Food and drink, Wines and spirits
Flavors for moonshine, flavor additives
Such an exciting lesson, like preparing strong alcohol at home on your own, finds today more and more fans. And not for the reason that good factory alcohol is expensive at a price. In your home production, you clearly control the process, and if everything is done in your mind, you get quality drinks that are not inferior, or even superior in their main characteristics branded. Flavors for moonshine in this case - not just a method to repel an unpleasant smell, it is also a way of obtaining various strong drinks that differ from each other in their taste qualities. And if you have already learned to drive out first-class and pure moonshine, then it's time to pay close attention to the issues of various additives.
But the additives are also different. By its qualities and characteristics, flavorings for moonshine can be divided into two large categories. The first of these is factory mixtures. In the shortest possible time, the ready-made mixes, flavors of factory production, will help maximize the strong homemade alcohol. They are made in industrial conditions, are certified and do not allow the presence of undesirable chemical compounds for the human body. With the help of mixes made from natural extracted raw materials, for example, from one unloaded batch of moonshine it is possible to make several home-made drinks at home at once. And for fans to experiment, there are also more original additives, like coffee or chocolate, caramel or berries, spices or fruit. These concentrates are also quite expensive, but they allow you to refine moonshine quickly and without loss of quality.
Process Features
Such concentrated flavors for moonshine today can be purchased at various outlets. The drug is usually offered instructions for its use. Follow it clearly, and the drink will turn out delicious, because some mixtures can be calculated even for 100 liters of distillate, so be extremely scrupulous in doses. Particular attention should be given to the shelf life of the mix. With the help of these additives, you can make drinks such as whiskey, tequila, gin, cognac, rum, absinthe and others. You can choose several favorite ones and surprise the guests who came to the festival. However, it should be remembered that even the most high-quality flavor does not remove impurities found in raw materials of poor cleaning, but only improves its taste qualities. So before you introduce the supplement, we advise you to thoroughly clean the drink (below it will be told how it is better and faster to do it).
Cognac flavor for moonshine
According to the rules of technology, this seasoned cognac is difficult to produce. And the time for this will have to spend a whole car. Today, some manufacturing plants have gone the other way, adding concentrates to the production of the drink. But the same ingredients can be bought and added at home to the same home-made brewery without overpaying extra money. And the taste, be sure, will not be worse, and maybe even more pleasant. Therefore, many craftsmen-moonshakers today choose cognac flavors for moonshine. Reviews of friends and guests about the final product are very positive. So it's worth trying to cook! Judging by the label, the composition of the cognac additive includes fragrances based on water of distilled and ethylene alcohols, artificial food colors and preservatives. For the preparation of brandy, in certain proportions, add the additive to the distillate, stir and persist for 24 hours. After that - ready, you can use!
Natural flavorings for moonshine
The next big group is homemade additives. I must say that the use of these author's mixes from natural ingredients is fully justified, since many do not trust the factory products much. It turns out: from what he strove to leave, he came to that and as a result. A homemade flavor for moonshine gives the opportunity to show their own imagination. In addition, all ingredients are under the strict control of the beverage manufacturer.
Popular home-made cognac
An example of a natural flavor for moonshine can serve as a cognac filler, made by hand. You will need such ingredients: oak bark, sugar, a little dried fruit, black leaf tea and dog rose (all ingredients - 2 spoons). And of course, high-quality distillate (1.5 liters of strength up to 50%). You can add black pepper and cinnamon for taste (at the tip of the knife). All the ingredients are crushed and poured into the dishes. Fill with alcohol, tightly close and insist in a dark place with a week. Then filter through gauze. You can drink!
Remove the smell
But first, before the above-described domestic preparations, we need to maximally clean our distillate. Many newcomers in this matter are concerned with the reasonable question: how to remove the smell of moonshine? After all, it can often come about with a distinctive smell and taste. But it is best not to discourage the smell, namely to perform a thorough cleaning. Then the amber will disappear, and substances harmful to the human body will leave as much as possible. There are several simple techniques, following which you can avoid many unpleasant odors.
Repeated distillation
How to remove the smell of moonshine? Profi recommend one of the most effective methods - a re-run. It is noticed that moonshine, which undergoes double (or even triple) distillation loses its characteristic smell and smack. In addition, many harmful impurities are removed from there as much as possible. How do I re-apply? Very simple. If you already drove moonshine, then it's quite easy to re-bounce it. The mixture must be diluted to a strength of 20%. According to experienced domestic producers, with such a low concentration of the solution, impurities will be separated much better. Otherwise, this process is reminiscent of the first run (do not forget to "cut down the tails and heads"). Let this process lead to certain losses in the mass of the final product and takes quite a long time, but allows you to catch the chemical compounds of oils, acids, other harmful elements. With the help of repeated distillation, you can bring any, even not quite quality moonshine in full order. It is also possible to apply cleaning along with activated charcoal, milk or eggs, and freezing. But the most productive approach is still the re-run.
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