
A healthy heart is a healthy child. Healthy heart and blood vessels

One of the most dangerous diseases are those that affect the cardiovascular system. This is due to its exceptional importance for the functioning of the body. As a result, a healthy heart is a healthy life for many years.

How to keep the heart healthy?

It is much easier to prevent the development of diseases than to treat them later. In particular, this statement is relevant for ailments that affect the cardiovascular system. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of them are chronic and do not give in to full-fledged treatment. As a result, it is easier to maintain a healthy heart, rather than then try to restore its activities. In order to prevent deterioration of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary:

  • To maintain a rational mode of work and rest;
  • Healthy food;
  • Avoid stress;
  • To conduct drug prevention;
  • Follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Rational mode of work and rest

Now it is reliably known that a healthy heart can remain that long enough only if the person observes the correct daily routine. At the same time, he should not give too much pressure to his body, constantly processing. No less dangerous is the lack of movement. Hypodinamy will lead to the fact that the heart of a healthy person will begin to reduce their muscle mass and lose tonus. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to allocate as much time as possible to the right physical exercises. For the heart, fast walking is the most valuable, as well as easy running. Of course, you do not need to give too much strain on your body, especially to an untrained person. The fact is that even a healthy heart can suffer with excessive loads.

It is very important to observe the correct sleep regimen. For this it is recommended to go to bed and get up at the same time. The duration of sleep for an adult person should be 7-8 hours a day. In the case of lack of sleep, not only the nervous, but also the cardiovascular system suffers.

Proper nutrition

No Day of Healthy Heart (September 29) is complete without doctors and nutritionists not advising people around the world to avoid too much animal fats and table salt. The fact is that their surpluses can have a very serious negative impact on the cardiovascular system.

As for animal fats, they mostly help to increase the level of cholesterol in the body. As a result, it causes its deposition in the form of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessels. In the future these formations, as they grow, can sufficiently narrow the lumen of the bloodstream in some of its areas and lead to the development of dangerous diseases.

If we talk about table salt, then, according to cardiologists, its amount in a person's daily diet should not exceed a mark of 3 grams. Approximately as much it is contained in conventional products without adding from the outside. Too large amount of table salt leads to the fact that in the human body fluid is retained. As a result, the bloodstream overflows, and even a completely healthy heart and blood vessels must overstress to perform their normal work.

It is very important to consume enough marine fish, especially greasy fish. In this respect, salmon and trout are good. The fact is that they contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. They help to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Greens, vegetables and fruits should form the basis of a diet for a healthy person. Very good for the work of the heart are those foods that contain a sufficient amount of potassium. The point is that this element is necessary for the normal operation of cardiomyocytes.

About the dangers of stress

To date, it is reliably known that strong emotions, both positive and negative, can harm the cardiovascular system. Naturally, with such stresses, a healthy heart can cope without much difficulty, but if they arise often enough, then they can have problems. If a person has cardiovascular diseases without it, then it is advisable to avoid more or less serious stress situations altogether. Their harm lies in the fact that they contribute to the excessive release of adrenaline. It causes the narrowing of the coronary arteries. If the lumen of these vessels is already reduced, the blood supply to the heart becomes insufficient. The result can be chest pains of pressing, compressive or burning nature.

Medication prophylaxis

Relatively healthy heart can be in 50 and even in 60 years. In this case, cardiologists recommend everyone who has already reached the age of 45, with a prophylactic purpose to take the drug "Aspirin". It is necessary for the reason that it prevents thrombus formation. After 45 years, the risk of spontaneous formation of blood clots sharply increases. This can lead to the most serious consequences.

With age, the metabolism in cardiomyocytes gradually deteriorates. To improve it with a preventive purpose, you can periodically take the drug "Tiotriazolin." It should be taken within one month. Before you start using this medication, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Observance of recommendations

To date, every person who already has a cardiovascular disease should receive rational treatment. As practice shows, even if it was prescribed by a doctor, only 30% of patients follow all the recommendations of their doctor. As a result, the effect of ongoing drug therapy is significantly reduced. All this leads to progressive deterioration of the cardiovascular system.

A healthy heart is a healthy child and happy parents

To date , pediatricians are quite wary of cardiovascular disease in their young patients. The fact is that early detection of heart problems and the appointment of rational therapy with high-quality drugs is of great importance. Unfortunately, now the children are showing more and more different heart defects. Their timely detection and treatment allow the child to live a full life to the old age. Naturally, parents should take care that their children have a healthy heart. To do this, they need to provide the child with the opportunity to eat quality food in sufficient, but small amounts, and also to ensure that he leads an active lifestyle. The fact is that childhood obesity is one of the main reasons for the development of serious heart problems in the future.

At whom to consult?

The main doctor involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the cardiovascular system is a cardiologist. Among narrow specialists, he is perhaps the most in demand. This is due to the abundance of cardiovascular pathologies in the human population. Before consulting a cardiologist, it is advisable to undergo electrocardiography and ultrasound examination of the heart. If necessary, this specialist can send the patient for an additional examination.

Help to solve problems with the heart is possible the therapist, as well as a general practitioner. These specialists, of course, do not have such an extensive knowledge about the pathologies of the cardiovascular system, but they will cope with all the problems except the really extremely difficult ones.

When should I apply?

Sometimes even a completely healthy heart can hurt. However, these feelings should not last long. If a person periodically experiences pain in the heart area or behind the breastbone, dyspnea begins to appear after minor physical exertion, the lower extremities swell, then he should definitely consult a specialist. In this case, not only a cardiologist can act as a cardiologist, although, of course, it is preferable to visit this doctor. To establish the diagnosis and appoint a rational course of treatment is able and therapist, as well as a general practitioner.

About cardiography

It is the most common method for studying the activity of the heart. Thanks to her, she can visualize the electromagnetic impulses that are involved in contracting the heart. A cardiogram of a healthy heart always pleases the eye of a doctor. If he finds any pathology there, he immediately prescribes the initial treatment. It can be supplemented after a follow-up.

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