Computers, Software
How to create a game 'In Touch'
The social network - "VKontakte" enjoys an incredible popularity among Internet users. People of all ages choose it not only as a place of communication, but also earn money here. Those who develop games for this social network often pursue this very goal - obtaining financial means. And for this purpose you need to know how to create a game "VKontakte."
Such a process will take some time. It should be divided into stages - we will call them steps.
So, how to make your game "VKontakte" - the first step. First of all, a concept is created, which will later be needed to demonstrate to its customers. But working without customers, you should have a concept. With its help for the project, special "frames" are created, thanks to which you can successfully position your game to potential users.
Before creating a game "VKontakte", you need to perform other actions. The next stage of creation creates a gameplay. It does not matter whether the future game is small or big. The fact is that asking the question: "How to create a game" In Contact "?", You should understand some specific nuances. In particular, the gameplay implies the existence of a genre, to which the future game belongs. What did the developer conceive: strategy or shooter? Perhaps you wanted to create "RPG", "Action" or even plan to create your own unique genre.
We pass to the third step. Now we have to deal directly with the game mechanics. At this time, all the mathematical processes that will be used in the future game are calculated. There are also such mechanical nuances as shooting from weapons.
How to create a game "in contact"? You will have to work hard with the balance, since the problem with such a nuance in any particular type of weapon will lead to the fact that the project being created will fail. Users of the social network may not show interest in the game, developed carelessly. Also, the above reasons can provoke potential players to use cheats in the game.
After all the previous steps are completed, go to the next stage of creating the game. At this stage, programmers create a map of locations and develop a prototype for the game "engine". Having completed these actions, you can move on in your work - to create a game in this social network.
Now we will overcome the next stage of its development, which has the name: "Beta version". In this time interval, programmers are engaged in its development. In practice this will create a full-function game, but containing about 2/3 of the intended content. This stage is significant because the game is opened for users of the social network. Open or closed method Internet entrepreneur, promoting the game "VKontakte", recruiting testers, engaged in editing the mechanics, bringing it to mind. In parallel, these actions are an advertising company.
So the stage of release has approached. The created toy is published - and access to it is open to all those who wish to use the social network. Naturally, again there is a need for edits and polishing. Flash games are used in such games. Accordingly, to create them you need to be able to use flash-editor, to learn with his help to create drawings.
There are some other nuances like the API Help. It can be taken directly on the website. A lot of games of this kind are created with the help of high-quality programs. They are specially developed by specialists with appropriate qualifications. With the help of such programs with the question of how to create a game "VKontakte", almost any user of this social network will cope.
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