Health, Diseases and Conditions
How can you get tuberculosis: what you need to fear
One of the main sources of infection are coughing patients who contract pulmonary tuberculosis. Can I get tuberculosis in this case? Usually, infection occurs in the poorly and rarely ventilated areas where the sick person is.
How can you get tuberculosis in your daily life?
There are two ways.
Contact infection occurs when you use objects and clothing of the patient, as well as during the care of infected animals.
Nutritional type of transmission most often occurs in children and adolescents during consumption of milk and dairy products from a sick animal, infected meat.
How to identify infection with tuberculosis?
The cutaneous test, called the Mantou reaction, determines the infection of the disease with bacteria. The main purpose of this procedure is to find out how one can get tuberculosis, identify an infection and select individuals to perform anti-tuberculosis vaccinations. At the site of the introduction of the skin test, the following changes are observed:
- only the trace from the injection is considered a negative reaction;
- redness of the skin;
- exaltation and densification of the skin (papule), which is determined by touch, by eye;
- a vial with a liquid (vesicle).
The papule, having a size of up to 5 mm and redness of the skin, is defined as a questionable reaction, but the papule or vesicle having a size of more than 5 mm is positive.
Can I get tuberculosis and not get sick?
Infection with microbacteria does not indicate that the person is sick. Only 5-10% is the probability of infection of a healthy person with this disease. The bulk of infected people do not get sick. The number of microbacteria that enter the body depends on how close the contact with the patient with tuberculosis was and how large the infected bacterial release was. Thus, the answer to the question: "How can I get tuberculosis and not get sick?"
Factors influencing the predisposition to the disease
A person can get sick with this disease if the body's immune system is weakened. It is influenced by the following factors:
- Fasting or malnutrition can reduce the body's resistance;
- the use of alcohol and smoking significantly reduces immunity;
- HIV, respiratory diseases, diabetes, mental disorders, stress.
How to protect yourself from tuberculosis
There are two ways in which you can get tuberculosis and not get sick. With their help you can prevent the development of this disease.
1. Nonspecific:
• improvement of immunity;
• Improvement of the housing and production environment.
2. Specific:
• Anti-tuberculosis vaccinations. With the help of the vaccine, immunity to infection is formed. Vaccination is considered a basic method of preventing tuberculosis in children. The main vaccine preparation in the world is the BCG vaccine.
• Chemoprophylaxis is the introduction of anti-tuberculosis drugs to healthy people who are at risk of infection and the development of the disease. The main drug for chemoprophylaxis is the drug "Tubazid."
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