EducationSecondary education and schools

Funny scenes for graduation class 4 about school from parents

After completing the children's education in primary school, it will be necessary to have funny skits at the prom. Grade 4 finished, and it's not you gopher whistled! In fact, this is a very significant period in the life of each student.

Short interludes from four

Students themselves can present scenes at the prom. Grade 4 - funny guys who adore posing as teachers. Therefore, both teachers and hapless humor students will play well with children. And each miniature should be represented by other artists: let them, like live slides, change funny mini-scenes at the prom. 4 class will be able to present stories creatively and with enough humor!

Miniature first

Teacher: "Vasya, who wrote the composition to you yesterday? Answer the truth! "

Vasily: "Marina Victorovna, I really do not know! I went to bed early ... "

Continue the list in which the scenes for the graduation (grade 4) from school life are collected, another scene.

Miniature second

Teacher: "Tanechka, tell us, please, six animals living in Africa!"

Tanechka: "With pleasure, Galina Petrovna! It's two crocodiles and four parrots ... "

Miniature third

Teacher: "Kolosov, go to the blackboard and tell us the poem of Pushkin, which I asked yesterday at home!"

Kolosov comes out, stands by the board and picks his nose.

Teacher: "Kolosov, I'm listening to you!"

Kolosov: "And how is it, Irina Igorevna? I'm not saying anything ... "

Miniature Fourth

Continue the concert number, in which the children represent the skits at the graduation (grade 4) about the school funny and ironic, another sketch.

Teacher: "Brand new? Let's get acquainted! Ivanov Nikita. Good. So, are you talking in class? "
Nikita: "Not at all! I'm sitting like a mouse. "
Teacher: "Maybe you like to write off from a neighbor?"
Nikita: "What are you talking about? Never in my life!"
Teacher: "So, you're fighting with your comrades on the changes?"
Nikita: "For nothing in the world! I am kind as Grandfather Frost on the New Year tree! "
Teacher: "It's strange ... Why did you get such a terrible description in your last school? Do you have any disadvantages? "
Nikita: "Well, there is one small ... I have a lot of lies ..."

The fifth miniature

Teacher: "We will check your grammar skills. Try, Danila, to make a proposal with the pretext "on". So…"

Danila: "The crocodile climbed a tree."

Teacher: "What are you making up, Danila! Well, why did the crocodile climb a tree ?! "

Danila: "The crocodile was then climbed onto the tree, so that the sentence had an" on "pretext. But the kulushata why the booties are tricked? It's not at all clear. They are such dykes and snakes and snakes that do not snake ... "

Miniature Sixth

Teacher: "Maxim, you gave Marina the answer. For the tip I'll put you "two". And you should be ashamed! "
Maxim: "Two for one clue? Then, Lydia Vasilyevna, you must put the fourth to me today, because I told Sasha also! "

Miniature Seventh

Teacher: "Belkin, when will you correct the deuce in mathematics?"

Belkin: "Yes, in my diary, I corrected it yesterday, Galina Alekseevna! But in the journal it does not work ... But you yourself carry it with you all the time, and they do not let me into the teacher's room!"

Intermedia-impromptu from teacher and parents

This variant of representation of miniatures can be carried out in the form of competitions of commands of parents - Competition of Merry Parents (CWR).

To conduct the present popes and mothers, as well as grandparents, aunts and uncles, older brothers and sisters should be divided into two groups, each must come up with a name for itself. Then the answers prepared in advance are distributed to the captains in such a way that both teams have an equal number of ready-made options.

The teacher asks the question to both groups, one comes up with his answer, and the second can use the ready-made option. Parents in this case represent students. Extremely funny scenes at the graduation (4 class) are obtained! Short and super-funny, they perfectly diversify the holiday. Judges can be evaluated by jury members, who are chosen from the guys.

Variants of ready answers for the contest of parents

Thanks to the sense of humor of parents and this competition, new funny scenes can be born at the graduation (grade 4) - short and ironic, creative and optimistic.

Question one

Teacher: "Think hard! Here is the question: who can this be? Request to all team members to connect their sense of humor!

Diligent and dreamy,

Lazy and studious,

Hooligans and educated,

Thin and well-fed.

