Health, Medicine
Gastroduodenitis - treatment, symptoms.
Gastroduodenitis in medical practice means a disease that caused inflammation in the duodenum and stomach. Also, this disease in most cases is characterized by a restructuring and inflammation of the mucous membrane of these organs by a non-specific type and a violation of the secretory and motor-evacuation function. Normal state of health and a good mood for the patient can be provided if, in a disease such as gastroduodenitis, treatment is done promptly and quickly.
Unlike adults, in children quite privately this disease can be characterized by inflammatory processes on both organs, rather than on each separately. Strangely enough, but only the stomach or duodenum is affected in children in only 10% of all cases of disease. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the duodenum has an inherently increased hormonal activity, due to which it can regulate the functions and work of the stomach, and in addition, the functions of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Chronic gastroduodenitis
Treatment of gastroduodenitis needs to start after that the doctor will fully determine the form of the disease and the causes, that is, the factors that led to its development. It is necessary to understand that there is no clear definition of chronic gastroduodenitis in medicine, there are only subtypes of this disease depending on various factors and changes that this disease can cause.
First of all, according to etiology, that is, by origin, gastroduodenitis is differentiated into primary and secondary. Secondary is considered to be a concomitant disease. According to the changes that occur after the onset of gastroduodenitis on the mucous membrane, the disease is differentiated into superficial gastroduodenitis, the treatment of which is not usually difficult, erosive or atrophic, and in addition, there is also a hyperplastic form, the name of which speaks for itself.
According to the results of the histological examination, the disease is distinguished for gastroduodenitis with moderate, mild or severe atrophy. Depending on the course of the disease, gastroduodenitis can be isolated in the remission or exacerbation stage.
Symptoms of gastroduodenitis
During the chronic course of the disease it is rather difficult or even impossible to distinguish the symptoms of this disease from other gastrointestinal diseases . But in its acute phase, the disease gives, if not narrowly specific, at least quite certain symptoms, in particular, spastic, aching pains in the epigastric region, which develop a couple of hours after ingestion and are given in the hypochondrium or navel region, nausea, increased salivation And a feeling of heaviness and bursting in the epigastric region.
In addition, since the main role in the development of this disease is the disruption of the duodenum, the release of its contents into the space of the stomach can cause a burp with a bitter taste, as well as heartburn or even vomiting, with the presence of bile.
Gastroduodenitis - treatment
A special pill that would cure this disease is not, so it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations in order to completely get rid of the disease in a couple of weeks. First, all patients are recommended bed rest, namely - stay in bed for about 7 days.
Each patient should observe a satisfied strict diet, in particular, during the acute course of the disease, the patient is supposed to table number 1, and then table number 5. The transition to a more nutritious and balanced diet is possible only during the remission of the disease, especially in patients who have an anamnesis of erosive gastroduodenitis, whose treatment can be somewhat delayed in contrast to simpler forms.
During the week, it is necessary to conduct a special three-component therapy, which will help get rid of Helikobakter Pilori, who probably sat in the stomach of the patient. In order to reduce acidity in the stomach, selective H2 blockers of histamine are used. In addition, the patient's treatment should include not only diet and medication, but also physiotherapy procedures, stay in a sanatorium and therapeutic physical education.
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