Sports and FitnessFishing

How to catch zander? Fishing for pike-perch: tips

Among the river predators, there is one, which is a favorite trophy not only of spinners, but also of floaters. It can be caught almost any tackle. But here to entice on a hook it turns out far not at all anglers. Of course, we are talking about pike perch. This predator is secretive, gluttonous and greedy. He leads a cautious way of life, going out hunting in the twilight. You can fish for it at any time of the day and almost the whole year. The main thing is to know where and how to catch zander.


Sudak is difficult to be confused with another kind, except that with borsham. His body is elongated, torpedo-shaped. Dorsal fin high with sharp spines. Pike perch belongs to the perch family, but here it looks more like pike. True, being in the same pond, these two species will compete hard with each other for food. Pike perch prefers to go out for feeding at dusk. His eyes are large enough and convex. They are adapted to twilight vision. Unlike pike, pike-perch does not have a huge number of sharp teeth, but it is able to hold the prey in its mouth.

The color of this predator is not bright, grayish-green. But here there is one interesting feature: the pike-perch (photo, the fish on which is depicted close-up, it clearly shows) has specific bands. As a rule, there are eight to ten. It is this patronizing color that allows the predator to hide among plants or on the bottom. The color of the scales varies. Large specimens inhabiting the depths have dark color with golden overflow.


Pike perch is a fairly common species. It can be found in the rivers flowing into the southern seas: Azov, Caspian, Black. It is also caught in river basins, the mouth of which is the Baltic Sea. Pike perch is found in the lakes of the Finnish peninsula.

Before studying in detail how to catch a pike perch, you need to figure out where to find this predator. Firstly, this species does not settle in every river. He needs some conditions. The main of them is water with a pronounced flow and a rich content of oxygen. Pike perch is never found in silted low-flow water bodies. Also this species is actively populated in reservoirs and large natural lakes. Successful attempts are known to fish zander with artificial flow ponds. Why is this fish given so much attention? Because of her delicious, dietary meat. Sudak, of course, is a commercial species, so they try not only to preserve it, but also to increase its number in many regions. True, it turns out with varying success.

So, the "striped" river predator is very picky about the environment and habitat conditions. But at the same time he leads a very secretive way of life. It happens that fishermen fish for several years on the same site and do not even suspect that a pike-perch is swimming next to their gear. This species always avoids the breezes and bays. The fact is that in these parts of the reservoir the current is weak, and the water is not sufficiently aerated with oxygen. Sudak, most likely, will settle in those places where there are considerable depths. The flow in such areas must be well pronounced, and the soil at the bottom is stony or at least solid.

But zander chooses a habitat for itself and by virtue of age. Young individuals keep flocks by the shore, where there is a clamshell, or there are areas of aquatic vegetation. How to catch zander large - the question is much more complicated. Trophy specimens near the shore are practically not found. They keep to the depths, next to the pits or ramps. Necessarily, the presence of a current. They catch them from the boat, often trolling for an artificial bait. A large predator likes buckwheels and pits with hard ground. Ideal for it is a sandy and pebble bottom. If fishing is planned near urban settlements, then you need to look for fish near bridges, dams and bank benches.

On lakes and in reservoirs, the pike perch finds itself in the channels of flooded rivers. It can be caught off islands, rocky ridges. At dusk and in the pre-dawn hours the predator goes to feed in the coastal zone, on the shallows. Here, real battles unfold every day. Sudak hunts in packs, pounding small fish and leaving her no chance.

Spawning of zander

Fishing for pike perch begins in early spring. But in the last decade of April, when the water warms up to the desired temperature, the predator goes to spawn. Caviar females spawn on fairly small areas of the reservoir. Most spawning occurs in places with a flooded shrub, among thickets of reeds and on stony ridges. Activity of the fish is noted at night. But even more interesting is the fact that after spawning fish does not immediately leave the place where caviar is located. This behavior among aquatic predators is not common.

Sudak, unlike many other river species, takes care of its eggs. He remains long near the places of clutches and intensely drives away other predators. The young pike perch feed on zooplankton in the early stages of life, the fry will only begin to hunt fishes closer to the age of three months. Well, puberty they will come only to five years, when their body will be a half-meter long. By the way, it is very interesting that, in spite of all parental care, cannibalism is not alien to zander. This is such a strange behavior.

Where to look for pike perch on the river?

Since most of the fishing for pike perch occurs on the rivers, it is not superfluous to dwell more on where and when to catch it. So, this predator is a twilight fish. His eyes have a structure that helps him catch even the faint glow of light. This, of course, helps him to hunt in the semi-darkness. But in the daytime such an advantage turns into a flaw. Pike perch hides from bright rays in the depths of the water. He can keep in the shadow of the buckwheels and fallen trees, hide under large rocks and in bottom holes.

