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How many lie in the maternity hospital after delivery and on what does it depend on?

How many are in the hospital after delivery? This question will be answered in this article.

Finally, you have waited for the appearance of a small child. You have long dreamed of, represented this festive day, how you will meet your relatives and friends. Only when will this moment come? How much should I lie in the hospital after delivery? Now let's try to figure it out. This period depends primarily on the state of health of mother and child.

How many are in the hospital after natural birth?

If the mother and baby feel well, have gone through all the necessary procedures, then the doctor can let them go home within a week. For discharge, it is necessary that all necessary vaccinations and tests be made to the baby. At the mother the gynecologist checks the uterus contraction, and also whether there is an inflammatory process. For this, a daily examination is done and ultrasound is assigned.

Some women during childbirth have to do a perineal incision (episiotomy), which is necessary to ensure that the fetal head passes faster through the birth canal. If this happens, then you need to wait a bit with the discharge, because it is necessary that the seams begin to heal. The nurses regularly treat them to avoid the onset of the inflammatory process.

When the doctor makes sure that everything is going well, it is possible to have an extract already on the third day, and after an episiotomy - on the sixth.

Cesarean section

Recently Caesarean section is being done more and more often. In many cases, women who are already over thirty years old apply for this kind of delivery. If there is appropriate evidence, then the medical staff will meet them.

How many lie in the maternity hospital after giving birth at Caesarean section? The actual period of discharge is 5 or 6 days if everything went well: the newborn is healthy and the mother does not have any inflammatory processes. Still, cesarean section is a caval operation, so it happens that after it the forces do not recover quickly, and the seams do not heal. In that case, you'll have to stay longer in the hospital, perhaps up to several weeks.

If a woman in childbirth from the very beginning has an indication for cesarean section, then the doctor can tell in advance how many days she will stay in the hospital.

At the time of discharge, after a similar delivery, several circumstances are affected. For example, why this woman gave birth, what were the testimonies, it was planned or unplanned operation. Considering all these moments, the doctor can determine the day of discharge.

Premature delivery

Baby, born before the term, requires special attention. He did not fully develop organs that can not yet function independently outside the mother's womb. Therefore, the newborn and his mother will be in the hospital until the baby's health is normalized. Most likely, he will be transferred to the department of pathology. In such cases, how many to lie in the maternity hospital after the birth, no doctor will tell exactly. Everything will depend on the state of health of the newborn.

Often, a baby born before the term is underdeveloped breathing system, so it is placed in the apparatus of artificial ventilation. How much time is needed for doctors to help a baby breathe normally, depends on its viability.

Important Factors

What do obstetricians and gynecologists pay attention to before discharge?

First, the overall health of the mother, healing of sutures, the nature of vaginal discharge, the extent of contraction of the uterus. Also, the doctor examines the woman's breasts for cracks and inflammation.

Before discharge, the mother is sent to the ultrasound of the genitals. This is done to ensure that the part of the after-eye or blood clots have remained in the uterus.

The doctor also prescribes a general blood and urine test. The latter is needed in order to find out whether there are diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as gestosis. The blood test is done to identify possible inflammation and anemia.

After this survey, the obstetrician-gynecologist decides whether to prescribe the patient or not.

The reasons for the delay

The fact of the mother's condition affects how much time is left in the maternity hospital after delivery. The reasons why a woman in labor can stay in the hospital are as follows:

  1. Pathology of labor and complications after them.
  2. The application of seams to the internal and external genital organs can prolong the time of stay in the hospital. However, the final decision in such cases remains with the doctor.
  3. The presence of bleeding can also delay the woman in the hospital. If a woman had a difficult birth, for example, manually removed the placenta, it often leads to a loss of blood. As a consequence, anemia occurs. For its treatment, iron-containing drugs and vitamins are prescribed. In case of severe anemia, blood transfusion may be prescribed.

How many days lie in the hospital after delivery in the presence of inflammatory processes? It depends on the circumstances. With inflammation of the uterine cavity or poorly healing scars, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Of course, in such cases with an extract it will be necessary to wait.

A mother who has been diagnosed with gestosis is at first under medical supervision because of high blood pressure. To reduce it, it takes time.

Baby in the hospital

For a small, just-born little man, care in the hospital is just as thorough as for his mother. The neonatologist examines the baby every day, his skin, checks whether the navel has fallen off and what muscle tone. He is also interested in the chair, urine and weight changes of the child.

To the kid the following inspections are appointed: analyzes of urine and blood. They are needed to detect dangerous diseases in time, such as adrenogenital syndrome, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, galactosemia. Before discharge, the newborn is given mandatory vaccinations. Only after all the examinations the doctor allows the extract to go home.

Why the baby will have to stay in the hospital longer

On how much now lie in the hospital after delivery, the condition affects not only mom, but also the child. What will delay the baby in the hospital? Here are the possible reasons:

  1. Jaundice of the newborn. The manifestation of this disease is observed in the conflict of Rh factor of mother and child. Drops and phototherapy are prescribed for the treatment of a baby. In these circumstances, the child is detained in the hospital until he is fully recovered.
  2. Weight loss. The maximum weight loss after birth in a baby is about 8% of the original. If this rate is exceeded, the child will be examined, and this will take some time.
  3. Premature baby. A baby who was born before the term most likely tends to lose a significant portion of the weight, so it is placed in a special incubator for complete nursing.
  4. Oxygen starvation of the fetus, observed during childbirth. After this, the baby can have serious disorders of the nervous system. If they are found on examination, the child is left for some time to be treated.
  5. Infections. Any of them requires treatment with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. In this situation, the baby's discharge is also delayed.

A small conclusion

To calm future mothers who are worried about how many are in the maternity hospital after delivery, I want to say that in most of everything goes well. Therefore, there is no reason for unreasonable concern. Most often, moms and toddlers are discharged without delay. You just have to wait a few days, and then you can go home to a happy family.

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