News and Society, Environment
Engels: population, climate, ecology and sights
The second largest city in the Saratov region - Engels, whose population demonstrates a stable positive dynamics - has an interesting history and sights. Residents of the settlement claim that the city has its own unique character, to live in it comfortably and pleasantly. Although the population of the city of Engels is experiencing a number of problems and difficulties, like any city in Russia.
The city of Engels, whose population we are exploring, is 7 km from the capital of the region - Saratov - on the shore of one of the largest rivers of Russia - the Volga. The area of the city is 115 square kilometers. The settlement is spread in the southeast of the East European Plain, the city's landscape is comfortable for walks, without large hills and hollows. The city lies on the coastline, which has a gentle elevation to the south. Height above sea level is from 15 meters offshore to the highest point in the south at 40 meters.
The location of the settlement is south-east of the European part of Russia, the lower Volga region. The distance from the capital of the country to Engels is 870 km. The territory of the city has long been known for its natural resources. Here there are some of the most significant underground aquatic natural reservoirs. The success of the city's development has always been ensured by the proximity of a powerful water and transport resource - the Volga. Thanks to this waterway, many trade routes ran through the city, which positively influenced the population of Engels. Today, the main factor in the stability of the development of the city is the proximity to the capital of the region - Saratov.
The city is in the temperate continental climate zone. This means that the population of Engels has a warm, even hot, and sometimes arid summer and a rather cold winter. Seasonality in the city is pronounced. The weather in the summer is usually warm, the hottest month is July, when the average temperature is about 22 degrees Celsius, often the thermometer rises to a value of +40. Winter is quite cold, but severe frosts usually last no more than a week or two. The coldest month is January, when the average temperature is around -10, but frosts are possible up to -20-25 degrees.
Precipitation in Engels is sufficient, an average of 12-15 days with precipitation in a month. The driest month is April, the rainiest month is August. Spring is characterized by frequent fogs, usually the off-season period lasts not for long, about a month: from the last decade of March to the last decade of April. The summer in Engels is long, which can not but please the local residents, it lasts from the end of April to the end of September. Winters are quite snowy and also quite long. The snow cover is usually set by the end of November. The climate of the city of Engels is quite comfortable for residents, and this is another reason for the attractiveness of the settlement.
Initially, Engels was in a favorable ecological zone. The surrounding meadows, forests and fields created a favorable atmosphere for life. During the Soviet era several large industrial enterprises were built in the city: KhimVolokno, a glue plant, a capron production plant. They pretty spoiled the ecological background in the city. But at the time of perestroika, almost all of these industries were closed, and today Engels, whose population no longer complains about dirty air, is becoming quite a prosperous city from the point of view of ecology.
Engels as a habitat
The city is a certain environment for living. The degree of its comfort and auspiciousness creates the prerequisites for the growth or decrease in the number of inhabitants. Engels, whose population is steadily growing, has many features. So, the proximity to Saratov, the capital of the region, allows the city to use most of its infrastructure, in particular shopping and entertainment centers, health and education institutions. The cities connect three bridges across the Volga with each other and a large number of transport routes.
All this makes the settlement unique: it combines the charms of a chamber village and at the same time provides all the possibilities of a metropolis. Residents of Engels often work and study in Saratov, coming to their city in the evenings and on weekends. Although the settlement itself has enough places for employment and education. The fact that the residents do not have difficulties in obtaining all the necessary goods and services, is taken care of by the social protection of the population. Engels is very well-groomed, and thanks to its small size, it can quickly detect existing problems. There is a city in the time zone "Moscow time", together with the whole country, they refused from the transitions for the seasonal time.
The weak point of Engels is the transport infrastructure linking the suburbs to the center, the traffic of public transport is concentrated along Telman Street, the rest of the route is covered by taxis and trolleybuses, but the regularity of their work is low. But you can get to all districts on foot, which can sometimes be a challenge, because Engels is stretched along the coastline. The undoubted advantage of the city is the almost complete absence of traffic congestion.
Officially, the city is divided into six districts: the Center, Privolzhsky, Melioration, Coastal, Plodovkhoz and the village of Awakening. Areas differ in the degree of comfort of residence, transport accessibility and security. Each district has at least one school and kindergarten, the settlement is distinguished by a large number of green spaces.
The population of Engels: numbers and dynamics
The welfare of the city sociologists assess the stability of the increase in the number of its inhabitants. To date, the population of Engels is about two hundred and twenty thousand people. Observations of the dynamics of the number of inhabitants have been carried out since 1897, when about 20 thousand people lived in it. Since then, only twice the statistics showed a decrease in the number of inhabitants, in 2003 and in 2009. The rest of the time the city is growing steadily, which indicates that the living conditions in it are quite acceptable.
In Engels comfortable living conditions are created and new places for work are constantly appearing. Center for Employment (Engels) records that unemployment in the city is kept at lower rates than the national average. In Soviet times, the average increase in residents was 3-4% per year. During the reorganization, the indicator fell to 0.5%. And today it is growing again and on average is 1.7-2%. Sociologists predict the continuation of the growth rates and even a small increase, which in a few years will lead to a total figure of 230 thousand people. At the same time, the population density is average (2,075 people per square kilometer), which is also comfortable for life.