So, who can this be? "

Of course, the answer lies on the surface - it's the students. But the purpose of the contest is to show skits at the graduation (4th grade) funny and funny. Therefore, the supposedly ironic answer given to parents is the pope.

The second question

Teacher: "And now we will check your mathematical knowledge. Andryusha my mother gave a biscuit 29 rubles. He asked his brother for juice another 14 rubles. How much money did Andryusha get? "

There can be two answers. The first one is not at all, because the brother asked Andryusha for money that his mother gave him. The second answer is 129 rubles, because his brother did not have a trifle, and he gave a hundred.

Question three

Teacher: "Michael, your essay, which you wrote at home about your favorite dog, for some reason unknown to me, word for word is similar to the composition that your sister gave to the teacher. Will not you be so kind as to explain the reason for this? "
The auxiliary answer is: "So what's strange, if we only have one dog in our house ?!"

Scenes for graduation (grade 4) from parents

Here comes the day when officially the first-year babies turned into middle-aged students. And during this period there were many different things ... And funny, and absurd, and sad. So let it all and display funny skits. At the final class 4 is not just a close circle with classmates, parents are invited to the party. They, together with their offspring, "trumpeted" these, probably, the most difficult first school years. And they deserve the right to fool around and dress up in carnival costumes this day, because this is their holiday too.

Therefore, in the script it is necessary to include scenes at the graduation (grade 4) from the parents. And with the fact that they have something to tell, you can not argue!

Intermedia based on the play of words

Understanding the meaning of phraseology comes to people not immediately. In the first, second and even third grade children do not yet know how to distinguish between the direct and portable meaning of many expressions. This and you can play by composing funny skits at the prom.

4 class already quite consciously perceives many settled expressions. And a miniature about how supposedly adults, and not kids at all, perceive idioms in their direct meaning, will surely amuse the children. The play of words, ironic stories related to the use of homophones and homonyms, will help to come up with and play out really funny skits at the prom. Grade 4 - it's already almost adults who have a sense of humor and are able to appreciate the irony.

Miniature "Blood from the nose". Action first

Probably like all the scenes played by parents. At the graduation in the 4th grade, funny stories about adults who themselves do not understand each other but demand that they be understood by children can be performed by separate concert numbers.

At the computer table, the father sits and plays "Tanchiki". A sad son enters - he can also be portrayed by an adult, this will add an irony to the interlude.

- Dad, I have a big trouble! They asked me a composition on a very strange topic ... Help me think up, huh?

Father (continuing to play):

- And what is this theme?

A son:

- Tamara Petrovna said: "Every tomorrow bring an essay to the class - blood from the nose!"

The father puts the joystick aside in amazement.

- What are you saying? The composition is called "Blood from the nose"? What a strange curriculum the current school program has become ... What they can not think of to get their parents out of balance. Well, give me the notebook, now I'll think of something for you.

The son puts a notebook on the table, the father begins to write something in it, and the boy takes the joystick in his hands and continues the game started by the parent.

Miniature "Blood from the nose". The second action

Variants written by the pope's funny composition can be mass. It is in him that the meaning of the scene at the graduation school (class 4) lies. Poems, written in the form of a parody of the famous works of the classics, will add to the miniature of humor and laughter. Here is one of the options.

The next morning. The teacher bursts into the director's office with a notebook in his hands.

- It's outrageous! You are the director, you must do something!


"Take it easy, Tamara Petrovna, and tell me what troubled you so much."

"I will not just tell you, I'll read!" Wozovka's composition on "Blood from the nose"!

Once in the winter of February

I came out of the house, there was a terrible frost.

I was approached by our neighbor - Mishka Raven -

And sharply so, with the left, women right in the nose!

From the right eye, a spark sprang here,

Of course, the nose gushed blood ...

But I proudly stood up and without squeak

I went to the store to buy carrots.


- Yasnenko ... I went, as they say, behind a carrot ... And what are you dissatisfied with, Tamara Petrovna? Writing on the topic, written in verse. I think it can be assessed as excellent.


- On what topic? "Blood from the nose" - this, in your opinion, was the theme of the composition?


- Well, I do not know ... I remember, I myself attended this lesson and heard with my ears how you told the children to write the composition "Blood from the nose".

