
Head massage for hair growth - therapeutic and restorative action

Massage of the head is a useful and pleasant thing. Thanks to this procedure, the blood supply improves, and the person receives positive emotions. Regular head massage before bedtime - this can only be a dream. It relaxes, soothes, helps to fall asleep quickly. If you are often disturbed by migraine, then massage will help you.

But still useful massage for the hair. It is recommended for almost all types of hair, except for fatty, since it stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands. Contraindicated head massage in case of illness. And yet, in the case of the presence of various fungi, infections, psoriasis.

Massage has the ability to activate the skin-hair device. It is especially useful for people who have dry scalp and suffering from dandruff. In this case, the massage should be energetic. It is enough to do it twice a week before washing your hair for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Properly performed head massage usually consists of four methods:

- pushing movements;

- Circular movements;

- stroking;

- vibrating.

Head massage for hair growth, like any other, should always begin with stroking. At the same time, a slight shift of the scalp occurs, which soothes the nervous system. It is clear that there will be no immediate effect. But if you do this procedure regularly, within a month, the result will please you, thanks to the stimulation of scalp and hair bulbs.

How and with what should you do a scalp massage for hair growth?

Not just so the brushes for combing are called "massage". They not only comb, but also massage the scalp. But if you have to choose, then a brush with iron teeth is better to prefer a brush with a bristle of natural materials.

Hair massage should be performed as follows: you need to comb the hair first in one direction, for example, from the nape to the crown, and then in the opposite direction - from the temples to the crown.

It is recommended to do massage, rubbing the scalp with the pads of the fingers. This is one of the effective methods of how to perform massage for hair growth. It should be done by gently pressing on the scalp, working on the active points. Two times a week it would be good to make nutritious masks. There are a lot of cooking recipes from products and oils, which every landlady always has.

Head massage for hair growth using a warm towel

This is done so. The towel is heated on the towel warmer or in other accessible way. Then you need to wrap your head and do the massage in the same way as described above, that is, the pads of your fingers, but only through a towel. It enhances the effect of massage. After you can make a nourishing mask, wrap the head with cellophane, and on top again with a towel. Useful substances are much better absorbed in the heat. After forty minutes, wash the mask with warm water, using shampoo.

There are other auxiliaries used in those cases when a scalp massage is used for hair growth. The advantages of this procedure are many, all can not be listed. But hair gets vitality and healthy shine. The activity of the sebaceous glands is regulated, and the dead skin particles are eliminated.

To start the massage of the head, you need to lie on your back when the front part of the head is massaged, and on the stomach - for the massage of the back part. The simplest methods of this procedure can be mastered by everyone. Why not make a nice friend close by doing a head massage for him. It will help a person to relax, lose weight of everyday problems and worries. In order to enhance the effect, you can create the appropriate environment. This will help muffled lighting, candles, aromatic oils, different incenses.

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