Health, Medicine
Exit from the binge
Not everyone knows, but in fact, Russia is not the most drinking country in the world. Why then there is an opinion that they drink most from us? Yes, because we do not know how to drink at all. In other countries, "drinking" means using alcohol and quietly spending the evening, and we have to get drunk before losing consciousness.
A Russian person simply does not know the measure and drinks long bouts that can stretch for weeks. What is the result? As a result, he loses money, priceless days, work, health and loved ones. Alcoholism - a terrible disease, which must certainly be fought.
Before trying to eliminate the disease itself, it is necessary to try to bring the patient into a more or less adequate state, that is, we need to get him out of the drinking-bout. Getting out of the binge is often very difficult, because people who are for a long time under the influence of alcohol, lose touch with reality and flatly refuse to return to their usual life.
Of course, binge happens not only in chronic alcoholics, but also in people who drink alcohol very rarely. In the second case, he is also dangerous, as he knocks a person out of the habitual life rhythm.
It's quite possible to get out of the binge at home. Yes, in extremely severe cases hospitalization is necessary, but sometimes you can do it right and yourself. It will be much easier to get out of the binge if the drinker is interested in stopping drinking and going back to daily business. Can a person stop drinking? Maybe, but we strongly recommend that you exit from the drinking-bout by enlisting someone else's help.
First of all, it will be necessary to overcome the hangover. It is known that people suffering from alcoholism, it is much stronger than those citizens who drink alcohol only periodically. Binge can cause the hangover to be irresistibly strong. You can see an ache in the whole body, nausea, vomiting, terrible migraines and so on. The way out of the binge is not so easy for the reason that the drinker understands perfectly well the following fact: the next dose of alcohol will help get rid of all the symptoms quickly and effectively. You can not get drunk in any way !!! Remember that any next dose will only exacerbate the situation. Yes, it will be difficult, but the hangover needs to be simply experienced.
In severe cases, it can last several days. A person often becomes weak and helpless. Very good, if there is any kind of appetite. The fact that the body of a man who has been in a drinking bout for a long time has exhausted all his resources, and he can not be restored without food.
Is it worthwhile to force a person through power? Here the situation is controversial. In principle, it is impossible to force a patient to eat food, but it is unacceptable to tolerate his hunger strike. We recommend to show imagination and offer the patient something light, very tasty and unusual. In general, the ideal food will be chicken or meat broth. There is a need for small portions, since the stomach at first will refuse to take food.
Getting out of the binge at home is risky for the reason that a person can break off at any time and go in search of a new portion of alcohol. How can this be avoided? It is necessary to make sure that his thoughts are constantly about something else. In other words, a person needs something to occupy. And the lesson should be most interesting to him. Here everything is suitable - from board games to movie screenings. The choice must be based on the patient's personal preferences.
Exit from the binge will be successful when a person really feels support from relatives and friends. He will have to find again something worth living for.
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