Self improvement, Psychology
How to forget the girl. Helpful Tips
This topic is not simple, but always relevant. How to forget the girl who threw, or just does not pay attention to you? To say that it is easy to do this is impossible, since in that case there would be no problem, would it? We are all living people who have certain views on what relationships should be, what love is.
In fact, for some of us, the question of how quickly to forget a girl is completely uncomfortable, while for others it's different. Some guys think that without the object of their adoration, life literally ceases and the world stops. Naturally, an important factor in this matter is how much the relationship with the girl is serious and whether they were at all.
So, how to forget the girl? Usually the first recommendation from relatives and friends is the following: you need to trust the time, which heals all! This method, of course, can hardly be considered fast, but it certainly works. At least, even if a complete cure does not occur, then the senses will be completely dulled.
Another recommendation, how to forget a girl, is to have a new relationship, which may not be as serious as the previous ones. At least this way you can distract yourself. That is, just start dating with other girls, communicate with them, have sex in the end. In this case, the "unique and unique" can be gradually superseded from the thoughts.
And you can displace previous love and not gradually, but radically. Some guys even advise to concentrate on the merits of a new hobby. At the same time, a girl who needs to forget, for certain there are flaws, which need to "inflate" to an incredible size. By the way, be prepared for the fact that as soon as you start to forget your girlfriend, she will begin to show you increased attention. Such a phenomenon takes place.
The following are some tips on how to forget a girl, stem from the previous one. Before you have already received a recommendation - to dislodge from the thoughts and heart the former beloved. At the same time, it may not be superfluous to conduct a certain analysis of the current situation. For example, take on faith the fact that everything that happens is for the best.
The girl you decided to forget, perhaps, is generally unworthy of you, especially if she threw you for someone else's sake. You do not have gloves to change you, and not a rag about which you can wipe your feet. In general, you do not take pride, like most other guys. In addition, now you have become a free man, before which new horizons open up, the prospects for new romantic relationships. You can now dispose of your destiny on your own. It's just great!
Above, it was recommended to start a new relationship with another girl, or maybe not one. And maybe you will smile a new love? Here in general, you can not comment, because the issue is solved automatically.
Very good, if you can find comfort in friendship, some occupation, hobby, hobby, travel. By the way, in a similar situation, one guy went to the camp site and in a few days met there with another girl. At first it was an interesting acquaintance, which turned into friendship, and later - into love. Bright emotions and impressions will help to drive out the life of the former girl.
If you have to see your former love on a daily basis, then you can play this game: defiantly ignore the girl. Sometimes it helps very well. In such cases, many children go to radical measures, burning all the bridges. That is, everything that recalls the former hobby, relationship, is destroyed. For example, throw out all sorts of clippings, handkerchiefs, and the pictures need to be torn and also discarded. Sometimes such measures bring real relief.
Do not forget that you are a real man who in this life deserves all the best. If the girl threw you, it means that she is not included in this "best", and fate thus removed her from your life.
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