Homeliness, Building
Building a house of brick: some tips
Brick houses have long been classics of frequent and industrial construction. For many hundreds of years this material is valued for its high technical characteristics. At us in the country building of the house from a brick recently is a sign of consistency of the owner of building. If you decide to save money, you can buy a silicate variant, but only its qualities will be slightly lower than that of the clay product.
We begin to count
Here are some examples of how you can at least approximately "cheat" the construction of a house made of bricks. Immediately warn that it will not be possible to save on the foundation, as even a modest one-storey cottage needs to be filled with a quality foundation. The colder in your area, the clutch will be wider. The wider the latter, the wider the trench under the foundation and the deeper its occurrence. In some cases it is necessary to provide for the laying of a concrete cushion. If the house is two-three-story, then the concrete in it should be reinforced. In many respects the characteristics of the foundation you choose will depend on the soil in your site. It is very important to know in advance (!) The depth of groundwater.
Thus, the construction of a house made of bricks will immediately require the purchase of roofing material for the waterproofing of the basement floor, cement, materials for formwork, reinforcement and a large number of ASG. These are the main items of expenditure at this stage.
Let's talk about the walls
Despite all the scientific and technological progress, the masonry of walls is performed only manually. Bricks are attached to cement, cement-lime, lime mortar. Do not try to save on the suppliers a penny, since any savings are now fraught with huge problems in a couple of years. If you want to spend less money without sacrificing quality, then calculate the bricks for building a house with the help of wholesalers.
Most often in their role are concrete or reinforced concrete slabs. A good substitute for them may be their multi-empty varieties. Keep in mind that theoretically, when building a small cottage, you can use wood or CIP panels, but you do not have to dream about quality noise insulation between the floors. In a word, even the construction of dacha houses made of bricks will in any case be a costly exercise.
Roofing and communication
If there is no central water supply system, drill a well in advance or dig a well. Subsequently, it will be much more difficult to do, and on the delivery of water in tanks, you can go bankrupt. If there is no gas supply to the site, it is better to think in advance about including in the project premises for the boiler room, since in especially severe cases the cost of its connection will almost go to the price of the work of the construction team.
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