Composition of population
The Department of Social Protection of Population (Engels) constantly monitors the composition of the population of the city. Their research shows that the city is dominated by the female population. It is home to 98.8 thousand men and about 122 thousand women. According to the age characteristics of the city can be attributed to young and growing populations, about a quarter of the population is classified as "older than the able-bodied."
The number of children born in the city is constantly growing. However, the natural increase in the population in the city is at a negative level (-1.7 people per 1000), so the dynamics of growth is provided by migrants, the number of which is only increasing every year. The ethnic composition of Engels is quite homogeneous. About 80% of the population is Russian. The second largest ethnic group is the Tatars (about 3%), followed by Ukrainians (2.5%), Kazakhs (1%), Armenians, Azerbaijanis and others.
Employment of the population of Engels
Low rates of unemployment still do not mean the full employment of the people of Engels. The able-bodied population is most in demand at large industrial enterprises of the settlement and at the world's largest airbase. They provide jobs predominantly for the male population, for women to find work for the soul can be more difficult. The greatest number of unemployed people falls on women from 30 to 55 years old with a high level of education. The Employment Center of the population (Engels) was called to eliminate unemployment. The vacancies offered here are most often connected with the filling of places at industrial enterprises and in service companies.
Problems of the city's population
Engels, despite sufficiently prosperous living conditions, has a number of problems that complicate the life of the population. These include unemployment, an unhappy criminal situation in some areas of the city, and a low level of salaries. In connection with population growth, the problem of providing kindergartens has become increasingly acute: many children are only allowed to turn to 4 years old. However, these problems are peculiar to the inhabitants of the whole country, therefore the Engelsites in this case live in the same way as the whole state. In Engels there are few shopping centers (only two) and entertainment facilities, this problem is easily solved by a trip to Saratov, but still there is a feeling that in the city people often have nothing to do.
City `s history
Officially, the city, today bearing the name Engels, appeared in 1747. Then a state monopoly was established for the extraction of salt, a very expensive and strategically important product. In this regard, the emperor ordered "opposite Saratov" to lay a new settlement, in which the salt miners will live. First there was a fortress, which protected the territory from the raids of nomads, gradually the city grew and developed.
The city changed several names. At first it was called Pokrovskaya Sloboda in honor of the first wooden church of the Intercession of the Virgin. The temple later burned down, but the name remains. In 1854 a railway was laid to the settlement, this contributed to the rapid growth of Pokrovskaya Sloboda. Gradually it becomes the largest market in the Trans-Volga region. In 1914 the settlement received the status of the city and became known as Pokrovsk.
The settlement several times passed from the Saratov province to Samara and back, in 1919 the city finally became part of the Saratov region. In 1930, near Pokrovskoye, an air base was built, a military airfield was built, and a flight school was organized, which became one of the best in the country. Despite the fact that the military town was a closed settlement, its existence had a powerful positive impact on the development of the city.
In 1931, the settlement was again renamed, this time it received the name of the philosopher F. Engels, who was very revered in the new Soviet state. At that time, the population of Engels in the Saratov region is actively growing, the city as a result of industrialization receives several large industrial enterprises, which contributes to its development.
The fall of the Soviet Union slowed down the growth of the settlement for a while, but quite quickly Engels was able to adapt to new conditions, this was helped by the diversification of production enterprises. In 1996, as a result of the referendum, the city and the Engels district merged. Today, Engels is a stably developing settlement, which has advantages and disadvantages, has its own face and an interesting history.
Economy of Engels
The fact that the population of the city of Engels is growing is explained by the fact that the economy of the settlement is well developed. Today, the city has successfully operated nine large plants:
- "Bosch Saratov" (formerly the Automotive Tractor Plant) today produces spark plugs for cars, and also includes factories for the production of radiators and power tools.
- "Signal", which produces aviation equipment and gas equipment.
- Henkel, specializing in the production of synthetic detergents.
- "Stankovita", which produces machines for the furniture industry.
- Pipe factory.
- Brickworks.
- Milk and bread mills.
- "Khimvolokno".
- Trolleybus factory.
Also, many other enterprises operate here: production and service. A large contribution to the economy of the region is made by the air base, which provides employment for a large number of residents and attracts young cadres and their families to the city. In addition, in Engels you can get education in two universities: the Technological Institute and the Cooperative Institute - or in three secondary specialized institutions.
Engels is a city with a long history, so there is something to see. The focus of history is the museum of local lore, in which you can see a photo of the old city and its most famous inhabitants. All visitors to the city necessarily come to see the Holy Trinity Church built in 1818. Local attractions include the Operetta Theater, the Picture Gallery, the House-Museum of L. Kassil. The spirit of the past can be felt by walking along the streets of the city and visiting the buildings of the past, in particular, the house of Petrov of the early 20th century. The population of the city of Engels is rightly proud that Yury Gagarin landed nearby after the famous flight into space. Here a memorial complex is erected and noisy festivities are held annually on the occasion of the Day of Astronautics.
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