Conclusion scenes at the prom (class 4) about the school can be beaten in such a way that the teacher grabs her head and runs out of the office. The director shrugs his shoulders, picks up a notebook, reads the verses about himself with evident pleasure, gesturing to depict the action taking place in them.

Thumbnail "Are you, are not you?"

On hurray are perceived and children, and adults based on homophones skits. At the graduation in the 4th grade, funny dialogues played by parents can be included not as concert numbers, but as if they were really happening at the moment. For example, at the moment when everyone was seated in places, the leader came out into the center, there was a silence, suddenly there was a knock at the door. And then there is a disheveled father of one of the students on the threshold.

- Oh, I'm sorry, please! It's 4B, is not it? - he goes to another parent, who holds for a latecomer, putting a thick book on him. The visitor removes the volume, sits down, putting the book on his lap. "I'm looking, are you - are not you?"

"What did you pour out?" Why do you think so? I did not pour anything!

- Yes, I did not! You do not understand me at all! I asked: "Are you - are not you?"

- Ah, still did not howl! - the interlocutor smiles tightly. - And where are those who howled? And, sorry, why did they howl?

- No, no ... Lord, my God, I'm asking about you: are you - are not you?

- No, - the interlocutor is obviously offended. "I did not howl."

- Well, yes, no one did not howl. I just wondered at first whether you are - are not you ...

- I think that nobody but you understands what you mean.

- No, I'm sure that I'm not the only one, but all of us ...

- And take the trouble to clarify who this "we" is?

The late is looking around discouraged, uncertainly circling those present with his hand:

- You, we, you, I ...

"Who's cleaned up?"

- Why do you confuse me all the time? I'm talking about all of us: you, we, you, me!

"That is, as I understand it, you are saying that everyone here is washed?" And who is not washed, in your opinion? About whom are you talking about? Is it not about me?

"What did you exchange?"

- I'm asking you: "Is it about me?"

- Oh, do you really experience the joy of knowing that you have not been exchanged?

- Enough! Let me change places. And return, please, to me my book "Myths and Tales".

"What are you saying?" Are you from Kazan? Very very nice! It turns out that we are fellow countrymen! I, too, come from Kazan!

Fathers embrace and sit down again.

Miniature "At the English lesson"

Of course, you can not do without a scene at the graduation (grade 4) about the school, in which a lazy student who does not do homework is laughed at.

The teacher addresses the student:

"Goody, Nick!"

- Goody dei, Elena Stepanovna, that is, forgive me, Helen Stavivish! - The boy diligently imitates English pronunciation.

"Did you finally learn the vocabulary words today?"

- Canyeshn, Helen Stevish!

- Okay. Tell me, how will the "tomato" be in English?

- Tomato pork!

"And the potatoes?"

- Cardiffing!

"So ... Wonderful Situation!" For your reply, you are unilingual. Are you ponimeyshn me?

Knowledge of proverbs is a great power!

As an interesting scene at the graduation (grade 4) for children can serve as such a dialogue.

Marina: "Petya, you're playing the computer again! Have you learned the proverbs? "

Petya (not stopping at the game): "Of course! You can check ... And - just him, so to him! Well, well, well ... You will not escape, you lie! "

Marina: "And when you grow up only! Put the joystick and answer me! I will start the proverb, and you continue it. You can not spoil the porridge with oil ... "

Petya: "... said the non-greedy and put 7 extra commas in the dictation!"

Marina: "Anyone who searches will always find ..."

Petya: "... thought resourceful during the control and peeked into the notebook of an honors pupil!"

Marina: "Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth ..."

Petya: "... the greedy exclaimed and seized the change faster than the master himself!"

Marina: "Miracles in the sieve ..."

Petya: "... decided slovenly, looking at his fingers in a leaky socks ..."

Marina: "You will know much, you will soon grow old ..."

Petya: "... calmed the mother of the dvoe, filing a diary for the signature ..."

Marina: "... Health is fine, thank you ..."

Petka: "... to the nurse Valentina Pavlovna for vaccinations!"

Marina: "Cause is time, but fun ..."

Petya: "... forever!"

Marina (taking away the stick from Petka): "Well, no! End, Petenka, your fun! Sit down quickly for lessons, and I do not need to invent anything here! "

The Tale of Twelve Months in a New Wave

The know-how in modern scripts is the replaying of old, well-known stories. You can remake and songs, and movies, and fairy tales so that funny scenes at the prom show. The 4th grade for May can very well prepare "Twelve Months" taking into account the real events.