And if you take into account that this predator prefers to keep on the current at the bottom, then first of all it is searched on the rivers near the riverbed and under the driftwood. In such conditions, the pike perch, in order not to expend energy on the useless struggle with the rushing waters, simply tears out a small hole in the ground and waits for the sunset.

So, we mentioned the main places where to catch pike perch in the daytime. But such fishing will not bring big catches, mostly small animals will come across. But during the night zoriki better to look for predators in spillways and locks. The pike perch stands here, hiding behind the rocks and waiting for the small fry, stunned by the whirlpool. Also, successful fishing will be at the bridge supports and reinforced concrete structures that have collapsed into the water. It will not be superfluous to catch the areas where the border of the direct and reverse currents passes - for sure the pike-perch will stand here. At dusk, the "striped" predator goes on a hunt and on the shallows, it rushes especially where there is water vegetation. With sunset, there are splashes here - this pike perch chases the fry. Naturally, at different times of the year the predator behaves differently. Therefore, there are many options for fishing for this type of fish: from the float fishing rod to the donkey-zakidushki and spinning.

Fishing in the spring

In the last days of April or early May, the zander starts an active zhor. It is observed immediately after spawning. At this time flocks of predators are kept shallow bays near the reeds, bushes and buckwheels. To find pike-perch, you need to pay attention to the spawning bleak, roach or other white fish. Predator will definitely be nearby. At this time, he eagerly takes almost all the bait (we are talking about zhivtsy and artificial baits). It is best to catch zander in the spring on the bottom tackle. The most primitive outfit is taken (on a reel wound coil with a diameter of 0.35 mm). Since this species lives in water bodies with the current, the sinker is set to a weight of 60-100 grams. It should not be demolished to the side after casting and the more so to nail to the shore. Before the sinker, at a distance of 30 cm, a leash is attached. Since the pike perch practically never bites the forest like a pike, there is no need to install a metal pike. A leash from a conventional fishing line with a length of 80 cm to 1 meter is quite suitable. Hooks need sharp and large. The sting should be slightly bent to the side so that during the jerk the fish cuts itself. As a bait, donku is used by zhivots. Best suited bleak, roach, gudgeon.

Also in the spring it is recommended to catch the pike perch on the branch lead. This equipment involves the use of spinning. As baits always take silicone twisters and vibrotails. Now, more about the rig itself. By the end of the main line is attached a sinker, it is best to take models with one eyelet or "Cheburashka". Weight - not more than 30 grams, if the current is not strong, then it is enough and 15-gram. At a distance of approximately 40 cm from the sinker is attached the usual leash. Its length should be one meter. At the end, a silicone bait is attached , but only without a jig head. In this snap-in, it is not needed. Such installation is simple, convenient and strong. In general, catching on a diversion leash is most often used for pike-perch and its smaller "brother" - bersh.

Catching of pike perch in summer

About fishing features in the spring period is more or less understandable, but here's what to catch the zander in the summer? In the hot season, you can temporarily put the spinning aside and take a float fishing rod. By mid-June the zander of the pike-perch comes to naught. The fish gradually leaves the bays and goes to their habitual habitats. And this is often the corrupted depths. Get it out of there - a whole art and years of proven skill. Spinning here will be useless, but the float rod, as they say, is just right. The predator's crest is observed after sunset and in the pre-dawn hours. And in cloudy weather, the pike perch can actively catch the zhivottsov at least the whole day.

Fishing for this predator in the summer has many features and small nuances. On the float it is caught only on those sections of the river, where it is possible to release the tackle far forward along the current. It can be bridges, water structures, dams or braids. But the easiest way to use any boat. Catching from a boat is not just convenient - it makes available places of judgment. On it you can get close to the drops of the depths, to the ruts, koryazhnikam and brow.

What baits to catch zander? Of course, in the summer, the livestock will be more relevant and most likely. He must be tenacious and brisk. Among all the river species, pike perch prefers to hunt for a fir-tree, a broom, a pest and a gudgeon. To live longer retains its mobility, it clings to the hook in a special tricky way. The tail of the fish is worn by a simple paper band. And already through it the hook is passed. Thus, the fish does not get injured, it will try to free itself, perform a lot of body movements, which will certainly attract the attention of the pike perch. The grasp of the predator is aggressive and decisive. But when the float abruptly goes under the water, the sweep is not done immediately, but after a couple of seconds. And in the buckwheat there is no need at all.

Alloy Fishing

A lot of fishermen prefer to fish with zander. This is a very interesting and productive way of fishing on a striped predator. Usually as a tackle they take a float fishing rod, but catch "in a plumb", that is, without a float. The lure is the same lover. Some use a dead fish, planted on a jig-head. So, how to catch a pike perch with a boat rafting?

