Law, State and Law
How to get a cadastral passport for a building?
Each property needs registration documents. It also requires a cadastral passport for the building, without which it will not be possible to register the constructed object, and also make changes. To ensure that everything has been properly designed, you need to turn to professionals. It is possible to obtain a cadastral passport of a building, a building, an object of unfinished construction.
Why do I need such a passport?
The cadastral passport of a building, facility, object includes a unique cadastral number, since in each case it is individual. With its help it will be possible to identify the structure, as well as control illegal actions with it. The document is necessary for the official registration of the right to own real estate, and also that:
- Carry out transactions: sale, donation, transfer to inheritance;
- Apply to the court on various issues;
- To arrange insurance;
- Get a loan by taking the object for a mortgage.
The procedure for issuing the documentation has its own peculiarities. It is important to follow all the steps to complete the transaction.
Passport of legal entity
Legal entities also need to make documentation for real estate. Only a procedure is required a little for other purposes. If the building is designed for a legal entity, then the passport is used for:
- Registration for the authorized capital;
- Revaluation of the fund;
- Conducting bankruptcy.
Requirements for real estate
If the building is considered uninhabited, then it has 2 main requirements:
- It is not used for living;
- Perhaps only a temporary stay in it a person.
By law, the passport has an unlimited period of validity. It is only necessary to go through the registration procedure once, and then you can use your property without restrictions. Only it should be borne in mind that the implementation of the restructuring will require the introduction of changes.
When is registration mandatory?
Passport is needed for performing various operations, transactions with real estate. The document is an extract from a single database. Only with its presence the owner has the right to sell the building, lease it, transfer it as a legacy. With it, you will be able to redevelop, change the area of the room and other parameters as desired.
The difference between the technical passport and the cadastral
Many are interested in whether there is a difference between technical and cadastral passports that are issued for real estate. There are differences between them. The technical document is provided for the guest account. It is issued for residential and capital premises.
A cadastral passport is required for registering the right to buildings, through which transactions are carried out. This is the difference, but still these documents are necessary for the registration of real estate.
It is important that the documentation is properly executed, otherwise it will not be possible to perform all necessary transactions. The cadastral passport of the building contains the following information:
- the exact address;
- Year of construction and repair;
- number of floors;
- technical data;
- Inventory value;
- List of materials;
- Type of heating;
- Information about the water supply and sewerage.
Thanks to this information, a picture of the building appears. If the housing is built long ago, then the level of deterioration is indicated. Also in the document include the area of the room. The form of the cadastral passport of the building is unified. The document includes several A4 sheets. On the first sheet there is information about the object, and on others - floor plans.
Who gets it?
Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has a passport can receive a cadastral passport for a building. If the premise has several owners, any of them can receive a document on it.
Passport is provided for own and own premises. For this, an application is submitted and documents are provided. These rules are generally accepted.
Design Methods
The cadastral passport of the building can be issued in the following ways:
- In the cadastral chamber or in the MFC with a personal visit;
- Via email;
- Through the website of Rosreestr.
You can do this either personally or with a trusted person. If the submitted document has only the first sheet, and there is no explication on it, it means that the GKN does not have any plans for the premises because they were not delivered to the body.
Obtaining a passport for a legal entity
The cadastral passport for the building of a legal entity is usually received by representatives, to which a notarial power of attorney must be. Also, an application of a receipt for payment of the state fee, which is equal to 600 rubles, will be required.
Edit data
When entering data in the GKN, a cadastral passport is issued for the building. If some information is incorrectly specified or it has been changed, it is necessary to correct the deficiency. To do this, new data is entered in the registry entries and corrects the documentation. On such issues, only the owner of the object, his representative, heir can apply.
The process of changing the data is similar to real estate registration for the GKN, but it differs in some nuances. In this case, you do not need to pay the state fee. The time of registration does not exceed 18-21 days, and the documentation must be collected where the whole package is delivered.
Do I need to make changes if I made a redevelopment? Even some updates in the room make a mismatch with the actual documentation. This leads to a change in the total area.
That in the future there were no problems with checks, it is necessary to independently call a technician from the BTI. The employee will inspect the premises, confirming this with documentation. Then you make a change to the cadastre.
How to change the name of the building? This procedure is performed when there is a document that confirms this fact. Usually it is issued by the municipality. It is necessary to contact the KP or the MFC, taking:
- passport;
- Cadastral and technical passport;
- Document-basis of name change;
- statement;
- Documentation on the ownership of housing.
Even if the name was missed by the CP staff, it is required to go through this standard procedure for changing the name. It is important to take a cadastral, technical passport. The building will then be re-registered.
How is the assignment of the room changed? If it is necessary to perform such a procedure, the adjustment will be more complicated, since it is necessary to transfer the building from one category to another. If the living quarters have become uninhabitable or vice versa, then redevelopment is required, and this requires re-registration of the documentation.
First, it is necessary to make a legal re-planning, which is carried out under the supervision of a specialist from the BTI. Then all actions are the same as in the standard procedure. We need to prepare a list of documents. Coordination with sanitary and fire departments is also required. In the same way the cadastral passport of the building of unfinished construction is issued.
When a new passport with changes is issued, everything remains the same in Rosreestr. To complete the procedure, you will need to take new papers and go to the registration organization. There it is necessary to provide:
- A statement on the need to introduce new information;
- passport;
- Documentation of ownership of real estate;
- Cadastral passport;
- Receipt for payment of state duty.
After 10 days, all changes will be made to the documentation. After that, it will be considered valid.
In practice, a cadastral passport is best booked with a personal visit to the KP or MFC. Since not all people can easily use computer technologies, after receiving the document it may not be possible to open it with explication and plans. Moreover, not all institutions are considered acting as a printed passport.
When applying through the website of Rosreestr or through the mail, you need to order a paper type of the document, not an electronic one. This will avoid many difficulties. After receiving the documents, it is necessary to verify the reliability of the data so that there are no inconsistencies. Only when everything is in order, housing can be used for various operations.
Passport validity
For today there is no legislative document on which the validity of the cadastral passport would be established. It turns out that it is valid for a long period.
The receipt of a new document is required only with the change of information, when the repeated procedure is undergoing. If it is planned to complete the transaction on alienation of property, then the buyer has the right to require a new document, since it will contain up-to-date information.
Reasons for failure
Sometimes even with the filing of an application, the procedure is refused. Then a Rosreestr employee can not receive documents. Be sure to find out the reason for such a decision. In the legislation there are 2 cases when a refusal can follow:
- There is no information about the object in the unified accounting system;
- Data can not be issued to the applicant, as this is not allowed by law.
The decision on the refusal, as well as the reasons for the applicant must be reported within 5 days after the application. Other reasons for the refusal can not be, otherwise it is a violation of the law. Therefore, if an employee of Rosreestr does not comply with the receipt of documents, that is, the right to appeal. Such an application is considered for about 15 days.
The procedure for issuing a cadastral passport for a house, garage or other facility has similar actions. They have the same amount of state duty, time of manufacture, place of registration. Differences are only in the information that will be inside the document.
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