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How to quickly prepare for the exam: practical advice

How to quickly prepare for the exam? The answer to this difficult question is forced to periodically look for many students and students. If there is very little time left, the main rule is that you can not panic. The advice given in the article will help those who are forced to study the examination material at an accelerated pace.

How to quickly prepare for the exam: time allocation

It's no secret that trying to learn exam tickets in non-stop mode always turns into a failure. How to quickly prepare for the exam and get a good evaluation? Lessons need to alternate with rest. For example, you can study for an hour, and then devote rest about 15 minutes. Psychologists argue that this way the material is easier to absorb, because the student calms himself with thoughts about the coming break.

It should also take into account that the rest should be right. Be sure to leave this time from the computer. Ideally, you should go for a short walk or do some simple exercises. Physical activity positively affects the work of the brain, relieves stress.

The right environment

How to quickly prepare for the exam? Before the beginning of the classes, all the factors that can be distracted from learning must be eliminated. For example, it would be advisable to leave Skype, turn off the cell phone, warn relatives and friends not to be bothered. Of course, it is necessary to engage in silence, so it's worth to find a suitable place.

What can I do if I can not get myself to start studying the exam materials? In this case, you need to persuade yourself to spend only a few minutes. This approach will help to get involved in the learning process. You can also try to come up with an effective incentive for yourself.

Methods of Mnemonics

How quickly to prepare for the exam, if you have to learn a large amount of material? To help come the tricks familiar to all experienced students. The most popular among students are the methods of mnemonics. This method involves the use of associations. The more vivid the images appear, the easier it will be for them to be stored in memory.

For example, how to be a student, who needs to remember the biography of a particular historical figure? It is worth remembering a familiar person who looks like this character externally or in terms of character, wears the same name and so on. It's great if the associations are funny, many people find it easier to learn the information.

Remember dates

How well to prepare for the exam? For many students, the greatest difficulty is the need to remember the exact information. A stumbling block can serve as formulas, dates, axioms. In order for the numbers to stay in memory for a long time, it is necessary to mentally relate them to a number that the student well remembers. For example, a historical person could be born on the same day as a friend or relative. Or the date resembles a familiar phone number.

It is possible to capture the formula in memory if you stop perceiving it precisely as a formula. With close scrutiny, you can see the familiar figure, understand that the formula resembles a certain word and so on. It is important only not to forget, even before the exam, exactly which associations caused the material.

About the benefits of cheat sheets

How well to prepare for the exam to pass it to five? Cheat sheets are an invention capable of coming to the aid of a person who has the most developed motor memory. During the recording of the material, a part of it is inevitably fixed in the memory of the student.

In addition, the cheat sheet is useful in that it represents the examination ticket in a structured form, the superfluous information is simply discarded, only the essence remains. With its help it is convenient to repeat the material, especially under time constraints. By the way, psychologists recommend to take such "preparations" with them, going to the exam, since this gives some certainty.

Rule of three sentences

How to effectively prepare for the exam? To help the student can come and the rule of the three proposals. The essence of this method is easy to understand on the example of working with one ticket. First, the student should carefully read the lecture on the topic of the ticket. Then choose three main sentences, which in general terms convey all the material in it.

Three selected sentences should be spoken several times aloud, and also written down - similar actions help to activate various types of memory. Work with other tickets is the same. Of course, this method is suitable primarily for those students who have to hand over a humanitarian subject.

Creative method

How to prepare for the exam in 2 days? The abilities of each student are individual, so you need to choose the method of studying the material, which gives the best results in a particular case. For example, students who like drawing can draw this fascination in their favor while studying the exam material.

Instead of writing cribs, you need to draw them. You can draw associative images, diagrams - anything. During the creation of such drawings it is useful to use different colors.

Interview Method

How to prepare for the exam in 2 days? Obviously, it is necessary not only to have time to read all the material, but also not to forget it during the preparation. Therefore, we must not forget about the repetition, during which it is useful to use the interview method. You need to ask yourself various questions about the subject of the ticket, and then give answers to them. It is advisable to think out the questions, and not to borrow from the textbooks, as this promotes a better understanding of the material.

Even easier students can do, who are preparing for the exam in the company of classmates. You just need to explain each other's studied topics. By the way, family members can be used as listeners, asking them to depict a lively interest and ask clarifying questions.

If there is one day left

How to prepare for the exam in a day, is this real? If the stock is only 24 hours, the emphasis should not be on cramming, but on understanding the material being studied. It is necessary to spend some time to separate simple questions from complex topics, and then concentrate on studying the latter. During the training, you must not forget about the need to take breaks, otherwise efficiency will decrease.

If there is one night left

How to prepare for the exam for the night? Unfortunately, students and students may have such a need. Once in a similar situation, you need to focus on studying simple questions, give preference to topics in which the student at least understands something. If time remains, you can switch to more complex material, hoping for the possibility of your memory.

How to prepare for the exam for the night? If most of the material is still unexplored, you should rely on luck first. If the "wrong" ticket is pulled out, you should not give it up right away. You can try to translate the conversation with the teacher into familiar topics, if they to some extent resonate with the exam questions. In some cases, this approach really works, especially if the student does not count on the highest score.

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