
The capital of Austria. sights

Vienna is the capital of Austria, its political, economic and cultural center. It is also one of the nine lands of this state. It is located in the east of the country. Vienna is the largest city in Austria, and also the seat of the UN. In the article we will tell you about the sights of this beautiful city.

The castle of Kreuzenstein is worth visiting those people who are interested in the history of the country. It's not only instructive, but also interesting! Kreuzenstein is a cultural monument of Austria, located a few kilometers from Vienna. It has a rich 400-year history.

Vienna, the capital of Austria, has many interesting sites. Some of them are located in the High Market. Here was the center of the great Roman camp of Vindobon. This square was the seat of the court and the scene for executions. Also on the high square is a wedding fountain, built of white marble by the architect Fisher von Erlach. Here you can see the most beautiful amber watches made according to the artist Franz von Mach.

On the Karlsplatz square, pavilions in the Art Nouveau style that were once built by Otto Wagner for the railway in the city were recreated. These pavilions make up the competition for the first Viennese building in the same style - the Secession Building, located in the western part of Karlsplatz. On its territory there are monuments dedicated to Josef Madersperger (he created a sewing machine) and Ressel Yosef (who invented a propeller). To the southern part of the square there is a technical university and a beautiful church of St. Charles Borromeia, to the north - the House of the artist (construction in the neo-Renaissance style) and the building of the Musical Society, to the east - the museum of Vienna.

The capital of Austria will be interesting to those who love and respect history. First of all you should visit the Swiss Courtyard. At one time there was a Swiss guard, performing the function of personal protection of the emperor. It was on the orders of Ferdinand the First that the castle was built in the Renaissance style with the most beautiful Swiss gates. From here you can get to the Imperial chapel, which is made in the Gothic style. The chapel was built under Friedrich the Third. A little later her style was supplemented with Baroque elements. Also here you can see the spiritual treasury, which contains many priceless exhibits: relics belonging to the Burgundian dukes, the cradle of the king, the golden jug, the crown of the Roman Empire, the regalia of the Roman Empire.

The capital of Austria is the city of bridges. The city is divided into several parts by the Danube River, the Danube Canal and the Vienna River. Austria is an amazing country, in its capital there are more than 800 small and large bridges. The most famous of them are the High Bridge, the Radetsky Bridge, the Fillgraderstiege Staircase, the Hungarian Small Bridge, the Small Bridge, the Strudlhofstiege Staircase and the Rahlstiege Staircase, and a small bridge. All these facilities combine a pleasant design and history.

The capital of Austria is also famous for other interesting sights. This is a state opera, museum quarter, Hofburg, Prater, Hundertwasser House, Café Sacher, Ringstraße and Schönbrunn Palace.

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