Health, Diseases and Conditions
What if I burned my tongue with boiling water?
Quite often there is such a trauma as a tongue burn. Such damage causes a number of unpleasant symptoms, which constantly torment the sufferer. So let's consider what to do if you burned the tongue.
Causes of damage
Before we consider what to do if we have burned the language, let us dwell on the sources of injuries.
The cause of this condition can become a boiling drink. Defeat can occur as a result of contact with hot or ice food. Also, chemical compounds of various kinds, such as gasoline, acids and alkalis, can cause a burn reaction. In rare cases, a burn may occur due to irradiation or electric shock.
Types of injuries
There are burns of these types:
- Chemical . Occur as a result of the ingestion of active chemical compounds.
- Thermal . Can be formed as a result of the contact of the tongue with food or drinks, which differ in elevated temperature.
- Electric . Burns can occur as a result of contact of the surface of the tongue with electrical wires (electric shock).
- Radiation . Formed as a result of radiation exposure.
Degrees of gravity
To understand what to do if you burn your tongue, you should realize how much the injury is serious.
There are 4 degrees of severity:
- Light form. Due to external influences, reddening and slight swelling of the upper lining of the tongue may occur. Basically, if you have this kind of education, you do not need to see a doctor. Quite often, such a trauma is observed in children. So, if your baby burned the tongue, what should I do? Careful care is required for the damaged area. To remove the pain, you can use an antiseptic.
- The average degree of damage. It is characterized by the formation of blisters, which contain a clear liquid. In this case, an urgent medical examination is necessary, as a result of which the necessary treatment will be prescribed.
- Heavy damage. It can appear as ulcerous formations. In this case, urgent medical treatment is necessary, the use of which must be accompanied by the taking of pain medications.
- Particularly severe form of burn. This degree can be called incompatible with life, as there may be pain shock or severe loss of blood.
So, if the patient has burned her tongue, what should she do in this situation? The answer depends entirely on the degree of injury.
First aid
Quite often, women talk about an unpleasant situation: they burned the tongue with hot tea. What should I do to reduce discomfort? How to get rid of excruciating pain?
Doctors recommend acting as follows:
- First you need to eliminate the pain. To do this, it is recommended that ice or a frozen product be applied to the affected area. When burned, do not use metal objects, as adhesion may occur. As a result, the pain will intensify. Also, you can eliminate discomfort with honey or powdered sugar. However, do not practice this with young children.
- After the pain is removed, it is necessary to lubricate the affected surface of the tongue with ointment, which includes menthol or benzocaine. Such funds work to provide an anesthetic effect. But before using the ointment, you should carefully read the instructions for use. It should contain information on the possibility of using the drug for the oral cavity.
- You can not use the ointment before eating. As a result of the effects of medication, sensitivity may be temporarily lost. As a consequence, a person can independently injure himself by biting his tongue.
- Do not apply a large amount of the preparation to the burn area. Throat numbness may occur. This not only prevents food intake, but also causes serious problems with breathing.
- Before full healing of the wound, it is necessary to avoid acidic, bitter and salty foods. They can cause a pain reaction. And, in addition, slow the recovery.
Treatment of pathology
Doctors explain, if you burned the language with tea, what to do:
- With a light form of gravity, you can independently care for the affected surface. For this, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with clean water of low temperature. It is also necessary to ensure that foods that contain food acids are not consumed during the burn treatment. This food can cause additional irritation of the mucosa, which will slow the speedy recovery.
- If there is a severe burn, you need to see a doctor immediately. After finding out the reason for the formation of damage, appropriate treatment is prescribed.
- In the case of thermal burns, it is recommended to rub the surface of the tongue with olive oil. Also, with severe painful reactions, there is a need to take painkillers that are injected intramuscularly. For treatment of a difficult stage, the "Panthenol" ointment is used, which must be applied to the entire burn area 3 times a day.
Effective medicines
What if I burned my tongue with boiling water? Doctors give a list of medicines that can bring relief in this situation:
- Spray "Pentazol". It eliminates inflammation and promotes rapid regeneration of the damaged surface.
- Spray "Olazol" is irreplaceable with thermal burns. The complex of spray components includes antiseptics, which are necessary for the rapid restoration of skin.
- Levomecol is ointment. It is widely used in the treatment of burns of different degrees.
- "Solcoseryl" is an ointment. It has a restorative effect on the damaged areas, which resulted from contact with boiling water.
Folk remedies
There are time-proven amazing recipes that can help in this unpleasant situation.
So, remember what to do if you burn your tongue:
- Breathing with the mouth . Cold air flow acts soothing to the damaged mucous membrane.
- Honey can eliminate pain. To do this, you need to add a teaspoon of sweet "medicine" to the burn and hold it for a while. However, remember: children with such trauma can not give honey.
- Vitamin E (in capsules). It is great for treating burns. To do this, it is necessary to open the capsule and apply the contents to the damaged surface.
- Aloe juice will have a calming effect and contribute to the rapid restoration of the mucous tongue.
Be careful! But if a disaster happens, do not get lost. Follow the recommendations above.
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