Spiritual developmentAstrology

Bogdan - the meaning of the name, character traits

Bogdan's beautiful and strong enough name will give his possessor an impressive list of positive qualities. If you prefer Slavic names, then this option will be one of the best.

It is easy to guess that Bogdan is interpreted as "given by God," that is, it is a coveted child in a family that appeared by mutual consent of a loving couple. Also in the people it was believed that a girl with this name since birth is endowed with special qualities.

Most often in his childhood Bogdan gives his parents little trouble, being obedient, executive and flexible girl. She is quite gentle, kind and unpretentious.

In a more mature age, her sociability is revealed, which is expressed in the number of girlfriends. Over the years, this does not pass, because Bogdana can not live without friendship and constant attention. But her character is gradually changing - there is boldness and intelligibility in acquaintances.

It is worth noting that Bogdan is the name of a sensible girl. Before making decisions, she carefully and for a long time weighs all the pros and cons. Someone can perceive this trait as slowness, but in reality it is only a desire and ability to do everything qualitatively, avoiding many mistakes.

If your friend's name is Bogdan, the meaning of the name can only please you, as these girls are hardworking and independent. They prefer to provide themselves financially, without resorting to ways that contradict their conscience. Bogdan strives to earn his fortune in an honest way, and she does very much for this.

Bogdan - the meaning of a name in the profession

For Bogdan all paths in such spheres as medicine, accounting, and engineering are open. Born in spring, girls are more prone to dreaming and creativity, as a result of which they manifest themselves in the professions of a musician, artist, actress.

Among Bogdan there are even politicians, because they have an excellent analytical mind.

Beautiful Bogdana - the meaning of the name by the time of the year.

Born in the winter, girls have a more stubborn and persistent nature. They are much closer to the father, and the devil take more from him. In addition, the "winter" Bohdans are quite active personalities, but they do not have excessive emotionality and hasty decisions.

"Summer" Bohdans have a softer and more accommodating nature, although their kindness often causes trouble. These girls are hardworking and often find their destination in sewing. Marrying out successfully, but with new people converge difficultly, just as they part.

For the born in the spring time, the name of Bogdan is only slightly different. So, they are more sensitive and vulnerable, but at the same time they are able to defend their point of view. These girls always keep the house in perfect order, not forgetting about themselves.

What qualities does Bogdan still have? The meaning of a name in family life

Bogdan is amorous enough, but she values relations very much. As a result, her marriage is usually successful, and family life is harmonious and calm. She does not pretend to be a leader in relationships, paying more attention to the creative development of children.

The probability of a happy marriage is high with men named Georgy, Alexander, Nikolai, Konstantin, Maxim, Grigory.

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