with the size of the rings of green onions.
Grind egg yolks and squirrels on a fine grater. For convenience, put the squirrels in one plate, and the yolks in the other. On the same small grater you need to grate the cheese.
The best salad with fish and with cheese looks in glass wine glasses. Particularly beautiful dish looks in glasses of clear glass without any decoration. A spread out the ingredients must be very carefully, so as not to smear the walls of dishes, otherwise the dish instantly loses all its external chic.
Salad decoration
Creation of the dish is the formation of layers:
- At the bottom of the glass very carefully put a tablespoon of tuna.
- Then make a layer of green onions.
- Then a salad with fish and cheese with a white stripe, consisting of grated proteins.
- Fresh bright layer of the cocktail are crushed tomatoes. Cubes of tomatoes should be accurately laid out on proteins.
- Then a layer of tomatoes should be poured grated cheese.
- And finish this composition with a yellow strip of grated yolks.
All strips of cocktail should have the same thickness. When forming layers, it is necessary to take into account the natural, though small, compacting of the constituents. Therefore, the strips should not be very thin.
You can decorate a salad according to your taste. But it is better to choose products of bright and contrasting colors, for example, olives cut into rings, pieces of red or green sweet pepper, parsley greens.
As a result of such simple manipulations, an excellent salad is obtained. The tomato, cheese, fish, egg and onions that are included in its composition are healthy products. Enjoy your meal!
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