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Pancreas is increased in a child: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Why is the pancreas enlarged in the child? The causes of this pathological condition will be presented below. Also we will consider the symptoms of this disease and the methods of its treatment.

Basic information

Pancreas in children and adults is the most important organ of the digestive system, which is located deep inside the abdominal cavity.

According to experts, the pancreas consists of several types of tissues and, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical location, is characterized by rather difficult access. Therefore, it is impossible to diagnose the inflammation of this organ by palpation. In this case, to identify the presence of any problems with it, can only be based on the results of ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging.

False alarm

It should be specially noted that if the pancreas is increased in a child, this does not always indicate a serious pathology. The fact is that this organ has separate parts (for example, tail, body or head), the sizes of which can be non-standard due to a peculiar reaction or peculiarity of a particular organism, including a congenital anomaly that does not pose a threat to life Patient.

It should also be noted that it is sometimes possible to erroneously diagnose a pathological condition such as an increase in the size of the body of the pancreas or its tail. To make a more accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo not only a laboratory examination, but also an instrumental one.

The pancreas of the child is enlarged: the causes

Treatment for this abnormal phenomenon should only be done after consultation with the doctor. It also requires the identification of the causes of this pathology.

Modern medicine knows 2 types of increase in the body under consideration:

  • Local;
  • Total.

The first species is characterized by a proportional process, while the second one shows an increase in any one part of the internal organ.

So why is the pancreas enlarged in a child? The reasons for this phenomenon are manifold. However, the most frequent of them include:

  • Ulcer of mucous membranes;
  • Closed types of injuries of organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • Consequence of exposure to various toxins;
  • Autoimmune processes ;
  • Acute or chronic inflammation;
  • Cystic fibrosis;
  • Diseases of the duodenum;
  • Abnormal development of the pancreatic gland.

The reasons for the disproportionate increase

An increase in the head of the pancreas, its body or tail can also be caused by completely different causes. Typically, they include the following:

  • The occurrence of a true or false cyst;
  • Tumors of various origin (may be benign or malignant);
  • Development of abscess and suppuration of pancreatic gland;
  • Replacement of some sites of glandular connective tissue;
  • Blockage of the ducts of the Virgsong.

Why is the pancreas enlarged in the child?

Experts argue that childhood problems associated with an increase in the pancreas gland are similar to those from which adults suffer. At the same time, children at any age must be examined for the increase of this organ. This is due to the fact that over time and in the process of growing a child, he is able to grow several times. However, this increase is not always proportional and safe.

It often happens that the growth of the pancreas gland does not match the generally accepted schedules and tables, but it is proportional to all other surrounding organs.

It is impossible not to say that pancreatic disorders are detected for the first time in early childhood. In this case, you should contact the pediatrician who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Main symptoms

How to treat and how does the inflammation of the pancreas manifest ? Symptoms and treatment of this pathological condition depends on the causes of its occurrence.

Regardless of the sex and age of a person, the diseases of this organ can proceed in different ways. Very often such pathological conditions are acute. But sometimes the symptomatology is hidden, which suggests carrying out a number of additional studies.

How does the inflammation of the pancreas manifest ? Symptoms and treatment of this ailment should be identified and prescribed only by the doctor. This pathology is characterized by a bright and growing symptomatology.

In cystic neoplasms and various tumors, signs may appear after some time. In such cases, it is possible to make a diagnosis correctly and quickly only by observing several specific symptoms, which include the following:

  • Repeated vomiting, an unpleasant feeling of bitterness in the mouth, nausea, a complete lack of appetite, belching;
  • Painful sensations (baking, aching) of various degrees, which can be localized at the top of the abdominal cavity and delivered to the back or arm;
  • Problems with the stool, manifested by diarrhea without any impurities;
  • Body temperature fluctuations.


What complications can arise if the tail of the pancreas is enlarged in the child or other parts of this organ? This pathological condition is quite dangerous, regardless of the reasons that caused them. What is the reason for this? The fact is that around the gland of the pancreas are other organs, which can easily lead to their compression. This especially applies to the gland's head, since it is its large size that can exert strong pressure on the 12-small intestine of a small child.

There have been cases when with such increases in the organ the patient developed intestinal obstruction.

Methods of diagnosis

As mentioned above, the pancreatic ducts and the organ itself are deep in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, with a minor inflammatory process or any other pathologies, it is not possible to detect the presence of a particular disease by touching the patient. The only exception is when the pancreas has become so large that it is determined even with normal palpation.

In connection with all of the above, it can be safely concluded that problems with this body are often diagnosed on the basis of stigmatized symptoms, which was described in this article. But, what if the clinical signs of the disease are completely absent? In this case, doctors recommend to resort to instrumental methods of research. These include ultrasound and MRI.

Despite the high cost of these methods, they can immediately determine whether there is an increase in the pancreatic gland, as well as the causes of such a pathological condition.

How to treat?

How can I treat this pathology if the child is a month old? Increased pancreas - should immediately consult a pediatrician. After all, only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the true cause of the development of such a pathological process, and also to reveal its threat to a small organism.

It should be specially noted that every single case of pancreatic enlargement in babies provides for individual treatment. According to experts, such therapy can be conservative and operative.

If we talk about the general principles of treatment, they are reduced to the following scheme:

  • Reduction of swelling of the pancreatic gland by applying cold compresses to the affected area.
  • Obligatory compliance with a strict diet, which provides for the complete exclusion of spicy, fatty, and fried foods. Also, many specialists strongly recommend refraining from taking food for at least a few days. In some cases, physicians even introduce nutrients into the patient's body by injection (so-called parenteral nutrition).
  • The maximum decrease in activity (secretory) of the organ under consideration is through the administration of special hormones, proton pump inhibitors or histamine receptor blockers.
  • Surgical intervention, which is carried out to eliminate dead tissue or inflammation focus.
  • Additional introduction of artificial digestive enzymes for the purpose of correcting the work of the internal organ.

Compliance with diet

Treatment of children with large pancreatic gland size without normal and proper nutrition is impossible. As a rule, with such pathology, the doctor appoints a special diet for the child No. 5. It provides for the rejection of fatty foods and other fatty components. In return, the patient should include in his diet protein products that have a beneficial effect on his body.

It should also be noted that diet number 5 implies a complete rejection of such products as:

  • Any kinds of juices, including fresh ones;
  • Sweets in the form of ice cream, chocolate or jam;
  • Fruits and vegetables in their natural state (i.e., not thermally treated);
  • Dairy products with high fat content (cream, sour cream, whole milk);
  • Fatty broths, broths, and also cooked on their basis various dishes.

Instead of the listed products, the baby is better to offer:

  • Vegetables cooked in steamed or stewed;
  • Boiled and stewed meats and dishes that were made on their basis;
  • Black tea with a small amount of sugar;
  • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat content;
  • Baked fruit, as well as desserts based on them;
  • Any kinds of porridges cooked on ordinary water;
  • Crackers, dried bread, biscuit biscuits.

Other treatments

It should be specially noted that there are cases where only one diet alone is not appropriate, and also ineffective for different groups of children (for example, with neoplastic processes in the child's body). With this diagnosis, no diet, as well as a strict diet will affect the growth rate of the tumor in the pancreas gland. The only way to treat this disease is to remove the affected area by surgery.

With the development of acute pancreatitis, the diet is also impotent. That is why with such diseases it is very important to turn to the pediatrician in time, and not to engage in self-medication, which, incidentally, can easily lead to disastrous consequences.

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