Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook a porridge porridge, using a minimum of products

You rarely meet a person who does not know what a porridge of porridge. This product has been known for a long time, but at first it was used in the household only for complementary feeding of cattle. Only since the 13th century people have appreciated the nutritional value and taste qualities of oatmeal and began to prepare dishes from it. In how to boil a porridge of porridge, there is nothing difficult. Consider in order the useful properties of this product and recipes for the preparation of Herculean porridge.

Thanks to a special technology, Hercules does not lose its useful elements after processing, and the cooking time is significantly reduced. It is very useful to have a porridge for breakfast. It contains many useful vitamins and trace elements, which give energy for the whole day. Vitamin A has a positive effect on the color and condition of the skin, on the mucous membrane of the mouth, strengthens the teeth, normalizes liver function and promotes the treatment of gastritis. Vitamins of group B, which are contained in porridge, support the nervous system and normalize the rhythm of cardiac activity. In addition, the porridge contains vitamins E, F, PP and vitamin N.

In general, porridge is a very useful product that supports health, Positively affects the appearance and helps in the fight against a variety of diseases. In addition, the mucus that is contained in the porridge, has a beneficial effect on the stomach, helps to cleanse the intestines and improve digestion.

Before you cook porridge porridge, you need to decide what kind of cereals you will cook it from. More popular are oat flakes, cooking time which is up to fifteen minutes. You can make porridge and whole grains of oats, but it takes a long time to prepare such a porridge.

Before cooking porridge porridge, you must prepare all the ingredients. So, for the preparation we need:

  • 1 cup of milk.
  • 0.5 cup oatmeal.
  • Sugar to taste.

A saucepan of milk should be placed on medium heat, periodically checking that milk does not escape. After the milk boils, the fire should be reduced. We add flakes and sugar to the milk and, stirring, cook for about 15 minutes until the porridge is ready. In the finished porridge, if desired, you can add additional ingredients, such as dried fruits, ground cinnamon, fruit syrups or honey. This will add extra flavor and flavor to the dish.

For those who want to lose weight, the best option will be a porridge on the water. It is made from ordinary oatmeal. There are no special secrets in how to weld porridge in this way. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 cups of water.
  • 1 cup of Herculean flakes.
  • a pinch of salt.

Hercules and a pinch of salt fall asleep in a pot of water. We put on an average fire and bring to a boil. Care should be taken to ensure that the porridge does not run away. The cooking time from the boiling point is about 15 minutes. After that, the ready porridge is eaten so or add a little honey or dried fruits for taste. Other products are not desirable to add, because the porridge will contain more calories, which will not please those who want to lose weight.

In addition to cooking on fire, there is a porridge, which there is no need to cook - it's muesli. Flakes in a bowl pour boiling water or hot milk, cover with a lid and insist about 15 minutes. Often the composition of such flakes includes dried fruits, seeds, nuts, pieces of chocolate, which adds an extra flavor to the dish.

In how to cook a porridge of porridge, there is nothing complicated, and if desired, you can always prepare yourself and the household such a useful breakfast.

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