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Merry festival of Neptune. Scenario for children and adults
The day of Neptune, perhaps, is the most cheerful summer holiday filled with water entertainments, jokes and competitions. The children from their summer camps always remember this miracle - the day when you can swim to the "blue lips", indulge, smudge with clay and paste, create other eccentrics with impunity. From their childhood, each person can draw special memories of how the Neptune Day was celebrated. The scenario was remembered only by the release of the King of the Seas with his entourage directly from the blue waves, others liked the competitions or general diving, while others recollect merry jokes. How can you think up your original holiday, so that all the participants remember it for a long time?
Prehistory of the holiday
It is necessary to take into account where this joyful day came from. It is believed that it was invented by ancient seafarers, who introduced the tradition of dipping young sailors crossing the equator for the first time into the sea depths. So the "salaga" became a "sea wolf". Subsequently, this tradition became the basis of the festival of Neptune. The scenario of the event necessarily includes "baptism" (dipping) of those who first relax on the sea. There is another story of the holiday. Neptune, as the patron of the sea, was honored by the ancient Greeks - famous seafarers. From them the tradition began to pay homage to the King of the seas, so that he would not send storms and storms to the sailors, help them on travel. In principle, the source of the idea does not really matter. The holiday has got accustomed, it is eagerly awaited by adults and children, anticipating the most fascinating adventures that raise the mood and delight.
Neptune Day: a holiday scenario for children
How is this day? The King of the Sea himself , his retinue, mermaids and Watery are the main characters who entertain the children on the feast of Neptune. The script must be sated with all sorts of competitions and water games. It must be very dynamic and positive. Children like "unworkable" entertainment, that is, those games and competitions, which uses as few rules as possible. On the Day of Neptune, it would be good to make pirates and devils out of all the children present. After the performance, they will gladly wash their make-up in the waters of an open water body. Do not forget to douse all those present in the water, creating an impromptu "equator" in the place of the celebration. Tip: Usually the Neptune Day is celebrated at the end of July. In order not to worry about children's health, which can suffer from numerous uncontrolled bathing, the date is set on the hottest day in this period.
The Festival of Neptune: an adult script
As in the children's festival, the characters of marine life are the main characters. Only adult "sailors" can arrange more serious tests, fill the script with jokes "salted". Usually mermaids play the main role, luring participants of the holiday into the sea abyss, where they are picked up by Vodia and "baptizes". Usually there are many who wish to take part in the contest "Salvation of drowning people". If the holiday is not organized in a close collective, but to the "general public", then you can dip in one or two "casual" participants in the pool in clothes (from among the organizers). Such entertainment will pass "with a bang." Do not forget that if for children the marine competitions will already be a reward and entertainment, then adults should be encouraged to participate in competitions on the feast of Neptune. The script for adults should include prizes for participants or a different reward for those who venture to enter the public court.
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