If a dead fish is taken as a bait, then it is necessary to make it move like a bait. Sluggish, and even more immovable prey zander is not interested. The liveliness of the bait is provided by the game. It must be continuous. To simulate the game of fry, the angler makes a series of minor twitches. Of course, everyone has their own technique. But the basis is taken just such: soft and wide movements a jig-head rises with a fish from the bottom, then waits a couple of seconds and sharply descends back.

This is the whole secret of how to catch a zander on a bait which does not move on its own. As for tackles, they look like this. The fishing rod for fishing should be short and strong. The coil is set inertial, which allows the fisherman to change the depth of fishing very quickly. This is necessary if the relief of the bottom changes dramatically or an unexpectedly heavy weighted specimen is caught on the hook. The float is not used in the snap. Bite is felt as a push or visible on the sagging line.

Summer fishing for spinning

Of course, it's not difficult to catch a predator on a live bait, where the problem of how to catch a zander on a spinning is more problematic. It is not easy to get one to bite on an artificial bait. Although spinning for pike perch has recently become as popular as fishing for pike. The main thing here is not the amount of fish caught, but excitement, skill, the ability to pick up bait, make wiring. In general, this method of catching is really for enthusiastic people.

Basically, for catching pike perch, jig baits are used. And since there are so many of them, it is not superfluous to specify which models will fit. Pike perch most often reacts to vibrotails. Their preferred size is 8 centimeters. And color does not matter. It is much more important to pay attention to the shape and weight of the bait. From these parameters depends on how to catch a jig of pike perch on the rivers. The game decoys everything. Jig-heads are selected taking into account the speed of current and depth. It is not difficult to check whether the weight is correctly chosen. When tossing, the bait must fall to the bottom in two seconds. Although in some conditions it is more efficient to catch lighter jigs. They literally soar above the surface of the ground.

It is worth mentioning how to properly catch pike perch with such baits. The wiring is carried out stepwise. This is the simplest option. Wobblers methodically rises and falls to the bottom. As a rule, pike perch bites are sharp and assertive. If one specimen was caught, it would not be superfluous to catch this section of the reservoir better. There is a high probability of catching a few more individuals. Pike perch is a schooling fish.

Wobblers on pike perch

Of course, in addition to silicone baits, you can use other options. For example, it is worth familiarizing with how to catch a pike perch on a wobblers. This bait must meet certain criteria. A real vexing werewolf - the geometry of the "minnow". Its length is from seven to twelve centimeters. They can be both floating and drowning. In general, spinning professionals often mention that the jiggered wobblers should have a depth of possible immersion slightly greater than the distance to the bottom of the reservoir. Then, during the wiring, the bait will slip on the ground from time to time. And this, undoubtedly, will lead to the rise of a cloud of turbidity. Thus, the imitation of the movements of a small fish, swarming at the bottom, will seem to the pike perch more reliably.

Night fishing on pike perch

Perhaps, the most "romantic" fishing for pike perch - at night. This fish shows its greatest activity - unlike the same pike - after sunset or in the pre-dawn hours. At this time, the fishermen lay out their gear and are preparing for the impending bites. They are looking for pike perch after sunset on the banks and shallows. Here the battles unfold not for life, but for death. Pike-perches pound small fishes in packs, not giving to it chances of rescue. And this fight lasts almost the whole night. So with the onset of pitch darkness, fishing does not stop.

How to catch a pike perch on a spinning at night? The question is quite interesting, because at that time the conditions for casting and wiring are not the best. As a bait used wobblers. The best approach is the floating, since the predator hunts in shallow depths. Color registration wobbler is not important. To fish saw its bait, you can take fluorescent models without damage to fishing. They do not scare away the fish and are easy to use.

Now in the specialized departments where fishing tackles are sold, you can find and purchase even light-accumulating baits. They glow in the dark. The speed of the wading on the pike perch is slow at night. You need to periodically make small stops. At such times, the wobbler, as a rule, fluctuates on the current. And yet, what is better to catch pike perch after sunset and until dawn? This predator actively lacks floating shallow baits, certainly with a fractional game and a well-marked angler from the shore.

Autumn Catch

Pike perch in autumn displays an excellent appetite. It is very successful at this time of year to catch him on artificial lures "in a plumb". To do this, in addition to gear, the boat is also useful. With a decrease in the temperature of the water, this predator will pursue flocks of its favorite prey that go to depth. It is very difficult to get pikeperch from shore. Therefore, you need to get out to the depth. Experienced fishermen quickly find pike perch on familiar water bodies. From year to year, they can stay on the same section of the river. This is more often the demolitions in the pits, the boundaries of the whirlpools, the buckwheels. As the baits take the average scallop spoon, balancer and "helicopter". It is noticed that the pike perch furiously grabs the bait rising up.

Here is such an interesting river predator - pike perch. Photo, the fish on which hardly fits in the hands of a happy angler, will not leave indifferent true connoisseurs of sport fishing.

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