
How to deepen the well? Deepening the Well with Your Own Hands: Ways, Technology

If you notice a sudden drop in the water level in the well, this may be the result of abnormal weather conditions. Under such conditions, the problem is relevant for all sources that are located in the district. Whereas if the water deficit was noted exclusively in one well and persists for a long time, then the change in hydrogeological conditions is the reason. This entails a rapid rise in the surface of the bottom and a decrease in the debit of water. In order to return the volume of reserves, it is necessary to make a deepening of the mine. In this case, several additional rings are installed, which have a less impressive diameter.

Safety precautions

It is preferable to make such works using the help of professionals, but if you decide to do this manipulation yourself, then you need to follow safety precautions. This requirement is due to the fact that, at an impressive depth, a person is very at risk. If on the site you have a well, the deepening can be made independently, it involves observing the principles that are used in construction. If there is water in the well, it is first necessary to pump it out, only after that it is possible to start removing the soil using buckets. The master who is in the mine must use insurance. If there is a deterioration in well-being, a person should immediately be taken upstairs.

Preparation of equipment for work

Deepening the well requires the preparation of a pump, quite often there is a need for two pumps at once, which are used for pumping water. It will take a special shovel, which has a short handle. Prepare a few buckets, each with a different volume. It is worth considering that it will be necessary to lift the soil, for this you must stock up special devices. Prepare a winch that has the ability to withstand loads of up to 600 kilograms. You will need a rope ladder and a bump. Deepening the well is much easier if you have lighting equipment in your arsenal.

It is important to pay special attention to the preparation of the master, he must have a waterproof clothing, a helmet, and rubber boots.

Determination of the diameter of rings

The deepening of the well provides for the selection of the diameter of the rings, which are made of concrete. They should be used for work. This figure should be less than the diameter that previously installed structures. Rings of less impressive diameter, which is equal to 80 cm, are used if the shaft along the entire length is straight. The height of the rings of this diameter can be equal to 90 cm. When using rings of grades КС-8.9 or КС-8.10 it will be possible to minimize the gap between the components of the shaft, making it equal to 3 cm. If the shaft is skewed in the area of the rings, then products of even less impressive Diameter. This figure should be equal to 70 cm. At the same time, the gap between previously assembled and new rings increases. You can get rid of it with pebbles or natural stone.

The technology of deepening

The well is deepened according to a certain scheme. Begin work should be with pumping water. If the inflow of liquid is insignificant, then this procedure is carried out using the improvised means. Otherwise, connect the pump to the process. After the pumping of water is completed, you can start lifting up the soil, sand, as well as muddy bottom sediments. Excavation from under the lowest ring can cause its subsidence and separation from the mine. In order to exclude this situation, the rings must be fastened with steel staples or plates. Sometimes such manipulations are carried out at the stage of construction of the well. Especially reliable fastening is necessary when the rings are mounted on quicksand. Otherwise, the lower rings can be demolished to the side, which complicates or even makes further work impossible.

Features of work

If the well is deepened by its own hands, it must be ensured that the shaft is evenly lowered down to the depth of the extracted soil. Extra rings must be installed from the top. As a minus of this technology is the fact that individual rings can be clamped by the ground so that when the pressure on the shaft from above with heavy equipment they can not move down.

Nuances of works

When the wells are being repaired and deepened, large stones can meet on the way to the subsidence of the base of the shaft. They must be tried to extract as a whole. If it is impossible to carry out such manipulations, the stone must be broken into separate parts using a jackhammer. Stone destruction can be achieved by repeatedly heating its base and then abruptly cooling. For the latest manipulations, use water.

What does the master need to know before starting work?

The technology of deepening the well presupposes, as already mentioned, the use of rings of smaller diameter. If the rings were used, the diameter of which is equal to one meter, then the groove should be made using rings whose diameter is equal to 0.8 of the diameter of the well shaft. If the well was arranged using rings whose diameter is equivalent to 0.8, then use the ring, the mentioned index of which is equal to 0.6 diameter. The deepening of wells in the country or in any other territory is most preferable in the period of late autumn or winter. This is due to the fact that during this period, the lowest level of water in the soil is observed. Contraindicated to start such manipulations in the spring, since the groundwater is at its maximum height. After they are lowered, it may turn out that the formed depth is not enough to provide water to the house during the whole year.

Features of different methods

Before commencing the work, it is important to consider all ways of deepening the well. If the process is carried out using rings of smaller diameter, then do not use mine technology. It involves digging the bottom of the soil and settling the column. This can cause the mine to get stuck and displace it will be quite difficult. It is recommended to stage a gradual lowering when all connections are made inside the tunnel. For the reason that the described manipulations are considered to be a rather dangerous process, important safety measures should be given. Thus, it is important to ensure that the rings are well fixed with a steel joint. This will eliminate the rupture of seams.

What should I look for?

The construction and deepening of the wells should be carried out only after it is possible to analyze the purchased rings for the absence of unevenness. If there are any, then their purchase should be discarded. This is due to the fact that errors can become an obstacle when lowering the rings to the bottom of the shaft. Do not forget that after pumping out the water you will need to clean the bottom. The master must get rid of the soil, which is saturated with water. If the well has a bottom filter, then it must be dismantled with the removal of the mineral backfill and oak shield. If there is a floater, it is important to clean it well. During the completion of the soil to the required depth, it is necessary to ensure that the walls do not begin to crumble. Once this happens, you can complete the work. At the next stage, the ring is lowered. If the diameter was chosen correctly, then at this stage there will be no difficulties. Lower rings should be well fixed in the soil with the use of reinforcement.


Deepening involves the extension of the column with the help of rings to the required depth. Formed joints should be filled with cement mortar. At the final stage, the final cleaning of the bottom is carried out. If necessary, a bottom filter should be installed.

Prior to the commencement of work it is important to carry out geological studies. You must determine the flow of water that comes in daily. Experts will help to establish the depth of the aquifer, as well as to calculate the ability of the soil to hold the walls. This is important in order to avoid ringing out of the rings. It is important to take into account that the deepening of the well with the help of plastic pipes can be carried out only once. If the work is done correctly, observing the technology, it will be possible to extend the life of the well by 50 years. If you do the digging of the well, it is important to make sure that the water in the second aquifer is free of harmful impurities and can be used for drinking.

For each joint, two metal braces should be prepared, experts recommend using anchor bolts. The upper ring must be fixed with special care. The amount of fasteners can be increased, this will only make the fixation more reliable. Most often recently, plastic pipes are used instead of concrete rings. It is important to acquire such rings that will freely pass to the very bottom. This is important to take into account even before the start of work, because otherwise you will have to decide on the purchase of new rings that can be used in a particular case. That's why it is recommended to use the advice of professionals, and it is better to order the work of the team of specialists.

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