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When does the sex of the baby form in the womb?

The birth of a child is a miracle, with which every woman on the planet who has become a mother is familiar. Any of them is waiting for this miracle and hopes that it is her baby who will be the happiest, wise, successful when he grows up. And all future mothers think about who they are carrying: a boy or a girl.

"Hen or egg"?

According to the ancient beautiful legend of love, on earth people lived androgynous, and they were a perfect race, combining the features of both male and female. Celestial forces divided androgynous into men and women. For what, is not so important, but the fact remains: to this day, half of the androgynous are looking for each other. A man and a woman who found their half in each other, become the most ideal couple, a single whole. But mankind is doomed for ages to have offspring, which is divided into men and women, born of boys and girls.

And what do genetics say?

The legend is beautiful, but the scientific approach, genetics and its affiliated branches say quite different. Man is perfect in the way he is created, and the difference of the sexes is not a punishment for sin but a gift from above. To live and reproduce a posterity like this is the appointment of all life on Earth.

Still from the school course of anatomy, we know about which sex cells are responsible for conceiving, about when the sex of a child is formed in the womb, or rather, when it can already be recognized. And, it would seem, at first glance everything is very clear: it depends on the man, what sex the child will be, but, maybe, all the same is not so unambiguous?

What type of child do you need?

To answer the question: "When does the sex of a child form?" It is not enough to mention only that this happens at the moment of conception. There are no forces that would influence whether a boy or a girl is born, if conception has already taken place, it is useless to try to change this and "interfere" with the process through conspiracies, talismans, prayers, etc. And on what week the sex of a child is formed, in fact, it does not matter anymore, because the main thing is for the baby to come to a loving family.

Of course, before conception, at least try to do everything possible to ensure that the desired daughter or son appeared in the family, but any obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you a simple truth: "As God wills." They do not believe in any methods and high-tech equipment.

Medical intervention at an early pregnancy in the choice of the sex of the child

Theoretically, the cycle of embryo development represents the same visual scheme until 11-12 weeks - it is almost impossible to distinguish the future boy from a girl. There is a very costly way to do this at very early stages of embryo growth. But here we are not talking about the traditional method of conception, but about in vitro fertilization, when the eggs grown in the mother's body and the spermatozoa formed in the father's body are connected outside the mother's body by a microsurgical route. And then, when analyzing the amniotic fluid of the embryo (which, in general, breaks the protective envelope of the embryo, and the risk of harm exists, although it is small) determine the sex of the child and fit the embryo into the mother's womb. In some countries, this method is practiced, and in the event of an error, pregnancy is interrupted, and in others such methods are prohibited by law due to unethical and immoral abortions of innocent embryos who, because of permissible statistical medical error, did not become children.

The most accurate answer will be a study of ultrasound

Ultrasound examines when a child's gender is formed, and quite unmistakably, as early as week 12. Of course, it happens that the uziologist is mistaken, but the professionalism of the doctor rarely fails. However, it is impossible to recognize the sex until 11 weeks (due to physiological factors) and at the last stages of pregnancy (due to the fact that the fetus is already large and there is simply not enough room to choose the right angle). Therefore, if you still want to buy a dowry for a future baby not of neutral colors, ultrasound will help you decide on a choice.

How does conception occur?

Each cell of the maternal and paternal organism contains 46 chromosomes in pairs (23 pairs). Autosomes, which are presented in an amount of 22 pairs, are responsible for the genetic kit passed from parent to child. And only a single pair - heterosomes - actually determines the sex of the future person.

In no way do female cells affect the formation of sex in the embryo. Her sex chromosomes are the same, they are denoted by the code XX, while the male sex chromosomes have two different chromosomes in the XY chromosome pair. Connecting, two cells form variants of compounds XX or XY, that is, literally it means that one of the female chromosomes X, connects to one of the male chromosomes Y or X, and the sex of the future child is formed by the fusion of cells, that is, at the moment of conception. And nothing else.

On what week is the sex of the child formed?

Despite the fact that in fact there are no sexual differences in the embryo before the 10th week (information on when the sex of the child is physiologically formed is rather blurred, there are data from 10 weeks to 16 weeks of gestation), this does not mean that the embryo until this time Sexless, and he can become both a boy and a girl. If at the time of copulation the egg and spermatozoon have successfully met, in one day two cells will become a single zygote that will split in two at the end of the first day.

Folk methods of determining the sex of the future baby

Since ancient times, women have been puzzled by the fact of what sex they are pregnant with. Sometimes it was caused by curiosity and the opening of the secret veil over the main miracle - the miracle of creation. Sometimes it concerned the traditional attitude to heirs - in countries that preach Islam, this attitude is not forgotten today. Therefore, at a time when the sex of the baby is being formed in the womb, women are already puzzled by his future.

Sex future children tried to learn and before the onset of pregnancy (predict it). Centuries-old practice of determining pregnancy includes methods for determining the sex of the future baby by the behavior of a woman, even revealing the fact of pregnancy during a period when the woman is still hiding it. They also relied on changes in her appearance, gait, pigmentation or increased puffiness. Today you can often hear that a girl in a mother's womb makes her future mother less attractive than a boy. And to explain this observation can be quite medically: after all, the girl needs the same hormones that serve her mother as a source of beauty.

It is often said that the sex of the child can be determined by the shape of the belly of the future mother. If the pregnancy is invisible from the back, the neat tummy does not stand out, then the boy is expected, and if from the back the roundness is visible or the sides begin to differ with softer lines and a smooth transition from the chest to the thigh, there will be a girl. But in practice this is not so, and even the same woman can look quite different during pregnancy, bearing the same sex.

And modern mothers who know how to feel their children and mentally talk to them, trust their connection with the future baby and, when the sex of the baby is formed in the womb, pay attention to how they treat it - as a son or as a daughter.

Predictions and fortune-telling about who to wait in the family

Various techniques and divination before the onset of pregnancy promise the accuracy of the result. And although everyone knows when the sex of a child is formed, the mystery of the most mysterious event in life beckons like a magnet. The technique of the pendulum suspended above the palm is simple: if the needle (ring, pendant) rotates around the circumference, a girl will appear in the family, if the boy is rocked back and forth.

Experts in palmistry say that by the lines on the side of the hand you can determine the number of future children, numerologists use numbers and an alphabetical table to determine the future child's couple, knowing the month of his conception. But do not take seriously the predictions. As they say in the popular anecdote, the probability of fulfilling the prediction, when the sex of the child is formed, is fifty percent: either it will come true or not.

Methods of conception of a child of a certain sex

There are methods that many people trust:

• different lunar calendars for counting;

• diets for conception;

• The Budyansky method, based on the data tables, which predetermine the successful time for conceiving a child of a particular sex;

• a blood method based on the parity of the mother's years at the time of conception;

• a blood method based on the principle of blood renewal in men every four years, and women every three years.

But in all of them there are inaccuracies, shortcomings (for example, twin situations or the birth of different-sex twins, triplets, etc., break these theories to the nines). The only theory, although somehow resistant to criticism, is the method of ovulation.

The fact is that spermatozoa live for several days, and the chromosome Y, which in the pair is more active and less "hardy", is responsible for the fertilization of the boy, and chromosome X, which is slower but more enduring, remains in the genital tract of the woman before Three days. Therefore, if you want to conceive a boy, make a conception directly during ovulation (it lasts about a day). And if you want to conceive a girl, you should abstain just at this time from sex, and the right time is considered three days before ovulation.

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