Self improvement, Motivation
Do you know how to survive the end of the world?
Our world has already experienced a large number of "ends of the world". Foreshadowed and the fall of the meteorite, and the melting of glaciers, after which the land will sink underwater, nuclear war, the attenuation of the sun. However, we are still alive. But this does not mean that you do not need to know how to survive the end of the world. After all, we live in a world where anything can happen.
A little bit about the end of the world
In its time, it was predicted a huge number of world's ends by a variety of people and even peoples. In total, the bill will go to thousands. But, oddly enough, we still exist and even more - we live in a clown, looking at the internet for seals and buying phones with a bitten apple. But this does not mean that you do not need to know the elementary things that can play a decisive role in how to survive the end of the world.
Of course, this fact is clear to everyone, no one is going to dispute it. However, there is a small but. Very many members of modern society will simply not be able to survive. This does not mean that they do not want. This means that they do not know how. Scientific and technological progress spoiled mankind by giving him such convenient things as the Internet, a car, power tools and so on, giving the opportunity for a person to practically not use physical efforts in the performance of any work. Some are not able even with the help of an ax to chop or burn a fire without a liquid for ignition. What can we say about survival? Nevertheless, the theme "How to survive the end of the world" remains popular. "Asc" and many other sites that proof. Also, the solution to the problem of survival can be seen in numerous books and films that are for every taste.
How to survive the end of the world
There are many scenarios for the end of the days of human civilization: a nuclear war, an unknown virus, an attack of extraterrestrial civilization, a zombie apocalypse, etc. However, regardless of the scenario of the destruction of mankind, there are two ways of preparing for the apocalypse, which will suit any development of events:
- Not urgent, i.e. This knowledge may be needed in the future and enough preparation time.
- Urgent. When the time is almost gone, you need to act here and now.
The difference between these methods is obvious. In the first time, plenty, and you can slowly prepare for how to survive the end of the world and in what conditions. In the second, the apocalypse either has already occurred, or is about to happen, and you need to act immediately. And, accordingly, the preparation will be different. We will analyze each method separately.
We are in no hurry
On the question of how to survive the end of the world, offers approximately the following user answers: "A glass of kefir, a couple of pickles, some ripe plums. To drink this with a cola - and the problem with the apocalypse will go to the background." Of course, it's fun until it actually happened. And in how to survive the end of the world, cool answers obviously will not help.
Well, seriously, the first thing to think about is a shelter, where you can sit out the most "hot" time. Of course, ideally it should be a specially equipped bunker at a depth of ten meters with thick concrete walls, reinforced with sheets of metal 10-15 cm thick. It's clear that not everyone is able to equip such a structure. Therefore, you can equip a basement, cellar or something else. Then you need to prepare for two stages: survive and live.
Stage "Survive"
When the catastrophe happens, the answer to the question "how to survive the end of the world?" Ask and the Internet as a whole can not be given for a simple reason: electricity and communications are most likely to be absent. Therefore, you need to prepare the most necessary:
- Stock of food for at least 3 months. This should be food that can be stored for a long time: home preservation, canned food. Vegetables, vacuum-packed products and others with a not very long shelf life are best acquired immediately before the catastrophe.
- First aid kit and medicines.
- Bottled water. There should be a lot of water, as it is known, without water, anywhere. It is better not to consume raw water from rivers and lakes or other sources, as it can be contaminated with various bacteria and infections.
- Knife (better a few).
- Warm blankets, pillows.
- Warm clothes and a few pairs of shoes.
- Backpack.
- Lighters, matches.
This list includes the most basic thing that will help to survive. However, it will expand slightly if you want to not just survive, but live.
Stage "Live"
The list of necessary things will be like this:
- Dishes for cooking (preferably cast-iron kazanok or aluminum containers, as it is convenient to cook and fry in them) and tableware: spoons, forks, cups, plates, bowls (preferably metal or plastic).