Scene 1

The Queen sits at the desk, her Teacher at the board.

The Queen: "I'm tired of dictations! Examples of stupid! And this "Ambient World" with all kinds of stupid articles about the seasons, buttercups, flowers and deer-seals! And most of all - your tasks are idiotic! "

Teacher: "And yet I dare ask you to solve one of them ..."

The queen: "Foo, what's so stubborn ... I'd like to cut your head ... Oh well, but only one!"

Teacher: "In the clearing in the morning 15 tulips have blossomed. And at dinner they opened their petals 12 more colors. By the evening of the blossoming tulips it was three times more than in the morning. How many flowers bloom in the evening? "

Queen: "Stupid old man! I will definitely issue a decree to execute you! I to you who - the queen or the gardener to count up the blossoming tulips? I'm not going to solve this problem! Ask another! "

Teacher: "Very well, your highness ... The chef brushed 15 sterlet for a festive dinner. Then he thought that this would be not enough, and cleaned another 12 fish. At this time, his assistants also worked hard. As a result, on the table it turned out to be cleaned fish three times more than the cook cleaned originally. How many sterlets were cleaned by chef's assistants for a festive dinner? "

Queen: "No, you're just kidding me, right? Why should the queen know how many fish the helpers have cleaned, and how much does the cook himself? You just like a head on your shoulders interfere ... Give a normal task, for example, about how many decrees on executions the queen wrote in the morning, but how much - in the afternoon and in the evening. "

Teacher: "But your highness ... In tasks, it's not what they are about, but what action to take to find the right answer!"

Here in the hall is a poorly dressed girl.

Girl: "Hello, Your Highness! Let me ask you! "

The queen: "Oh, I would cut your head off ... But on the other hand, it's even good that you came in - at least some entertainment! What do you want, impudent girl? Speak quickly, otherwise I will order my executioner to execute you! "

Girl: "The fact is, your highness, that my stepmother came up with a task for me - to bring her a blossoming orchid in the evening. And in our forests of such flowers from time immemorial does not grow! Only an evil woman can this be explained? She also had only one deuce at the "Surrounding World" school ... She set herself up on the Internet, saw a dress decorated with an orchid and completely lost her head. He wants the same at all costs, to appear in it to you at the ball! "

The Queen: "So ... And what can I help you with?"

Girl: "Let me cut one small orchid in your greenhouse! Or else my stepmother will scold me all the braids, throw me out into the street at night and I'll have to sleep with Sharik again in his booth! "

The Queen: "Here's how! I wonder ... Well, let's say I let you cut an orchid in my garden. And what will you do for me? Can you solve the problem of fish? "

Girl: "Of course, I can! I'm always doing my half-sisters lessons! - takes a piece of paper from the Teacher and begins to write there, - Now, it's ready! "

Teacher: "It's amazing! What a clever girl! "

The Queen: "Well, that's fine! If she's so clever, then let her learn instead of me! And let her sign it too! "

Teacher: "And then, in this case, will you, Your Highness?"

Queen: "I? And I'll play a computer game! "

He climbs down from the throne, sits down in the corner to the laptop, takes the joystick and starts playing. The girl walks uncertainly to the throne.

Second picture

The same hall. On the throne is the Girl, next to her Teacher, they bent over making the decree.

Girl: "And all those who will not surrender after the 4th grade of the USE, leave for the second year ... And deprive him of a visa that allows him to leave the borders of our state, so that they do not dishonor the Russian land ..."

Teacher: "That's right! And let's add: "All thieves are forbidden to buy in the shops all sorts of goodies, do not let them on the rides, forbid turning on the computer ..." "

Girl: "That's right! Let me sign ... only here I will add: "... and make them study all summer instead of rest, until they learn the school curriculum!" "

The girl signs the decree, then the Executioner enters, goes to the former Queen, closes the laptop and takes her armpits, pulls him to the exit.

The queen kicks and yells: "I'll order you to cut off your head! Where are you taking me? "

Executioner: "How to where? To be engaged on all summer vacation to hand over then the Unified State Exam! This is the decree of the new Wise Queen! "

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