Spiritual developmentMystic

The full meaning of the name of Zabava

The meaning of the name Zabava in translation from the Old Slavonic language is "delight", "joy". Girls named by this name are usually open and bright natures. The vital force in them beats the key, their activities can only be envied.


It's unlikely that you will meet Zabava, prone to hypocrisy, lies and pretense. Such a woman will not trivialize and negatively respond to others. Fun is difficult to cede in any situation, it is also not diplomatic. Her credulity and openness often bring trouble, because friends and acquaintances often use these qualities for their own purposes. From time to time a girl whose name is Fun is prone to worry about trifles and not being very tactful. However, those around her in most cases forgive her. In addition, she is characterized by incontinence and quick temper, but the girl constantly struggles with these negative traits of her character.

Always ahead

Many people listen to the opinion of Zabava, since it is extremely rarely mistaken. A lady with this name has strong leadership qualities, and in the ability to entice others with her ideas, she does not know the competition. In this it helps absolute confidence in their own rightness. Fun sincerely believes that he knows the truth. This quality helps her not to get involved in empty quarrels and conflicts.

The meaning of the name Fun is often misleading the ill-wishers. They are sure that before them a weak rival, characterized by softness and indecision. However, this is not at all the case. At the decisive moment, Fun will show all that it is capable of. It is very difficult to shake this girl's self-esteem. She will never envy more successful friends and will not take offense at trifles.

Professional sphere

What does the name of Fun mean when building a career? Strangely enough, the above leadership qualities do not help the girl to become a highly paid employee of a prestigious company. And all because she is very important to be away from the leadership and have a minimum of responsibilities. These criteria of Fun are guided in the choice of profession. So, it can be seen in the role of a watchman, concierge, administrator, help desk operator. Rarely does she choose such risky and responsible professions as a tamer, scout, circus gymnast. For Fun there are no impossible tasks, she only wants to, she will achieve everything. From it can turn out an excellent writer or historian. In this it will help an unbiased view of what is happening.

Family affairs

Do not discount the meaning of the name of Zabava when building relationships with the opposite sex. So, this woman should not be bothered with her claims and problems. Even the strongest feelings can not keep Zabava, if her husband will make unreasonably high demands on her. In view of some detachment, this lady will never understand what material and everyday problems are. It is very dangerous to perceive family well-being and intimacy with a partner as a matter of course, but Zabava can not do otherwise.


The meaning of the name Zabava in combination with the sign of the Zodiac Libra is considered the most promising. The patronizing planet is Venus. A stone that will become an effective talisman is a ruby. In addition, the amulet will be cornflower, birch, lark. The lucky color is light pink.


Fun should pay special attention to the kidneys and pancreas. In adulthood, problems with the gallbladder are possible. For complex improvement of the condition, it is recommended to treat the small intestine and kidneys. In cool, rainy weather, you should beware of hypothermia.

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