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The word with the suffix "chic": the rules of writing and examples

What words with the suffix -char-, -schik- do you know? Almost every person can answer this question. Although there are people who are confused in the production of data morphemes. In this connection, we decided to dedicate this article to this topic.

General information

Nouns with a suffix -char- are often used in a letter with such a morpheme as -square-. It should be noted that this is a gross error. After all, there is a strict rule in the Russian language, which directly indicates the case in which the letter "h" should be written, and in what - "ni".

Suffix Features

How should I write and say: "copyist" or "scribe"? Not everyone knows the correct answer to this question. However, experts say that such a lexical unit has the suffix -char-. Therefore, it is right to write a "scribe". Although at the time of pronunciation, only the first option should be used.

The basic rule

As you can see, the suffix -char-, as well as the suffix -char- can easily cause a lot of doubt about their writing in the text. That's why experts recommend to remember the rule of the Russian language, which explains the choice of a certain morpheme. For those who do not know it, let's introduce it right now.

If the basis of the noun names ends in consonant letters such as "t", "x", "d", "c" and "z", then only the suffix -char- is required after them. In order to make this rule more understandable, we give several illustrative examples:

  • interpreter;
  • pilot;
  • plumber;
  • Raznoschik;
  • carrier;
  • narrator;
  • GasTechnik;
  • Bypass;
  • Vozchik;
  • Transcriber;
  • cab;
  • Bypass;
  • defector;
  • The transporter;
  • A machine gun;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Retelling;
  • scout;
  • cutter;
  • oiler;
  • Helicopter operator;
  • customer;
  • bookbinder;
  • loader;
  • hauler;
  • The transmitter and so on.

As you can see, most of the presented words denote certain professions. With suffix -char- also such lexical units are used, which form the names of persons by their belonging to a certain place of residence and nationality.

Important to remember

Now you know what words in the Russian language have a suffix -char- (examples of words were presented above). However, to properly write the lexical units mentioned, you should know not only the above rule. After all, quite a large number of people make also such mistakes as:

  • Distribution + suffix -char- will be "distributor";
  • Tavern + suffix -char- will be "kabakchik";
  • Extraction + suffix -chik- will be the "digger" and so on.

It should be specially noted that this is an incorrect word formation. However, in this respect, there is a separate rule in Russian, which reads as follows: before the suffix -char- such letters as "ts", "k" and "h" are replaced by the letter "t". Here is an illustrative example:

  • Distribution + suffix -char- will be "distributor";
  • Kabak + suffix -chik-will be "kabatchik";
  • Extraction + suffix -character will be "miner" and so on.

In what cases is the suffix -kas- put?

Now you know about when to write a word with the suffix -char-. However, in Russian often there are also such lexical units, in which the morpheme-clerk is used. As in the previous case, such a suffix can be placed in nouns, which form the names of males with a particular profession, engaged in a certain occupation, as well as belonging to any nationality or place of residence.

Also, the morpheme is written in the case when the basis of the noun's name ends in other consonant letters other than the above-mentioned ones ("t", "x", "d", "c" and "z"). Here is an illustrative example:

  • Instigator;
  • Disputant;
  • compositor;
  • payer;
  • Reinsurer;
  • Concrete worker;
  • A deceiver;
  • spinner;
  • welder;
  • drummer;
  • Overseer;
  • tenant;
  • Sawmiller;
  • glazier;
  • porter;
  • driller;
  • The marquee;
  • mason;
  • collector;
  • Coal miner;
  • roofer;
  • Trailer;
  • packer;
  • polisher;
  • Herdsman;
  • planer;
  • Lantern and so on.

Other words

As it was said above, a word with a suffix -chip is written in the case when the basis of the noun's name ends in the following letters: "t", "g", "d", "c" and "z". Then the question arises as to why in some lexical units the morpheme-clerk is used, even if its base has the letter "t" at the end. It should be specially noted that these are not words-exceptions, but only foreign languages.

Thus, some lexical units that have passed into Russian from a foreign language can be formed with the help of the suffix -schar- even if the letter "t" is at the end of the noun. But this is only if the foreign language ends in 2 consonants. Here is an illustrative example:

  • PROCEEDINGS - percentages;
  • Asphalt - asphalt and others.

Should I put a "soft sign"?

About when the word is written with the suffix -char-, and when with the suffix -square-, we found out. However, at the time of writing such nouns, there is often a question: is it necessary to put a soft sign before the morpheme? After all, a rather large number of people often write the presented words as follows:

  • The instigator;
  • Concrete;
  • Tabunschik;
  • Lantern and so on.

What is the reason for this? The fact is that the consonant "uh" is a soft letter, and it often so softens the sound that some people write before it "ь". However, this is wrong. After all, in Russian language and on this account there is a rule. It says that a soft sign should be written in nouns only after "l". Here is an illustrative example:

  • roofer;
  • glazier;
  • payer;
  • spinner;
  • Sawmiller;
  • driller;
  • porter;
  • Coal miner;
  • roofer;
  • Planer and so on.

Distinguish Suffixes

The word with the suffix -char- should be written only if the stem of the noun ends in letters such as "t", "x", "d", "c" and "h". But how, then, to explain the spelling of such lexical units as a kalachik, a sofa, a brick, a key boy, a finger, a cucumber stool, a ball, etc.? The fact is that in all presented words the suffix is not -char-, but-iq-. As for the letter "h", it is either a separate suffix, or enters the root. That is why such lexical units do not fall under the rules described above. Moreover, this morpheme is alternating (-ik - / - ek-). And to check its writing, it is necessary to decline the basic word. Thus, the suffix is written in those lexical units, when the vowel letter "e" declines. Let's give an example:

  • Granddaughter - granddaughter;
  • Whistle - whistle;
  • Bells - bell;
  • A small flame - a little flame;
  • Leaflet - leaflet;
  • A knife - a knife;
  • Stalk - a stalk;
  • A lump - a lump;
  • Son - a son;
  • Hammer - hammer;
  • Flower - a flower and so on.

As for the suffix -ik-, it is written in those words, with the declension of which the letter "and" is preserved. Let's give an example:

  • Sofa - sofa;
  • Boy - boy;
  • Kalachik-kalachika;
  • Cucumber - cucumber;
  • Brick - brick;
  • Key - key;
  • Highchair - highchair;
  • Finger - finger;
  • The little face;
  • Ball - ball and so on.

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