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Hematoma on the head of a newborn: treatment and possible consequences

A hematoma or bruise in medicine is a kind of soft tissue injury, in which a rupture of blood vessels occurs. In the tissue, a cavity is formed in which the coagulated blood is found. Immediately after the appearance of the hematoma is a bluish-violet coloration, then gradually "fades", becoming green and pale yellow. The space around the bruise, as a rule, swells and hurts. The hematoma on the head is characterized by the accumulation of blood between the skin and skull bones.

Where does hematoma on the head of the newborn come from?

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the bruise on the skull of the infant is due to birth trauma, as a result of which the vessels were damaged. It looks pretty frightening, so it's no wonder that parents are panicking and do not know what to do. However, experts argue that the hematoma on the child's head itself is not a matter of serious concern. However, if it does not pass without a trace after ten days, you should think about it.

Existing methods of treatment

So, if the hematoma on the head of the newborn does not resolve for a long period of time, parents should show the baby to the pediatrician. The doctor will perform a complete examination, take a number of necessary tests from the child and prescribe the treatment, depending on their result.
The most common procedure in this case is pumping blood from the periosteum. It sounds pretty creepy, but in reality there's nothing to worry about. Pumping is done by a specialist using two thin medical needles: one needle is used directly to pump out the accumulated blood, and the other is necessary in order to prevent the formation of negative pressure in the empty cavity. In a few hours after the procedure, the result will be noticeable: the baby will calm down and cheer up. To be afraid of this method of treatment is not necessary; If it is not carried out in a timely manner, a hematoma on the head of a newborn can start to fester.

Possible consequences

One way or another, to conduct treatment is necessary. The hematoma on the head of a newborn can be fraught with many unpleasant consequences. In addition to accumulation in the cavity of pus, the bruise may harden with time. As a result, the head of the newborn is deformed. The recently formed hematoma differs in elastic consistency and, with slight pressure, changes its shape; If desired, you can touch the liquid that accumulates between the skin and the skull.

How quickly does the healing come?

If there are no complications and the rest of the parameters the child is completely healthy, then after about a week the hematoma begins to slowly decrease. The period of disappearance of the bruise in each kid is individual and can take from three to eight weeks. If the bruise begins to resolve, no outside interference is required. The larger the size of the hematoma, the slower it passes. In medicine, there have been cases when particularly large bruises in children resolved within a few months.
However, even if the head of the child has assumed the same form, it is necessary to visit a specialist on a regular basis. Probably, in order to exclude the possibility of other diagnoses, ultrasound will be required.

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