HealthDiseases and Conditions

How can people get meningitis? What is its prevention?

In the expression "Do not go in winter without a hat, and then you'll earn meningitis," there is some truth, but no more. Walking in cold weather without a headdress is not the way to get meningitis, but under such conditions a person can easily pick up a microbe. And it's not a fact that he will not penetrate the brain and cause inflammation, as the body will be weakened by hypothermia.

How can you get meningitis?

This disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi.

The virus can get to a person:

A) by airborne droplets. So the viruses of rubella, chicken pox, mumps, measles, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, herpes viruses penetrate. To infect a healthy person can not only be a person sick of some form of a viral infection, but in some cases one who is a healthy carrier, as well as one whose illness is still in the incubation period;

B) through dirty hands and food. This is mainly the transfer of enteroviruses;

C) through the use of common plates, spoons, a toothbrush, nipples, toys. Joint smoking of one cigarette is also considered.

The ill person often actively releases the virus with saliva, which remains on the listed household items, it is only healthy to place the virus on the oral mucosa. This is how almost all viruses that can cause meningitis are transmitted;

D) some viruses can penetrate a person through a bite of an insect or an arthropod (tick);

E) if the contents of the rashes come on intact skin or mucous membranes. This applies to herpes simplex virus types I and II. That's why pregnant women with exacerbation of herpetic infection (especially if the rash is on the genitals) are not allowed to give birth alone, but produce a cesarean section;

(E) Epstein-Barr viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex viruses can be transmitted through organ transplants and blood transfusions.

How to catch a meningitis virus, it is understandable. But this does not mean that if you get a virus, this disease will definitely develop. Usually after this, a person transfers another form of infection, but if his body is weakened:

- Constant stress;

- Pregnancy;

- the use of cytotoxic agents for hormone-corticosteroids for rheumatic, oncological, autoimmune diseases;

- a serious illness;

- if it is a premature baby or a child with congenital CNS pathology (cerebral palsy, intrauterine infection, due to which cysts or areas of hemorrhage were formed in the brain),

Then meningitis will develop with greater probability.

How to get bacterial meningitis?

This disease is usually heavier than the virus. But the bacterium gets to the meninges mainly in complications:

- otitis,

- sinusitis,

- fronts and etmoidites,

- furuncles and carbuncles located in the face and neck area (so "pimples" on the face are not squeezed out independently, and if they are opened by surgeons, it is only in hospitals)

- sepsis,

- pneumonia,

- Penetrating knife injuries of the cranial cavity.

In this case, it is clear how to get infected with meningitis: you do not need to treat purulent diseases on time and correctly, refuse hospitalization if it is offered.

They risk getting such meningitis (it is called "secondary purulent"): the same categories of people as in the case of viral meningitis, as well as those who suffer from liquorrhea - a constant outflow (due to a defect of some skull structure of the skull) of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose or Ear.

A separate category is primary purulent meningitis. It can be caused by:

A) meningococcal;

B) pneumococcus;

C) a hemophilic rod.

This is such that it can be infected by airborne from a healthy carrier of microbes, and in the case of meningococcal etiology - from a patient with nasopharyngitis or a generalized form of meningococcal infection (it is called meningococcemia).

Only meningococcal meningitis can be infected from a patient with meningitis. This requires that:

- there was a close contact (as between parents and children, a man and a woman or in children's groups),

- it should take place in a warm room (in the cold meningococcus rapidly perishes),

- the human body should be weakened or immunity - not worked (as in children).

You can not get infected with this disease if you have talked with a patient who has already begun the introduction of antibiotics. In addition, if you or your child have contacted a person who was diagnosed with a "meningococcal infection" or "meningococcal meningitis" in a few days, then there is an emergency prophylaxis - drugs "Spiramycin", "Azithromycin" or even "Ciprofloxacin". They will reduce the chance to get sick almost to zero, if not more than 10 days have elapsed from the moment of contact with the patient.

General recommendations on how to not catch meningitis

  1. In time, contact for ENT diseases or purulent skin infection, especially in the head and neck area.
  2. If you have a CSF, discuss with several ENT doctors the possibility of promptly closing a bone defect.
  3. Do not communicate with people who have manifestations of viral diseases: cough, incomprehensible rash, sore throat, conjunctivitis, sneezing, runny nose. If there is no other possibility, put on a patient or a gauze or a disposable mask.
  4. Wear a mask for signs of ARI, especially if the house has small children.
  5. Wash your hands, vegetables; Boil milk and water before use.
  6. Teach your child not to use common utensils, toys, and avoid contact with sick children.
  7. Do not use general lipsticks, toothbrushes.
  8. Do not smoke one cigarette.
  9. When swimming in a pond, do not swallow water.
  10. Water melons, melons and berries are best bought in supermarkets, which are equipped with storage facilities, and also have relevant sanitary documents.
  11. You can not lick the pacifier that fell to give it to the child: you can safely live with meningococcus or other microbes in the mouth, and the child can cause meningitis.
  12. Incubate children by age. In addition, if a child visits a kindergarten (especially if he is registered with a neurologist), it is necessary to discuss with the pediatrician the need for additional vaccination against meningococcus and pneumococcus.

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