- Gas burner and several gas cylinders.
- Lanterns and battery reserve.
- Several sets of change clothes and shoes, necessarily shoes.
- Toporik, shovel, penknife.
- Instructions for first aid, literature on survival and crafts, naturalism, hunting and fishing.
- A few skeins of tape and tape.
- Soap, toothpaste and brushes, toilet paper, wet wipes and other personal care items.
- Rope.
- Local map.
- Chemical sources of light (luminous sticks, etc.).
- Radio station for communication with the outside world (or survivors).
- Power Generator.
Picking up first-aid kit
It is impossible to accomplish such a thing as to survive the end of the world without a first aid kit. Even if you manage to live for the first time without a single scratch (the probability of this is extremely low), one day drugs will be needed. Do not forget that there will be no hospitals, and there will be nobody to treat the victims. Therefore, you need to collect a small first aid kit with the most necessary medications and first aid.
You will definitely need:
- bandage;
- gauze;
- Cotton wool;
- Plaster bactericidal ;
- Thermometer (always in a case);
- paracetamol;
- Activated carbon;
- Ibuprofen;
- Antihistamines;
- Iodine, zelenka, hydrogen peroxide;
- aspirin;
- latex gloves;
- tweezers;
- scissors;
- Superglue (for stopping bleeding);
- If there are any chronic diseases, asthma or allergies, you should seriously stock up on the necessary medications, otherwise survival will become seriously more complicated.
By the way, such a first-aid kit will serve a good service in peacetime, so it is worthwhile to have these funds always.
Do not forget about the transport, whatever the users wrote, when they are asked the question "how to survive the end of the world?" "Asc". If it's a car, it's best to eat diesel fuel, as it is not so popular among car owners. In addition, the diesel is stored longer, and there is a high probability of finding it at gas stations.
If the car is not available or there is nowhere to hold it, you can get a bicycle to travel long distances.
When there is no time
In the event that the death of humanity is already approaching, we must urgently save ourselves. But empty-handed leave is also not an option. Therefore, we find a backpack or a travel bag and hastily collect the following things:
- Clothing with long sleeves and pants, removable underwear, an extra pair of shoes (boots or boots).
- First Aid Kit.
- A stock of food and water for a couple of days.
- Knife, other weapons (if any).
- Local map.
Do not gain too heavy weight, as you may have to run for a long time, but with a heavy backpack you will not escape.
After being able to escape from the threat of life, you need to find shelter. It can be anything that can protect you from danger. Next, we are looking for a power source. It can be anything: a supermarket, a gas station, someone's house. In this situation there are laws of survival, so moral principles will have to be neglected. Ideal option will be a premise with a sufficient supply of food and medicine, for example, a hospital or a small shop that has not yet been looted. Do not forget to make reserves for the future.
Also, do not immediately look for a company in the face of strangers. It is always worth remembering that this is another stomach. In addition, there is a danger of being killed by your own kind. Therefore, before you approach someone, you need to watch him for a while.
Skills that are better to have
At different people and in different sources on a question "how to go through the end of the world?" The answers may be different, but one thing is certain: with some skills it will be much easier to survive. And here they are:
- Ability to make traps, fish, knit knots. Probably, it is unnecessary to explain why this is necessary, especially if the forest is nearby or a pond.
- Skill for first aid.
- Ability to handle cold and firearms, as well as to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Now you will not only have to be afraid of malicious zombies, but also other survivors who also want to get food, water and other necessary things.
- Well, the most important skill is to be always positive, never give up and always believe in your strength, because the lowered hands at a certain moment can be worth living.
In addition, the most ardent fans of the demise of mankind have long begun to prepare. Therefore, if there is not even the slightest idea how to survive the end of the world, photos of storages, shelters and warehouses with supplies of these inhabitants of the planet Earth can prompt an interesting solution. In addition, a large number of films, series and books will help prepare, which also describes in detail what to do in order to survive.
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