Sports and Fitness, Horseback Riding
Hippodromes in Moscow - a good way to relax
Equestrian sport has become widespread in the West. They ride on horses, they are photographed, communicate, sometimes they make bets. This list can be continued for a long time. A horse is a kind, intelligent, strong animal. The only drawback is natural shyness.
From literature, we know that horses are usually kept in country stables, and scientists have long argued about the possibility of finding such an animal in the city. And while they are arguing, the hippodromes in Moscow offer everyone who wants to get acquainted with these beautiful creatures closer. But since this kind of pastime is unusual enough, it is worthwhile to find out a few nuances about which you will have to think about if not immediately, then later. We will try to illuminate them.
Cost, perhaps - the first question that arises in the conversation about horses, regardless of whether you are going to ride, communicate or, maybe, participate in any competitions. It's not about the price policy of this owner and not about the cost of a trotter. These two points you have to take and ride or not to take and look for another place.
The first question is your experience as a rider. In this case, the rules are the same as for a hike, for example, in the pool. Even if you can swim, the coach will still be watching you. If you do not know how much you can tell about the technique of breathing - without an instructor you will not go far. Also here, except for the price of renting a trotter, you will need to learn to at least keep in the saddle. And hippodromes in Moscow have professional coaches in their staff, and sometimes practicing riders, who will always help a beginner.
The second question you need to think about is the dress code. Do not forget that the stirrups are at a certain height, and in tight jeans it will be uncomfortable to sit in the saddle. A mini-skirt is also not the best option, and it's not even that with a certain lift of a leg, it will stop. Undesirable shoes on the platform, it is better to think about shoes or boots on a small heel. At the same time, many hippodromes in Moscow can offer you special ammunition that meets all safety rules. If you are going to ride constantly (for example, at least once a month), you should think about purchasing your own set of clothes for riding.
Where to drive
Answering the question, where to ride, many people will call the main Moscow institution on Begovaya. On the territory of the hippodrome there is a karaoke bar "Sivka-Burka", where you can refresh yourself after skiing. It's not necessary to go to the center to try yourself as a rider. There are private, small hippodromes. In Moscow, you can rent a horse also in many parks: Filevsky, Bitsevsky, Timiryazevsky and others. There are specialized private racetracks, for example, "Serebryany Bor", where, besides the usual skating, you can take a course of jumping (competition to overcome obstacles).
When to go for a drive
The question when it is solved is also quite simple. There are people who like to ride an hour before work, so this should not be a problem. If the place is sufficiently untwisted, then you can pick not only the horse that you like, but even the type of occupation. After all, like in other sports, you can do both individually and in a group.
Country walks
The advantages of out-of-town trips need not be described. It should be mentioned that the equestrian club can be found not only in the capital, but also somewhere in the suburbs. At the same time, prices in the region may be cheaper than in the city. However, when choosing a club, you need to think much more about those issues that do not even arise in urban conditions. Do they have their own territory or do they offer you certain routes? How to ride, if, for example, on the street rain? Do you provide an instructor if you are a beginner? What instruction do they conduct?
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