Food and drink, Recipes
For those on the diet: low-calorie recipes for weight loss
What is weight loss? If this process is correct, then it implies a combination of balanced nutrition, exercise and various procedures (if desired) in the beauty salon. There are many different diets, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of excess weight. Today we will tell you about the low-calorie recipes for weight loss. But the most important thing is the ability to save the result. Because very often all, with great difficulty lost, quickly returns.
general information
It is very difficult after losing weight to keep from having a tasty meal. Moreover, the required effect seems to have been achieved. Although diet is just a stage in losing weight. And further it is necessary to develop a specific list of measures, designed to again not gain weight. However, we have yet to reach this point. First of all, it is necessary to start to eat rationally and correctly.
Cooking carrot soup
Nevertheless, despite the rather large restrictions, low-calorie recipes for weight loss allow you to eat not only for the benefit of the figure, but also with taste. Learn how to cook and fill dishes - and notice the result. Unrefined sunflower and olive oil, lemon juice - the best refills.
Cooking process
Cut the circles with peeled carrots. Pieces of turnips and onions. Add garlic to it, put it in a large saucepan, pour broth or water, then bring it to a boil. Be sure to close the lid and on a small fire, stirring, cook. After 15-20 minutes, add all the spices. Wait a minute, salt, and cook for another five minutes.
Dinner with fish
Everyone knows that when you lose weight in the evening, it is contraindicated. We offer you a low-calorie dinner for weight loss. Recipes are very different, and our option is fish. Prepare fish with rice and vegetables, as well as spinach salad. So, in lemon juice, stew 90 grams of any red fish, season with greens finely chopped parsley. For a garnish, take one hundred grams of stewed vegetables, for example, a mixture of carrots, asparagus, onions and 40 grams of boiled rice. To make a salad, mix the red finely chopped onion, 200 grams of young spinach, orange or mandarin, cut into pieces - 50 grams.
Cooking chicken in a multivark
There are a variety of low-calorie recipes for weight loss. In a multivark, for example, the dishes are delicious and dietary. The recipe of one of them - chicken, stewed with tomatoes, pickles and onions, we now will introduce you. Calorie content is 75 kcal in 100 grams. Necessary ingredients: four chicken drumsticks, four pickled cucumbers, two tomatoes, one onion, one spoonful of mayonnaise and ketchup, spices and salt.
Recipe for a complex low-calorie salad
For two portions of mushroom salad with chicken, we need: 180 grams of chicken fillet, as much - champignons, two proteins and one yolk of chicken eggs, 50 grams of parsley, two cloves of garlic, 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese and five grams of olive oil. On a couple boil the chicken breast, after cooling, cut into small cubes. Lubricate a little olive oil frying pan, fry it with garlic cloves, cut across, add mushrooms and cook until golden crust. Spread the resulting on a plate. Then pour out the remaining oil in a skillet and fry the beaten eggs. After cooling, cut into several small pieces. We chop the greens very finely. In the end, we mix all the ingredients, pour yogurt, before cooling it, and sprinkle with greens on top. Try to use in practice our low-calorie recipes for weight loss. All dishes are delicious, a bit unusual. You will like them, and, losing weight, you will continue to cook them, so that the weight does not return.
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