Self improvement, Motivation
How to eradicate evil in yourself and in the world
In the modern world, people are used to taking care of themselves only, forgetting about the interests of others, hurting others for the sake of achieving their goals. Many consider this behavior to be the norm, however, no one wants to be treated like this in relation to him. What is evil and where does it come from? What are its causes? How to eradicate evil in human society and is it possible?
What is evil?
The concept of the word "evil" means the deliberate infliction of harm, harm and suffering by one person to another. It refers to all that is estimated by people in a negative context. Examples of manifestations of evil are: lie, violence, envy, hatred, flattery, betrayal.
Evil implies causing moral and physical harm to other people, animals, the world around them. All living things can hurt each other. But only a person is able to do this consciously, independently make a choice in the direction of bad deeds.
The nature of human evil
From the point of view of Christianity, evil arose in man when Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation and disobeyed God by trying the forbidden fruit. Since then, even the newly born babies, who did not have time to do anything wrong in this life, are given a part of the sin of their ancestors. A person from early childhood has a tendency to disobedience, evil and dishonest acts.
Initially, all children are born pure and sinless. The way a person will become, directly depends on his upbringing. Under the influence of parents and society, all the qualities of the individual are formed. In our world there are pious people ready to help even strangers, however, such are the minority. Children who grow up in such families, as a rule, try not to commit evil and not be cruel to others.
How to eradicate evil in the world
Probably, most of us would like the world to stop wars forever, crime disappears, and people respect each other. If such a desire is supported by so many people, why does evil still exist?
Unfortunately, many children are brought up in an unfavorable environment, resulting in the resulting adults becoming stale and ready for anything to achieve their goals. How to eradicate evil if people from childhood are faced with cruelty and violence?
In fact, to build a society in which there is absolutely no evil is very difficult, and perhaps impossible, at least in the near future. If the rulers of all countries, having united, made efforts, would issue a number of laws and decrees aimed at how to eradicate evil, it would be much easier to solve this problem. However, this is unlikely to happen, because people in power will not want to change the world, risking losing their position in society and all the benefits that they have.
What should people do then? Just sit and wait until the evil disappears by itself, does humanity destroy itself as a result of wars and environmental disasters? Many will consider that they are unable to correct anything and will live on, without thinking that someone somewhere is suffering right now. Nevertheless, each person is able to influence his life, start to bring good to others and respect other people's interests.
Begin with yourself
If you change the world under the power of not everyone, then think about how to eradicate the evil in yourself, anyone can. Indeed, the more people decide to suppress all manifestations of the negative, the kinder and purer will be the whole of our society.
If you think that it is very simple to eradicate the evil in yourself, then you are deeply mistaken. Those who truly genuinely strive for this, learn kindness throughout their life. It's not so easy not to commit bad deeds, especially when you are treated differently.
The eradication of evil within itself implies the constant spiritual development of man, the desire to suppress all bad thoughts, the ability to distinguish between good and bad, the ability to resist temptations leading to sinful actions. This is a huge work on yourself, which is not by everyone. However, if a person has firmly decided not just to answer the question of how to eradicate evil, but also to try to do it, it is necessary to begin first with oneself.
How to raise a child as a kind person
Another opportunity to make our world a little better is the chance to raise your child a kind and sympathetic person. In our time, everyone has a lot to do, parents are constantly busy with work, ensuring the material well-being of the family. Many do not have the strength to give their children due attention.
In order to grow up a good person, a child should always feel love and care from the parents. Children need constant adjustment of their actions and actions on the part of adults. Only parents can teach their child to form a correct attitude towards good and evil, put him on the right path, instill an optimistic view of the world.
An adult, even realizing that he lives wrong, is very difficult to understand how to eradicate the evil within himself, and how to learn to treat the world and to people in a different way. Children are born with pure consciousness. It is much easier to bring up a good person from the beginning than to try to correct the shortcomings and eradicate the evil in it.
Is it possible to completely eradicate the evil
Our world is designed in such a way that there always has been good and bad in it. Is it possible to completely and how to eradicate evil in people?
It is known that the more scientific progress humanity achieves, the more humane our society becomes. Perhaps in a few hundred years the development of our civilization will reach such a level that crime and violence will be reduced to a minimum and a person will understand how to eradicate evil. The answer to the question, when this happens and whether this happens at all, is unknown to us.
If nothing bad existed in our life, it would be difficult for a person to understand what kindness is. Evil in the world can be present so that people can appreciate all the good and bright that is happening to them. Although we will not be able to completely eradicate the evil on the planet today, everyone can try to make their lives and other people's lives a little better.
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