HealthHealthy Eating

Juicy and fragrant melon: calorie and benefits

Most people think that a melon is a fruit, but they are mistaken. Melon comes from the family of pumpkin and is a vegetable. The melon ripens from August to September, and it blooms once a year. The length of its stem reaches three meters, depending on the variety, the leaves can be of different shapes and lengths. The fruits of the vegetable are round and oval, orange or light green in color, from the inside with white fragrant flesh.

These delicious vegetables started growing more 4000 years ago. Its homeland is Asia Minor, East India and Africa. This melon plant is well tolerated by drought and heat. In Russia, it came from Asia in the 17th century, it began to grow everywhere - the most favorable climate for this vegetable is the south of Russia and the Astrakhan region.

In other regions of Russia melons have been cultivated in greenhouses, as well as watermelons. Currently, there are almost no places where a wild melon grows. The caloric content of the "pseudo-berries" is very small, due to which she became so fond of women watching the figure. Its aroma, juiciness and high taste qualities are highly appreciated in cooking.

What kinds of melons are there?

The melon population has a variety of varieties in its arsenal, differing in size and taste characteristics. The most popular and sweetest are:

· Honey variety: it is round, elongated and oval in shape, greenish in color and without any contours on the peel. Inside with a sweet and juicy pulp light green or orange. Honeydew melon - its caloric content is about 30 kcal.

· Torpedo - this species is rich in enzymes, it facilitates rapid and easy digestion and normalization of the intestinal tract. The largest fruits weighing up to 4 kg.

· The cultivar "collective farmer" is probably the most popular species with a bright aroma and tender flesh. "Berry" ball-shaped and smooth skin, weighing up to 1 kg.

Is the melon useful and what is its composition?

On 90% melon culture consists of water, because of this calorie melon So low - it does not exceed 36 kcal. The low fat content and the whole complex of useful microelements make this product indispensable. It consists of: phosphorus, calcium, silicon, zinc, potassium, magnesium, fiber, starch, nicotinic and folic acid, disaccharides, ashes, aromatic and volatile substances, extractive and nitrogenous substances.

There is a lot of iron and folic acid in it, this combination perfectly raises hemoglobin and stimulates blood circulation. The peel contains chlorophyll, it is responsible for the work of the hematopoietic system and the proper functioning of the glands. That this valuable substance has got into the body, the skin must be passed through a juicer or grind in a blender.

It also quenches thirst well and reduces appetite. In the pulp there is a hormone of happiness - serotonin, which helps to increase mood. And its seeds are a natural aphrodisiac, so it is recommended to use melon for men to improve potency. In food it is better to eat fresh, eat it separately from other foods, because Possibly indigestion of digestion.

One of the best means in the fight against malnutrition and anemia is also a melon. Caloric content is small, but the benefits are enormous. It also actively reduces the negative effect of antibiotics and at times enhances their effect. The fruits of this culture are able to replace drugs in the disorder of the digestive system.

To strengthen immunity, too, use melon. "False-berry" is a natural antidepressant and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Women can use it as masks for the face and neck - it prevents wrinkles and improves skin color.

For treatment and prevention of worms, drink on an empty stomach melon juice. You can drink the same juice for people suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids. When you cough, make compresses, they not only facilitate the clinic, but also contribute to a quick recovery.

For those who want to lose weight or cleanse the body, melon will also work. Its caloric content is so small that a few fruits of this "berry" can be eaten per day. It is rich in fiber, which helps to remove excess cholesterol and stimulates the work of the intestines.

Babies under three years are not recommended to give this fruit. Even older children need to carefully give a melon and then no more than two pieces a day. People with diabetes should reduce their consumption of vegetables to a minimum.

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