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Sayings about the man of great people, or Talk about the Eternal

If you study the work and activities of philosophers, writers and poets, you can see that in the "arsenal" of each of them there are statements about a person. And also about love, life, society, mutual understanding, etc. Well, we should consider the most popular of them.

One statement is the result of long observations and experience

Great people are personalities who have not spent a day in vain. They constantly engaged in one important and difficult affair. They thought. We meditated and analyzed. This is a very complex process, but it gives a lot. Where else could you say something about a man? In order to say something really interesting, meaningful and truthful about this topic, it is necessary to observe people, their behavior, their life in society. And, of course, first of all you need to watch for yourself. It's not so simple. But great thinkers succeeded.

"Usually people see in a dream what they think about during the day," said Herodotus of Halicarnassus, the famous ancient Greek historian. It is unlikely that such a conclusion could be made spontaneously. It is also unlikely that the great figure said this only because he once dreamed of something that he thought about during the day. Perhaps he was asking other people about what he was dreaming, or for a long time comparing his own night vision with daytime thoughts. No one knows for sure, however one can be stated with certainty: from an empty place such statements about a person do not arise.

Philosophical Reflections

Many great people loved to reflect on life. Especially those who were fond of social psychology. True, in those days such a science did not even exist. But many statements of great people are puzzling. For example, Abraham Lincoln said a good phrase. It sounds like this: "People are happy as much as they consider themselves to be happy." It makes you think. The phrase is simple, and there is no straightforwardness in it - everything sounds very streamlined, but the meaning of what is said is very clear. And the president was right. Everyone is concerned about being happy. And many of us are striving to achieve this happiness. But everyone knows how sometimes it's hard. But it is even more difficult to "let go" the situation and look at things easier. Perhaps this is what the great statesman meant.

The simple truth

If you discuss the statements of great people who make you think, you should consider the following phrase: "People do not know what they want, but are willing to allow themselves to be cut to pieces in order to get it." The author of the expression is Don Marquez, a famous journalist and writer. The publicist noticed everything correctly. After all, what is the familiar situation: people are rushing about in search of happiness and well-being, they want to get it, but ... do not know what it is all about. They do not have a specific goal - and this is their main problem. After all, it is impossible to achieve what even in thought does not exist.

Such statements about people, about life are simple, but very clear. This is their zest. Perhaps, it is for this reason that many expressions have long become winged phrases.

About human nature

Sayings about a person are interesting in that absolutely everyone can find in them something that would concern him. If not directly, then at least indirectly. Bernard Shaw, a famous playwright, once very correctly noted: "People are most interested in the fact that they are absolutely not concerned." Curiosity, excessive interest, the habit of "climbing out of one's business" - all this is embodied in a single short phrase. And Schopenhauer said that people call Fate what they themselves created by foolishness. The habit of making excuses, looking for a guilty one, and unwillingness to admit one's own guilt - that's what such statements about a person contain. This is the truth that great figures did not hesitate to show. Probably, it was thanks to this quality that they entered the world history. And their statements about people, about life, love and society - they will remain in our memory for a long time.

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