Spiritual developmentMystic

How to know the future of a person? How to find out the name of the future husband?

Almost every person wants to know about what "waits-awaits" and "how the heart calms down". And this is not surprising, who does not want to avoid trouble or which woman does not want to meet the future husband in all circumstances? In this article we will talk about how you can find out what the future holds, and what you need to do to find out the name of the chosen one, sent by fate itself.

Fortune Tellers

What can you do if you want to know what lies ahead? And why not go to the fortune teller for this? She will scan a certain way a person and give answers to all important questions. However, in this case, it must be remembered that not every person who calls himself so, in fact can predict the future. Today there are quite a lot of charlatans who will not give even an approximately correct answer.


What to do in such a situation, how to know the future, if you do not want to address strangers? An excellent way out of the situation is fortune telling. So, you can hold a certain magical ritual and find out what the future holds. However, in this case, it should be remembered that to the very divination should be taken seriously. Only in this case everything will turn out, and the result will be true.

Guessing 1. A branch

If a person wants to understand how to find out the future, one can turn to a fairly simple guessing that will answer the desired question. So, for this you need to stock up a twig of bird cherry. One thing is important: you can only guess this method on December 25, the day of the winter solstice. In the morning of this number, you need to break off about a 10-centimeter sprig of bird cherry, bring it home and put it in water. At the time when it is in the hand of the fortune-teller, one must think about what interests: whether the desire will come true, whether there will be a career promotion, or whether a proposition that is beloved this year. At home the bird cherry will be hanging on the window and for 12 days, until January 5 every day with it you need to talk, take it in hand, think about the successful outcome of the matter. If the twig blossoms before January 5, the answer to the problem or question is positive. If not, negative. It is worth mentioning that in the old days the girls thus divined of marriage: the twig has blossomed - the girl will marry in this year.

Divination 2. New Year's Eve

Still how to learn the future? So, we can assume what the next year will be like. To do this, on New Year's Eve, you need to collect a teaspoon of water and take it out to the street (if the temperature is minus). Put the kitchen item exactly, so that the water could not "escape." The next morning we need to see how the water froze. If exactly or with a tubercle - the year will be successful and bring many pleasures. If the hole, then in this year the guesser will have to be tight: there will be many troubles and difficult situations.

Guessing 3. Mirror

Understanding how to recognize the future, it is worth to say that a huge assistant in magical matters is just a mirror. It can not only show the future husband, but also tell what the person expects. So, if you want to know what will happen next year, you need to pour a mirror on the New Year's Eve with water and take it out for 10 minutes on the street. After that, you need to bring the object of fortune telling and properly consider those patterns that painted frost. Seeing the circles, one should expect prosperity, spruce twig - fulfillment of the coveted desire, triangle - success in all matters and endeavors, square - complex life situations. Everything else will not tell anything, therefore, the otherworldly forces do not want to predict the future at the moment


Also, some people may be interested in the question of how to know the future of the hand. It is worth saying that this option is also possible, for this you need to seek help from the palmist - a person who reads the lines on the hand and gives answers to the questions of interest. Do not be skeptical about this type of predictions, because it has existed for several thousand years, and besides, not only representatives of magic, but also forensic scientists and physicians-people from the world of scientists-are interested in the lines on the palms of their hands. So, what do you need to do to know the future? First of all, you need to decide on which hand to read your destiny. So, women need to consider the left palm, men - right. There is also an opinion that on the left hand "written" is what is given by God, on the right hand is what the person himself is doing and doing. So, the main lines can predict the fate.

  1. Heart line . It always starts slightly below the little finger, but it can end approximately between the index and middle fingers (such people are looking for a compromise in everything, they are open and friendly); The line can be very short and direct (speaks of a reserved character); If he ends strictly under the middle finger, such a person is not interested in the affairs of others, focusing only on himself.
  2. Line of the mind . It begins near the big finger and descends to the wrist in a semicircle. If it is long and clear, it shows that the person is intelligent and tries to develop his brain, constantly training him. The more this line falls to the wrist, the better the person has developed imagination and imagination. If, on the other hand, the line sharply becomes straight, it will say that a person will be hunted for all his life by material difficulties. The so-called "fork" near the wrist (the split line) will say that a person does much more than begins to do, but almost nothing brings to the end.
  3. Life Line . Finding out how to find out the future of a person by hand, it is worth saying that you need to pay attention to the line of life. So, it is next to the line of mind. However, the further it is from the thumb, the better life awaits a person. If it is too close, the guessing person lacks the vital energy and strength to carry out the assigned tasks. Gaps on the line do not always mean disease or even death, often it's just a change of views and vital positions. If there are duplicate lines in the places of breaks, such people will always be guarded by their angel and not let the troubles happen in their lives.


If a person constantly thinks in his head "I want to know my future," why not drink a cup of coffee? So, for the remains on the bottom of the mug, you can also tell a lot about what lies ahead. To tell fortunes on the coffee grounds, you only need to take a cup of coffee with your left hand, having mastered the last sip, you need to make three circular cups with the cup and look at the bottom. Now we need to understand what the coffee grounds have drawn. It is worth saying that the fewer drawings and small details, the quieter and smoother life will be for a fortuneteller. So, the wand means the beginning of a new business (if it goes from top to bottom - it will not end very successfully, if from side to side - the result will be like the guesser). If you can consider an animal or a bird, it is necessary to determine its origin. So, if it is an animal of noble breed - a lion or a swan, something good is ahead, if, for example, a pig or a sparrow - expect difficulties. Figures similar to a star or a flower, predict success and luck. In general, you need to feel what "coffee" says. If you have good feelings when looking at drawings, so be it, everything in the life of a fortuneteller will be excellent. If sadness or doubt prevails, you should expect trouble in the future.


You can also figure out how to know the future by name. To do this, on the leaflet you need to write a full name, find a table that assigns a certain digit to each letter, add all the numbers together and get a single number. And on the same number you need to read what the person can expect in the future. So, these explanations give an excellent description of a person as an individual and sometimes even help to decide on a future profession.

Name of the husband

Many girls are also interested in the question of how to find out the name of the future husband. For this, there are also some simple, but very true fortune-telling.

  1. Paper . For this, the lady must take as many small pieces of paper as she is full of years. On each of them an unknown girl should write any name of the guy (you can ask to do this first women on the street, there is nothing wrong with that). Then all the pieces of the fortune-teller lay under his pillow and fall asleep in dreams of his future husband. In the morning, the lady should put her hand under the pillow and take out a single piece of paper. What name is written there, this will be her future husband.
  2. Dream . The next ritual, how to find out the name of the future husband: you just need to go to bed for this. However, before going to bed you need to think carefully about your future family happiness. In a dream, the girl must dream of either the name of the future husband, or he himself in all its glory.
  3. First passerby . There is another way how to find out the name of the future husband. For this, you need to go out on Christmas holidays (preferably at midnight) and ask the name of the first man to meet. The same name will be with the future spouse. Do not be surprised, old fortune telling, and before a girl at midnight no one could offend.
  4. Peel . Another way, how to know the future, or rather - the name of the betrothed. To do this, carefully remove the skin from the apple, without necessarily tearing it. Then it should be carefully thrown over the left shoulder. When she falls, it is believed that her curls can read the name of her future husband.

Simple conclusions

But still I want to say one simple thing: every person builds his own life. If you want something very much, it will come true, no matter what the divination says about it. In addition, even magicians say that the results of their predictions are true only at the moment, because only one person's decision can radically change his fate.

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